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If there is a Techmarine next to a unit of Honor Guard and the Techmarine is shot, it wounds, he fails his armor save and the 6+ "feel no pain", or whatever it is called now, but then the Honor Guard rolls for their ability to take the wound instead of the character and succeeds, do they to get the 6+ "feel no pain"?

So, is that ability kinda better for the Iron Hands?


Please excuse grammar, Spelling mistakes and such.

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Yep. Pretty sure they get their FNP roll.


My wife has been casting Catalyst on her Tyrant Guard, making her Swarmlord virtually unkillable. I get a wound through, which the Tyrant Guard eats, then the Tyrant Guard has a 1 in 3 chance of ignoring the wound. Drives me buggy.

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