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Death Guard FAQ Suggestions


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For fun, I was wondering what, if anything, you would change about the current ruleset for Death Guard in the March FAQ.


A few easy ones come to mind for me:


- Give real (match play) legal rules for  "Felthius" as well as his tainted Cohort (make them fieldable, and give Felthius a cool relic!)


- Give DR to Chaos Lords/Sorcs


- Give Plague Surgeon usable abilities that are a little better than his current ruleset.


What do you think?


Keep in mind that this FAQ is not a points adjustment edition, just rules. (I think)


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- Give the Lord of Contagion the same leader buff (re-roll 1s) as the Chaos Lord, that would make him usable again.


- For the Plague Surgeon, maybe make it so you can re-roll any failed DR rolls.  While this might seem OP, his limited range will limit his effectiveness so I really don't think so.

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I think they deserve it, as how they stand currently, they gain no benefit from the DG trait, and are essentially armed with worse bubotic axes. With T5 and DR, and (wishful thinking) a flat 2/3 Attacks, I think they would be worth running.

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While we are wishlisting, I think giving DR to more Death Guard vehicles would be great. As it stands, the criminally inexpensive plague burst crawler is more survivable than the overpriced land raider. If I were a more cynical man, I would suspect this has something to do with lots of people already owning land raiders and the crawler being brand new...

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I honestly don’t think the Crawler is underpriced, as much as the Landraider is waaay over priced.


But if it had DR, would anyone really take it?


What makes competitive players take the crawler for ( in part) is the ability to heal it up and Daemon benefits. Honestly I don’t think I’d use LRs even with DR.


I actually didn’t mean for this to become wishlisting. The FAQ is around the corner, I just wanted to see for fun if any of our top concerns are addressed.

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BlackTriton -  I LOOOOOOVE that idea.  That makes a lot of sense!  It would just have to add that the RR DR for all Heretic Astartes Infantry models.


For vehicles, how about a similar option we he had in the last edition where we could give a vehicle the Demonic possession upgrade?


You can either have the vehicle as is, or you have the vehicle possessed, giving you DR and the 5+ Invulnerable save at the cost of -1 BS?

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The LoC either needs the Lord re-roll or he needs a ranged weapon. It sucks because I love the idea of the HQ, but he's a bit lackluster. That being said, I refuse to take a Lord since he has no Death Guard stats and was just lazily shoe horned in.


I would also ask that Blightlords have the option to take a second Special Weapon at 7, not 10. That way we can take them in the sacred number without being gimped.

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I would be happy if they just had a relic that gives any Death Guard character a DR of 4+ (even if the character normally doesn't have one). They could even state it can't be the free one, so it will cost at least 1CP.


And of course, DR for Possessed.

Edited by McElMcNinja
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I'd just be happy with a simple all HQs like lords, sorcerers etc having more access to the new plague weapons as it's pretty disappointing a lord can't be given a plague cleaver or Flail. Also all the vehicles like helbrutes, LRs, predators and defilers should all get access to the weapons the drones etc have so you can have helbrutes with heavy blight launchers or predators with entrophy cannons. I get kinda annoyed that GW create new weapons for the different factions only for it to be solely limited to only one unit without any other unit even be able to take it


Having DR on everything that doesn't have it when it should is another thing as well as a chosen style plague marine squad which can all take special weapons etc would be nice as well

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Havocs, plague marine Havocs with access to all the usual heavy weapons and blight launchers and plague spewers is sorely needed. That and DR on everything infantry, I do not understand why all the special new characters and units have DR but the old ones don't. Other than to make people spend more money...


Edit: also a squad of chosen who have access to all the melee special weapons would be beast with an extra wound/attack. I could totally get down for chosen plague marines again!

Edited by Marshal van Trapp
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I think id happily lose a point of movement to change the lord from Chaos Lord to Deathguard Lord (with DR)


And i agree with the better choice in weapons at the very least we should have the plague equivilent of all the power weapons (beubonic axe, greater plague cleaver) for characters.

The Flail might be TOO good in the hands of a character. Imagine rolling a 3 on the hits. 12 attacks, hitting on 2s, all damage rolling over to the next model.


With hot dice rolling thats a potential 24 damage at -2ap. I cant see that being popular with ANYONE!! (especially not khorne players...) which would lead to the flail being nerfed which spoils it for the basic infantry

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Are we wish listing for a codex rewrite or is it genuine errata and faq suggestions?


DR and +1 T on the Lord, sorc and possessed is probably the tamest, ignoring the fact that it goes against the trend of needing a dedicated nurgle kit to get DR. That being said, chaos Lords are already auto take for me in lists with plague marines, while Sorcerors are only attractive for the Terminator version. Possessed might be too good at t5 2w 5++ 5+++; -1 move might not balance enough, but if points go up for the increased resilience then the sorc becomes even less attractive.


I'd like to see more uses for the plague marine special melee weapons too; it'd be cool to make a lord with Axe/mace and offhand dagger. Cleaver would just replace the powerfists function though , while loki rightly pointed out how insane a highroll would be with a chaos lord using a flail. This one might actually be the most plausible since they can already take the swords and there's no "chaos lord" kit outside of the Terminator one so it already breaks the convention.


Plague marine havocs...yea no one would ever take normal squads if you could just 5 man spam special or heavy weapons. See what happens in CSM with plasma havocs, except theres even more synergy with blight launchers. It also straight up goes against " strong medium range" if you can just five them all las.


Chosen with all special weapons, see above about havocs for ranged and flail for melee.


Heavy Blight Launchers on brutes would be another bad design choice imo. While they're bad on drones, it's only because it's bs4 and it competes with double spitters. On a brute you get stable bs3, with pretty good manoeuvrability and of course reroll 1+arch contaminator synergy. They'd be even better on preds for 125. Entropy cannons are a big yawn since they're just worse lascannons and no one would take them, but plague spitters of course would be slapped on everything that could.

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My understanding is the FAQ is out this month. As far as I know it’s purely a rules fix/adjustment, no points


I wanted to see what, if anything, we as DG players see as a problem will be fixed.

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My only thing is for Chaos in general.


Finally make Helbrutes daemons to be closer to the current actual model. There is more flesh on the Helbrutes than Forge/Mauler Fiends, Heldrakes, Defilers, Mutilators, and Obliterators combined... The current rules more closely represent the older Dreads than the current model. The disparity really kills it for me... I love the current model, but the rules just dont jive.... If Possessed and Oblits/Mutilators can be daemons, why cannot the Helbrute...


Again, i think its another instance of GW not wanting to invalidate the older Chaos Dreads. It was fine in the past when the only Helbrute came in Dark Vengeance, but now that it has its own multipart kit, IT really needs its own rules to make it stand out from older Chaos Dreads.. I would gladly pay more points for it.


S6, T7, 8W, 3+, 5++


That one little change would fix Helbrutes for the better.

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My only thing is for Chaos in general.Finally make Helbrutes daemons to be closer to the current actual model. There is more flesh on the Helbrutes than Forge/Mauler Fiends, Heldrakes, Defilers, Mutilators, and Obliterators combined... The current rules more closely represent the older Dreads than the current model. The disparity really kills it for me... I love the current model, but the rules just dont jive.... If Possessed and Oblits/Mutilators can be daemons, why cannot the Helbrute..

Because they simply aren't. Different fluff and all that. Just because they are heavily mutated it doesn't mean they're daemonic.

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My only thing is for Chaos in general.Finally make Helbrutes daemons to be closer to the current actual model. There is more flesh on the Helbrutes than Forge/Mauler Fiends, Heldrakes, Defilers, Mutilators, and Obliterators combined... The current rules more closely represent the older Dreads than the current model. The disparity really kills it for me... I love the current model, but the rules just dont jive.... If Possessed and Oblits/Mutilators can be daemons, why cannot the Helbrute..

Because they simply aren't. Different fluff and all that. Just because they are heavily mutated it doesn't mean they're daemonic.


Fluff can change. Who is to say that the Helbrute itself isnt daemonic? Yes, the Sarcophagus is still there, and the unplug it from the Helbrute between battles. They still have to chain the Helbrute down, even with the Sarcophagus is unplugged. Its not that much of a leap to say the Helbrute itself is daemonic despite the Marine stuffed into the Sarcophagus isnt. Hell, it's even easier to explain the Crazed rule as Pilot and Daemon vie for control.

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