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Imperial Knights House Traits & Stratagems


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What's weird is if the armigers don't get a special rule that allows them to move and shoot heavy weapons without penalty. If the autocannon guns are heavy (or the current heavy stubber), under the current rules they would have worse BS when moving and not advancing (with house raven). So I imagine armigers will be getting a rule that lets them move and shoot heavy weapons without penalty.


I do agree raven is an amazing trait, even just for the extra movement allowing us to play the mission, and adding d6" to our threat ranges making it a lot harder to calculate where you need to be to stay out of our range. Do you assume the knight player always rolls a 6 for his advance? Or do you take a chance and assume he will roll average? Those sort of things can really mess with your opponent.


But surely you could still advance and just not move the whole distance, correct? I mean it'd be very strange for that scenario to exist, so you might be right. Or all of it's guns are just assault (sans the heavy stubber I suppose)

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But surely you could still advance and just not move the whole distance, correct? I mean it'd be very strange for that scenario to exist, so you might be right. Or all of it's guns are just assault (sans the heavy stubber I suppose)

Sure you don't have to use all your movement even if you advance. But then you wouldn't be able to charge, because you advanced. So basically it would be advance for better BS or have worse BS and still be able to move and charge. Pretty weird.

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Guest MistaGav

Maybe tomorrow will bring something instead. I'd really like to see what stratagems they have for us and what the freeblade knights do.

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Yeah, the Armigers would be working in a wierd way if they don't get the rule that ignores heavy weapon penalties when moving, albeit the thermal lance is already assault instead of heavy, so the benifit would only be to the heavy stubber.


I'm looking at Raven for my lists, primarily because I already have a Castigator (painting it atm for ETL on the side of the 1st legion), which advances an extra d6, and has that heavy 14 S6 -2 D2 gun. All it would need then would be raven trait and a stratagem that would allow it to charge after advancing, and it would be a breeze playing it, at least if you got to go first ;)


House Terryn would be OK too, it'd be 3d6 advance discaring the lowest and 3d6 charge discarding the lowest. All it takes is that stratagem that enables it to charge after advancing. Ravenwing has it (amongst others).

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Yeah raven also adds significantly more movement when your knight is damaged (as the advance distance it doesn't get affected by damage). Pretty handy for retreating out of threat range and/or to shrines/priests for repairs.
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Yeah raven also adds significantly more movement when your knight is damaged (as the advance distance it doesn't get affected by damage). Pretty handy for retreating out of threat range and/or to shrines/priests for repairs.

 That is true, hadn't even thought about that. Also didn't realize until quite recently that you can advance out of combat. Been playing it wrong for a year. But then, every time I need to fall back, I have that ridiculous DA mission that tells me not to fall back (or fail the mission), so I rarely do fall back as with no advance, it feels rather pointless, because your opponent just lands another charge next turn.

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Here is hoping that Taranis isn’t the ugly forgotten step child rules wise. That’s my colour scheme but I will begrudgingly play it regardless

Same, I went for Taranis to go with my Ryza ad Mech, so I guess they can hang out and use their useless traits together!

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Here is hoping that Taranis isn’t the ugly forgotten step child rules wise. That’s my colour scheme but I will begrudgingly play it regardless

Same, I went for Taranis to go with my Ryza ad Mech, so I guess they can hang out and use their useless traits together!
I don’t know whether to laugh or buy you a beer. Both would be good.
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Honestly gents, unless it matters hugely to you to be fluffy, run whatever trait you like - regardless of how you painted your models. The hobby is just too expensive for anyone to be repainting with every codex drop, and in my opinion, if an opponent has an issue with you using a legal rule because of a colour, they're being a massive jerk... I'd let you, no question at all. Any tourny would too as long as it was clear as to what you were running where.

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Honestly gents, unless it matters hugely to you to be fluffy, run whatever trait you like - regardless of how you painted your models. The hobby is just too expensive for anyone to be repainting with every codex drop, and in my opinion, if an opponent has an issue with you using a legal rule because of a colour, they're being a massive jerk... I'd let you, no question at all. Any tourny would too as long as it was clear as to what you were running where.


True enough.  And we still don't have full info on the Freeblade rules options, which hint at being even more flexible.  Really, as long as I know what my opponent intends a model to be (ie. they tell me before the model is deployed), then I don't care what colour they paint it.

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Honestly gents, unless it matters hugely to you to be fluffy, run whatever trait you like - regardless of how you painted your models. The hobby is just too expensive for anyone to be repainting with every codex drop, and in my opinion, if an opponent has an issue with you using a legal rule because of a colour, they're being a massive jerk... I'd let you, no question at all. Any tourny would too as long as it was clear as to what you were running where.


True enough.  And we still don't have full info on the Freeblade rules options, which hint at being even more flexible.  Really, as long as I know what my opponent intends a model to be (ie. they tell me before the model is deployed), then I don't care what colour they paint it.



That's it. As long as you're upfront about what trait you intend to use in the game, no reasonable person is going to have an issue with you over your paint job ;)

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Keyword: Reasonable People.


If they don't have this keyword, play them anyway...


...and the moment they move their first model, yell; 'Ha! You potted the black!', then run around the table at them, making Zoidberg noises and pincer hands.


Should do it.

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