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the big fat errata(Released!)


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2 major rule changes

one oft those is about reinforcements ( instead of count of units, its about points.)

new poxwalker cost points

reaper cost 10 points more

shining spears go up in points too

no information about point reductions... but there are a few units with increased point costs ---> maybe we are the lucky ones

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I'm curious what a second major change could be? As for everything else if they can lower the price of neophytes and the land raider chassis I'll be content, and if they implement any other changes we suggested then the Avalon Crusade shall purge a hundred xenos worlds in their honor.

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The reinforcement change might just wreck any chance of first turn deep strike assault for marines considering all the good stuff is somewhat expensive but it might also help bringing drop pods back. We will see what the FAQ holds but Im not expecting anything great.
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Maby some offtop, but i don’t want to start new topic.

There is rule that one unit can use one granade in shooting phase. But If we take 10 intercessors we can take two granade launchers. Can i throw two granades in one shooting phase?

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Maby some offtop, but i don’t want to start new topic.

There is rule that one unit can use one granade in shooting phase. But If we take 10 intercessors we can take two granade launchers. Can i throw two granades in one shooting phase?


No, you can still only throw one grenade per unit. The grenade launcher simply increases the range but it's still a grenade. Taking two grenade launchers is only a good idea if you're going to combat squad that unit.

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The silence and mystery surrounding the FAQ's/errata's release is really baffling. I mean, do we even know the areas the FAQ/errata will cover? People seem to hope that point costs will be adjusted, but that's in closing in on Chapter Approved's territory. Then again, I've gotten used to being baffled by what's going on in the hobby.

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FLG are saying don't expect sweeping point costs adjustments outside of a few Meta domineering units.


The second volume of Chapter Approved will be the fix to the point imbalances at the end of the year.

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I do expect some point adjustments but not on a level we've seen with the CA. The thing is, GW never told us in detail what exactly we have to expect so all we can do is wait and see. It's the first of those big FAQs we'll be getting after all.

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I do expect some point adjustments but not on a level we've seen with the CA. The thing is, GW never told us in detail what exactly we have to expect so all we can do is wait and see. It's the first of those big FAQs we'll be getting after all.

not the level of CA?  CA was a joke in terms of balancing.

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I do expect some point adjustments but not on a level we've seen with the CA. The thing is, GW never told us in detail what exactly we have to expect so all we can do is wait and see. It's the first of those big FAQs we'll be getting after all.

not the level of CA?  CA was a joke in terms of balancing.



I didn't say it was proper balancing, did I? I was talking about the volume of changes, not the quality.


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This topic is dead. There's no information until the errata actually comes out. I hope the mods lock this until the errata comes out because rumor mongering is just getting old. 


if you are not interested - then you must not read this.


Other people care about, and sometimes its funny to see ohter expections...

Yeah some like it . but with all the mistakes and such . I would put down to one of the most poorly prepared rule sets they have done.

really? I like the game. maybe balancing is more important for me then some other things.

What do you want to change?

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As far as I can tell there is no slander or defamation going on here. Rumors are just that, rumors until GW posts an article making something official.  If someone claims a person or group to be the source of a rumor and they are not, they are certainly welcome to dispute that. However, it must be done so in accordance to board rules and threatening another member with legal action is not something the B&C condones or will tolerate. 


Be civil to one another please. 

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Wish they'd add the simplest rule of extra attacks when charging in... but GW usually does the Kylo Ren (Star Wars reference) joke of "Let the Past Die, Kill it if you have to..."


So I highly doubt I'd be seeing this make a comeback... but I guess it works for BA, Orks, Khorne and Nids, and as far as GW is concerned those are the only melee armies out there, so why boost melee effectiveness for the Templars when they are primarily a shooting army...


When is the errata/FAQ coming out, so I could at least make a decision if a comeback into gaming is appropriate or not...

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When is the errata/FAQ coming out, so I could at least make a decision if a comeback into gaming is appropriate or not...


That's the 1 million dollar question. I think most of the community checks WarCom everyday in anticipation of the FAQ currently. :D

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Wish they'd add the simplest rule of extra attacks when charging in... but GW usually does the Kylo Ren (Star Wars reference) joke of "Let the Past Die, Kill it if you have to..."


So I highly doubt I'd be seeing this make a comeback... but I guess it works for BA, Orks, Khorne and Nids, and as far as GW is concerned those are the only melee armies out there, so why boost melee effectiveness for the Templars when they are primarily a shooting army...


When is the errata/FAQ coming out, so I could at least make a decision if a comeback into gaming is appropriate or not...


because they are not... Not even normal Ultramarines are a "shooty" army. At the moment they are better in shooting then to be in melee - but Terminators, Vanguard, Assault Squad are not a shooty unit.

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Wish they'd add the simplest rule of extra attacks when charging in... but GW usually does the Kylo Ren (Star Wars reference) joke of "Let the Past Die, Kill it if you have to..."


So I highly doubt I'd be seeing this make a comeback... but I guess it works for BA, Orks, Khorne and Nids, and as far as GW is concerned those are the only melee armies out there, so why boost melee effectiveness for the Templars when they are primarily a shooting army...


When is the errata/FAQ coming out, so I could at least make a decision if a comeback into gaming is appropriate or not...




because they are not... Not even normal Ultramarines are a "shooty" army. At the moment they are better in shooting then to be in melee - but Terminators, Vanguard, Assault Squad are not a shooty unit.

Just because you have some assault elements it doesn't mean you aren't a shooty army. By that logic anything that isn't T'au is no shooty army lol


Also Assault Squads are no real melee units either. They can have two special weapons, an eviscerator and a power weapon on the sergeant. The Chainswords barely matter since they're lacking an attack compared to veterans anyway. That makes them more shooty than choppy but actually the only thing they are is being mobile. Hence why nobody is taking them currently.


Terminators also exist as shooty and as choppy variant so simply saying “Terminators“ isn't right either.


Face it, Marines are primarily a shooty army. With some assault elements, yes, but mainly shooty.

The thing is that Marines at their core are jack of all trades with their base stats of WS3+, BS3+, S4, T4 and Sv3+. It's just that the unit and weapon options leans way more towards shooty than towards choppy unless you play BA or SW.

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Wish they'd add the simplest rule of extra attacks when charging in... but GW usually does the Kylo Ren (Star Wars reference) joke of "Let the Past Die, Kill it if you have to..."


So I highly doubt I'd be seeing this make a comeback... but I guess it works for BA, Orks, Khorne and Nids, and as far as GW is concerned those are the only melee armies out there, so why boost melee effectiveness for the Templars when they are primarily a shooting army...


When is the errata/FAQ coming out, so I could at least make a decision if a comeback into gaming is appropriate or not...



because they are not... Not even normal Ultramarines are a "shooty" army. At the moment they are better in shooting then to be in melee - but Terminators, Vanguard, Assault Squad are not a shooty unit.

Just because you have some assault elements it doesn't mean you aren't a shooty army. By that logic anything that isn't T'au is no shooty army lol


Also Assault Squads are no real melee units either. They can have two special weapons, an eviscerator and a power weapon on the sergeant. The Chainswords barely matter since they're lacking an attack compared to veterans anyway. That makes them more shooty than choppy but actually the only thing they are is being mobile. Hence why nobody is taking them currently.


Terminators also exist as shooty and as choppy variant so simply saying “Terminators“ isn't right either.


Face it, Marines are primarily a shooty army. With some assault elements, yes, but mainly shooty.

The thing is that Marines at their core are jack of all trades with their base stats of WS3+, BS3+, S4, T4 and Sv3+. It's just that the unit and weapon options leans way more towards shooty than towards choppy unless you play BA or SW.


okay - we are too focused on one side. SM are normally both. If you look on the codex Astartes (fluff). A normal fluffy company have a normal squad (tactical) which should do everything. Devastors for shooting and Assault for Close combat. Even the normal veterans are both - vanguard and sternguards. Even Terminators can both. Problem is just that in terms of design, they made shooting so much stronger.


SM are still Allrounder. (better said, they should be... but they are not).

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