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Daemon Prince without Wings

Lord Abaia

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I just picked up a metal Daemon Prince off eBay. It's the Diaz sculpt and I love the model. I love it so much that I don't want to bastardize it with a sub-par kitbash trying to stick wings on it. I know Daemon Princes with Wings are awesome, what I'm wondering about is his earth-bound brother, the foot-prince. Does anyone have any good experiences running one without wings in large (2k points) games?

Is he too expensive to run as a backline support unit? He seems like he would do it very well by granting reroll 1s to my havocs and helbrutes and being able to cast prescience or god-specific defense buffs as well as being a strong counter-charge unit.

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A Daemon Prince without wings will still be a good addtition ot any army simply by being a Daemon Prince, the question tho is ... why? The wings are cheap and offer a lot of utility. Rules-wise there's zero reason to play one without wings. ^^

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If you are afraid of a kitbash, put him on a Disc (of Tzeentch) and say that counts as wings. I doubt anyone would mind. You could even put magnets in his feet and the disc so you can use him as footslogger, should that ever become an attractive option.
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So it looks like DP with wings is too good to pass up. I may have just found a pair of the old dragon wings that are supposed to fit in the back sockets of the DP kit. Hopefully I can get those and make my winged prince for ETL. Thanks.

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I have an old metal Great Unclean One named Gary. I bought the Daemon Codex last week and I noticed it only costs 1 command point to deepstrike a Daemon Prince without wings. I also noticed the new Great Unclean One model is now much larger than Gary. However the Daemon Prince model has increased in size over the years and is now the same size as Gary.

In my next few games I think I'll try out Gary as a deep-striking Daemon Prince of Nurgle (using the DP from the CSM Codex so he buffs both my CSM and my Nurgle daemons). I'll keep him without wings because he'd look pretty dorky with wings, because Nurgle is supposed to be all slow and oozy, and because he uses fewer CP to deepstrike.

Apropos of nothing, I store Gary in the back seat of my car.




I've long kept him there in case I get the DP result on the boon table. I once actually rolled a 12 last edition and ran out to my car to get Gary. I gave my parents a ride on Tuesday and my mom sat on him and broke his arm off. We all thought that was pretty hilarious.

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I use a walking Prince in my Iron Warriors army (lending morale control and psychic buffs to Possessed and Cultist blobs), and another in my Thousand Sons (likewise in the middle of a block of infantry-Rubricae this time). I've had great success with both as they provide both buffs and a hellish countercharge should someone try to smash into my infantry.


With those specific army builds and the need to remain centered in the blob, I don't fork out the extra price for the wings because I never see them leaving that blob and I haven't missed them at all.

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Instead of DSing for 1CP, you could make it a Slaanesh DP, make it your Warlord and give it Celerity of Slaanesh and it'll be pretty speedy getting across the table. IDK if you can give it the Relic sword that regains wounds, but that would be good if you could.


Don't give it wings if you don't want it to have wings just 'cause someone on the 'net said you should. There's always more than one way to skin a cat.


I'd DS it behind a screen of lesser Daemons, personally. Twenty Daemonettes and a DP DSing for 2CP, for example.


EDIT - Forgot to say, you'd have to make it a C:CD DP, rather than a C:CSM DP for all the above to work. Forty lesser Daemons and a wingless DP for a Patrol Detachment will run you 450pts, without Instruments and Icons, leaving you lots of space for your CSMs and will cost 3CP to DS.

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I've got a wingless prince (the lovely old metal model as well) from the old days of the boon table, just in case. I've used him in 8th, he's not as good as a flying one but he is still useful. I use him with a group of dreads, he can keep up with them to give them reroll 1s and buff them with psychic powers, and they can keep him safe from being targeted. He's not super competitive but he's perfectly usable in your regular 'casual' games.
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I recently purchased the Nurgle Daemon Prince and I'm contemplating weather to put wings on him or not. I think I may put some small bat wings on him (if I can make it look right), just so I have the option to take him with with wings.
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I agree on the Diaz model, my favourite all time Chaos piece. I to fitted the dragon wings, whilst the do look good the model does look better without. You could always try magnetising them, though I did pin mine.


Top tip, when you build the metal version, fill his body with greensfuff. I then pinned the arms/legs and he is much stronger as a result :tu:

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I have used a Thousand Sons prince without wings. He sits in the back and casts Gaze of Fate, which is useful whether you have a shooty or melee army. He can cast a 2nd power as Thousand Sons and you might as well have it be -1 to hit on those havocs or Temporal Manipulation on that Helbrute to make sure it lives longer.

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I use Balewind Vortex model for my counts as wings. I don't even glue it, so I can just stick Ahriman, or my Ogroid Thaumaturge DP On it. For my Iron Warriors/DG I have glottkin be my footslogging DP because he looks so cool. He is just there for aura and protection against close combat enemies.

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Well I had found a pair of the old plastic dragon wings on eBay... and some guy sniped it out from me with less than a minute left on the clock. Looks like I'll be magnetizing the "vents" for now to leave open the possibility of future wings. Also a couple of guys from my gaming store are starting to run practices for ATC this summer so I'll probably run some games with them using counts-as for different loadouts until I decide how I want to run him.


I'll probably just keep my metal model wingless because it looks good, and pick up a plastic one for a winged version for gaming.

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I didn’t realise that GW had stopped selling them, that sucks as they fit perfect.


I would maybe try make a greenstuff press mound of the ‘socket’ where the vents go before painting, then when you decide on wings you will be able to fit the molded shape to the base of the wing and they should fit well :tu:

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