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Quarry Rewrite Idea

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I honestly don't like the quarry rule. I feel like its almost too powerful and, as such, justifies the lack of a decent aura on inquisitors and the points of acolytes. Yet, its situational enough that the army as a faction suffers the instant you're not facing your quarry. Inquisitors are hardened warriors more often than not and their acolytes have faced some of the worst horrors of the galaxy. I feel like there must be a nice middle ground between what we have now and nothing at all. This was my idea.



Quarry: At the beginning of the movement phase, each inquisitor with the Quarry rule may select a single enemy unit within line of sight. Until the controlling player's next movement phase, <ordo> units within 6" of the inquisitor that posses the Quarry rule may re-roll 1s to hit. If the selected unit is the TARGET of the inquisitor's <ordo>, then 1s to wound may also be rerolled.



I feel this gives some flavorful benefit to inquisitors, essentially a reroll aura but only against one unit, that still gives some benefit to their chosen nemesis (better name than target now that I think of it.) It also encourages acolytes and such to stick near their inquisitor and opens up rules options for units (Interrorgators, for example) to, perhaps, be able to get Quarry benefits outside of the normal range limitation.


It also works from a fluff perspective since inquisitors aren't always going after greater daemons, rogue psykers, or farseers. They sometimes go after regular old traitors that need hunted like some kind of quarry...

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