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Greater Good Today


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Figured out my paintscheme! So had to go out and buy some paint (because of course I can't use the million colours I already have, need slightly different shades for this scheme...) and oh my what is this a few broadsides fell onto the till and before I knew it he had rung them up!


Felt so embarrassed to have him take them out I just had to buy them....

after the sad news from sfPanzer..i now have to rethink my Coldstar loadout :sweat:  i still want the Ho-Bc/Mp and another Bc ....what else?..?.. :ermm:

ATS or Shield Gen...???



 If you want extra damage, ATS, if you want a bit more survivability then shield gen.

My current coldstar is HOBC, MPx2 and shield gen, while an ascetic choice he can take on the multi wound stuff I tend to fight against. Next is one with fusion blades, HOBC and MP for a melee version. 

I'd be much more interested in the MP if it were S8. It's very obviously an anti-infantry weapon since it doesn't has the required amount of shots to properly threaten vehicles with just AP-1 but with S7 it's the same as S5 or S6 against T4. It's better against T3 but against those you really don't need the 1d3 damage lol.

I'd be much more interested in the MP if it were S8. It's very obviously an anti-infantry weapon since it doesn't has the required amount of shots to properly threaten vehicles with just AP-1 but with S7 it's the same as S5 or S6 against T4. It's better against T3 but against those you really don't need the 1d3 damage lol.

The MP was and still is an assault version of the autocannon, plus S7 can work well against light transports and walkers which are T7 to T5. 

Looks good!

Is the rest of your Cadre painted in the green and white scheme? I really like it.


Today I built my Commander, he’s ready for the start of the ETL!

Tonight I’ll be building some drones and painting my second support turret.

Yeah and the Autocannon is cheaper and has fix D2 instead of D1d3 ... and is also one of the more rarely seen weapons. ^^


well an Autocannon can't leap 40" across a board and shoot now can it?... :tongue.: 


@OnboardG1 - Looking great, and a nice colour combo going on there :thumbsup: 


@Jud - well done,can't wait to see your commander done :cool.:




Yeah and the Autocannon is cheaper and has fix D2 instead of D1d3 ... and is also one of the more rarely seen weapons. ^^


well an Autocannon can't leap 40" across a board and shoot now can it?... :tongue.:



My point was that even the Autocannon who's cheaper and more reliable is not considered a good weapon compared to other available things. Who needs 40" movement on a 36" weapon anyway lol

Meh, all the characters who are actually scared of some MP shots (against T3 Sv4+ it's ~7 damage, against T4 Sv3+ it's only ~4 damage) usually hide in the middle of units without such an obvious weak spot as an exposed back and in return you risk losing your Coldstar quite easily by moving so far into enemy territory. At least in my local meta.

I also questioning the worth of trading a Coldstar who could really wreck things with a cheap character (because the expensive ones won't get killed by it). Better use some deep strike units for that like Crisis or even just Vespid.

Today i dusted off/purchased and set up all the models i'm going to commit to for the ETL and started preparing my timeline/pledge timetable for it so i have a set plan to work to and not get derailed by chasing butterflies (All shiny new stuff from GW :rolleyes: ) and stay on track for this ETL !




@sfPanzer - you better skedaddle back over to the Blood angels forum and start getting your models ready...your going to need all the help/motivation you can get to finish your vows...:tongue.: i want to see finished models from you this year ...:biggrin.:  

Looks good!

Is the rest of your Cadre painted in the green and white scheme? I really like it.


Today I built my Commander, he’s ready for the start of the ETL!

Tonight I’ll be building some drones and painting my second support turret.

Yeah, I did a squad of Fire Warriors in it a few years ago and couldn’t wait for ETL to paint him :p

No time to prepare for the ETL due being busy moving and stuff. Building and priming them will be part of my vows I fear. :tongue.:


okay maybe all we'll get from you is primed models this year :biggrin.: ... are you a T'AU plant to make the blood angels fail this year :tongue.:  ...For the Greater Good!! 





If I have time I work on some other projects, but for ELVI I'm doing admech.





Sorry, but my local group is doing a Tales of Gamers thing and I'm double dipping my painting for it to the ELVI.


Full disclosure: I was planning on doing a battlesuit heavy Tau army for it, get my Macross on with the paint schemes. First squad of battlesuits was going be in the cannon fodder colour scheme (brown and white). But the guy running it was like, 'Why don't you do your knights and give the others a curve ball to deal with?'


So knights it was and it actually made him rethink his own lists.


So you can blame him for me doing Ad Mech instead of Tau for this.


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