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Doing bases for my deathwatch. And I'm kind of split between the process. Fluff wise these guys tend to fight on "dead" desolated planets. And I'm crossed between the two. They wouldn't be uniformed completely because I have guard as my allies and well that's alot. But the space marines on 32 will be the themed. Just want a few opinions and a poll on what you guys like most.


The one on the left is just rocks that will be based black. Layered with a watered Dark grey. And highlighted with grey and a bit of white. Shrubs will be included but will also be colored in black. Dabbed with dark grey and highlighted with white.

Base on the right is layered with baking soda first. Then rocks glued on top. And due to some impatience I ended up pushing the almost dried baking soda to the point it started to fold but created this mud like appearance that i like. But took a lil longer to work with. Based black. Watered down dark grey. Then a more watered down leather brown. Then a more watered down black. Highlighted with grey then a soft white.

The next pic is pretty much the left base done.


The misses made a statement that the left one looks like a dark world they are fighting on but the right one looks like death has already came to the grounds and they are just arriving. What you guys think? All comments and opinions are appreciated.

SN: the white spots on the right is superglue where the marines feet where at. Just took him off the base when I bought new flat bases on ebay.

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