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Celestial Falcons Space Marines chapter - WIP


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I have acquired around a companies worth of space marines, which I am currently working on to turn them into my own chapter - the Celestial Falcons. I have an idea of the chapters fluff, colour scheme and have painted a few test models and I thought I would share my progress along the way and try to get some feedback on what people think.
My chapter is a Raven Guard successor founded in the 39h Millenium as an Adeptus Praeses force to guard against the horrors of the Eye of Terror. Following the formation of the Great Rift, the chapters homeworld in Segmentum Obscurus found itself on the wrong side of the rift in Imperium Nihilus, beset on all sides by daemons and renegades. True to their primogentiors, the chapter strikes from the shadows, using subterfuge, psychic potential and the precise application of a=overwhelming force to destabilise incursions, kill enemy commanders and otherwise cause havoc for the forces of chaos until they can achieve their true goal - find a stable route through the Nachmund Gauntlet to reunite with the Imperium. I have tonnes more fluff which I am happy to share!
The chapters colour scheme is shown below - dark blue and ivory, with blue chest, arms, upper legs and hands, and ivory pauldrons, lower legs, knees and faceplates. Helmets are dark grey, unless a sergeant (red), captain (all ivory) or lieutenant (white stripe and red band). The chapter is codex compliant, so right shoulder trim denotes company colour, squad number is on the left kneepad and sqaud designation is in hollow black on the right pauldron.
Please give me feedback on the colour scheme - I have put some pics on the post with my painted captain.
"Lux et umbra sumus" (We are the shadows and the light) - Warcry of the Celestial Falcons.

CF 5th Company Vanguard Veteran W loincloth

CF Tact Marine 5th Company

CF 5th Company Devastator veteran sergeant

CF 5th Company Captain

CF 5th Company Assualt Marine

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