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Dosjetka's Brazen Claws: ETL VI vow (01/05)


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Damn. Good catch, Jukkiz.


Believe or or not, I did drill both storm bolter barrels on the Captain and Dreadnought, and usually always drill the boltgun/bolt pistol/heavy bolter barrels... and yet missed that one. :lol:


Zoomed in on the picture and the boltgun barrel is actually drilled! What kind of heresy are you spouting, Jukkiz? :P

Damn. Good catch, Jukkiz.


Believe or or not, I did drill both storm bolter barrels on the Captain and Dreadnought, and usually always drill the boltgun/bolt pistol/heavy bolter barrels... and yet missed that one. :laugh.:


Zoomed in on the picture and the boltgun barrel is actually drilled! What kind of heresy are you spouting, Jukkiz? :tongue.:

But, assault cannon on oldie goldie dreadie?



Damn. Good catch, Jukkiz.


Believe or or not, I did drill both storm bolter barrels on the Captain and Dreadnought, and usually always drill the boltgun/bolt pistol/heavy bolter barrels... and yet missed that one. :laugh.:


Zoomed in on the picture and the boltgun barrel is actually drilled! What kind of heresy are you spouting, Jukkiz? :tongue.:

But, assault cannon on oldie goldie dreadie?

Dang bro. He has you there.


Drill baby drill!


(Don't look at my dreadnaught I built him some time before 2004)

  • 1 month later...

* blows thin layer of dust off thread *

So, what chapter this time mate?

See below, mate!

Damn. Good catch, Jukkiz.

Believe or or not, I did drill both storm bolter barrels on the Captain and Dreadnought, and usually always drill the boltgun/bolt pistol/heavy bolter barrels... and yet missed that one. :laugh.:

Zoomed in on the picture and the boltgun barrel is actually drilled! What kind of heresy are you spouting, Jukkiz? :tongue.:

But, assault cannon on oldie goldie dreadie?

Done! Thanks for spotting that. Pictures soon: :smile.:

Onwards to new shores, battle-brother :wink: what chapter will it be?

I was going to say "see below", but you've had the previews already. :wink:

Damn. Good catch, Jukkiz.

Believe or or not, I did drill both storm bolter barrels on the Captain and Dreadnought, and usually always drill the boltgun/bolt pistol/heavy bolter barrels... and yet missed that one. :laugh.:

Zoomed in on the picture and the boltgun barrel is actually drilled! What kind of heresy are you spouting, Jukkiz? :tongue.:

But, assault cannon on oldie goldie dreadie?

Dang bro. He has you there.

Drill baby drill!

(Don't look at my dreadnaught I built him some time before 2004)

Yup. But it's all good now!

Excited to see where this goes!

Cheers. :smile.:

I'm looking forward to this! I'm also looking forward to seeing which Chapter you've decided to go with :thumbsup:

Thanks, mate! For the Chapter, see below!

An under-represented but brimming with thematic and aesthetic potential underdog Chapter then, brother? Sterling! Downright jolly and utterly capital stuff!




Thank you? :tongue.:

WIP of my test model for ETL VI:


A Tactical Marine from the Brazen Claws Chapter.

Further prep work:


Thanks for looking! :thumbsup:

Christ, Dos, do you think you have enough Dreads underway?


Fine painting as always, though. :tu: The only thing I might have some criticism of is the studs on the leg -- they look rather rough compared to the rest of the model. I'm not entirely sure how that might be corrected, though.

That's cool, man. Love it :smile.:

Cheers, GM! :tu:

Looks great Dos! As you know, I'm a huge fan of split and quartered schemes, especially with your crisp style!

Thanks, mate! Split and quartered are the best, as we both know!

Really clean work, I particularly like the choice of colour for the metal.

Thank you, Pearson! I'm glad you like the metal: I didn't want gold so I experimented with Runelord Brass and I'm very happy with the result. :)

Wow, the quartered scheme is really striking on Mk III. Great work!

Thanks, Naryn!

Christ, Dos, do you think you have enough Dreads underway?

Fine painting as always, though. :thumbsup: The only thing I might have some criticism of is the studs on the leg -- they look rather rough compared to the rest of the model. I'm not entirely sure how that might be corrected, though.

Cheers, mate. :tu:

I've got six Dreadnoughts in total and I'd like to get them all done during the ETL. Regarding the studs, they are a little more rough. I'll see what I can do to neaten them up!

A rather unexpected Chaplain:


Hadn't planned to build a Chaplain at all for the ETL but he sort of came together and the end result is pretty good, if I may say so myself. :)

Anyway, thanks for looking! :tu:

Hello heelllooooo!

Looking forward to seeing this progress! That’s also a lot of dreads!

Cheers, hush! That is indeed a lot of Dreads. More to come! :D

Test model looks really good.

Cheers, Rads!

Ah I remember that Chaplain model, honestly I consider it one of the best Chappie sculpts GW's ever made, especially that Death Mask. I can't wait to see what you do with him Dos. :smile.:

Thank you, SR! The sculpt as-is isn't to my liking but with a few cuts here and there, plus some bits and pieces from other models, and it looks much better. :)

I've joined the ETL train with my Brazen Claws!

I, Chaplain Dosjetka, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes, in the name of the Brazen Claws Chapter, and vow to complete...

  • one Chaplain (with bolt pistol);
  • one Techmarine (with power sword and boltgun);
  • one Techmarine (with power axe and bolt pistol);
  • one 5-man Scout Squad (with storm bolter, chainsword, and boltguns);
  • one 10-man Tactical Squad (with combi-melta, chainsword, meltabombs, meltagun, and multi-melta);
  • one Apothecary;
  • one Dreadnought (with multi-melta, DCCW, and heavy flamer);
  • one Venerable Dreadnought (with assault cannon, DCCW, and storm bolter);
  • one Venerable Dreadnought (with twin heavy bolter, DCCW, and storm bolter);
  • one 3-man Scout Bike Squad (with two Astartes grenade launchers);
  • one 5-man Devastator Squad (with storm bolter, chainsword, armorium cherub, missile launcher, and lascannon);
  • one Land Speeder Storm (with heavy flamer);
...of total value 1269 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring my Chapter eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


From top left, going clockwise: Tactical Squad; Devastator Squad; Scout Bike Squad; the Dreadnought and two Venerable Dreadnoughts; the Techmarines, Chaplain, and Apothecary; the Scout Squad; and the Land Speeder Storm.


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