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here is my Vulkan He'Stan. I built him before the model came out. The picture from the old Codex served as a blueprint:


Unfortunately, it is an old and bad photo and was still in work. But I think you can see the details of the picture quite well from the figure.


@ Apologist

Thanks for the heads up! I'll have a good nose through, its wicked stuff.  Super inspiring.


I know its on the Krakendoomcool Blog but just in case people haven't looked there, one of my favourite homages I made (not that I've made that many) is this one... its sort of a double homage.  I made 3 models for 3 friends for christmas, they are all Inquisitors I wrote homebrew rules for (that would compliment their armies and play styles).  Myself and Krakendoom are both huge fans for Aliens and as he is a sensible man who doesn't want to rope-a-dope a genestealer into submission, I made him a ranged Inquisitor.  The Result was to give him a Smart gun from Aliens, then I made they guy look a little bit like the player himself. It also seemed appropriate as the Concept of the gifts was facing overwhelming hordes of Tyranids.




I'll have to leave the painting up to him though, although who knows how long that will take with Juggling parenting and the wolf lords project.


Another favourite film of ours is The Thing... and while I have already made some possessed who's aesthetic was inspired by the film, they aren't really homages... but I'm thinking about grabbing some stills and trying to make some possessed marines that are directly taken from the those.


Amazing work so far everyone, I second apologist's statements that the Homages Thread is an awesome idea.  Loving all this stuff, lets keep it up!

Thanks, it was pretty fiddly. I didn't have any square section plastic, so i made it out of two small angle cross section pieces stuck together. Still more chunky than i would have liked but the best i think i could do at the time. The framework was fun to build and i'm very happy with that.

All things considered im really pleased with the result. It went better than i expected!

Edited by Azwaz

I've learned about this thread after a heads-up from Ciler, to whom I also owe the comparison of the the WIP photo the original piece below.


Here's my humble take on the classic work of Kev Walker, if I'm not mistaken. The conversion is vertically flipped due to me not having a suitable power fist.




And the painted model (more images here):



Great job everyone!


@ Salamander Bob

Great Vulkan. Real nice. A friend of mine is making a Vulkan right now so I've shown him yours for inspiration.


@ Azwaz

Thanks again for the gift, it's immense. I better get him painted up ASAP. My mini me Drake homage.

"Man you look just like I feel" - Drake


@ Brother Cristopher

I love this pic. Real nice Homage, I particularly like the legs that a great detail.

That Black Templar is awesome.  Really good effort, how did you get the plasticard to match the contours of the shins Brother Christopher?


Apart from patience and practice, I did it through trial and error. I used 0.25 mm plasticard which I cut to roughly match the shin. With plastic this thin, it folds easily enough to recreate the surface of the shin. Then I cut the squarish notches. I ignored the bottom part of the added armour plate since it would be a pain to make it match the curve above the boot; instead, I evened the surface out with green stuff.

What an absolutely fantastic idea for a thread, and some brilliant work from the fellow frater! :smile.:


@ Apologist: Your work never fails to inspire! I instantly remembered the Wayne England sketch that Ultramarine was based on, and that re-enactment of the "Horus Rising" cover makes me smile every time! :smile.:


@ poom: While I already know that - brilliant - Khargos, it is good to see you posting again, mate! :smile.:


So, anyway, looking at my own collection made me realise it's chock-full of homages, ridiculously enough, so the following is just the tip of the iceberg:


In my recent Ordo Scriptorum warband, both the Inquisitor and his bureaucultist follower have been inspired by Wayne England's work:






The interrogator from the same warband is an homage to PDH's Ordo Scriptorum Inquisitor:




Then there's my conversion of Angron, Primarch of the XII Legion, based once more on an illustration by Wayne England:






And while we are on the subject of Angron, my Daemon-Primarch version of him was at least heavily inspired by Alex Boyd's seminal piece of artwork:






And from my back catalogue, there's Inquisitor Zuul...




...built to resemble an illustration from the Inquisitor rulebook:




Like I said, there's more. But I think that's enough for my first post on this thread :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist

@ Krautscientist

Amazing stuff! I absolutely love those Angrons. I’d always looked at that Angron Daemon Primarch piece of art and wondered how to go about turning it into a model. You’ve completely nailed it. Also love the other Angron which is a lesser seen alternative.


The redo of the inquisitor is brilliant and really cements his place in the 40k universe.


Fantastic as always!

I can only second Krakendoom's obvious but well deserved statement.  Very awesome Homages, the latest of which I've enjoyed following, very inspiring.  There's just not enough hours in the day to work on the number of projects these images are making me WANT to work on!

This is not mine, and it's leagues above anything I could ever build or paint, but since it's pretty much my favorite ever homage, I figured it needed to be featured / linked-to on here...


Just take a look at this glorious TheWaaagh! thread...



Madscuzzy is an admin here.

Dammit, that's what happens when I try to post in the middle of work. Had meant to mention the source and thought I had when I came back to click on the post button... Edited by Spinsanity

This is not mine, and it's leagues above anything I could ever build or paint, but since it's pretty much my favorite ever homage, I figured it needed to be featured / linked-to on here...


Just take a look at this glorious TheWaaagh! thread...



Madscuzzy is an admin here.

My first art-to-mini was nameless Black Templar marine for a contest in Warforge forum. Six years ago.


7234069330_9737ab14b0_z.jpg 7234063252_941bba57da_z.jpg



Another one is Alvarex Maun - Captain of the Raven Guard during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.





With a slotted base, like on FW HH Characters series.



This is not mine, and it's leagues above anything I could ever build or paint, but since it's pretty much my favorite ever homage, I figured it needed to be featured / linked-to on here...

Just take a look at this glorious TheWaaagh! thread...




Madscuzzy is an admin here.

Madscuzzy is a legend here (on this thread). Absolutely love that one. I remember seeing that one before. Just showed by nephew he loved it too. This thread is become a collection of my favourite things.


@ Steinhart

Great homages. Really leaning into the knight angle with the black Templar there. Not seen a chain mail hood in 40k before as far as I can remember. Looks wicked.


Great job with the ravenguard. Particularly the face on the model. Really captured it.

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