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rules query

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Hi all, 

Where in the rules does it state you can only have a single wounded multi wound model at one time?



3 Marine centurions with each one having lost 2 wounds each are still on the board. As opposed to how it is played  that the 6 wounds suffered cause 2 centurions to be removed.


My question is where in the rules does it state this?


Let me be clear, this has not happened to me, I just cant find the rule saying this is how wound allocation works.


Many thanks in advance.




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It doesn't. In theory a unit could contain multiple models which are wounded, though I know of nothing that would induce that game state; maybe two units merging somehow? However, Section 4.3: Allocate Wound on page 181 of the rulebook does require the player of a unit which receives a wound to allocate it to a model which already has lost a wound if any exist in the unit; in practice this is what prevents multiple wounded models from existing in the same unit.
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How is it possible to have 2 wounded Models in one Unit?

As it stands in the Rule Book on Page 181

3.Allocate Wound:

If an attack successfully wounds the target, the player commanding the target unit allocates the wounds to any model in the unit. If a model in the Target unit has already lost any wounds, the damage must be allocated to that model.

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I guess it's possible in the narrowest of cases with orks. If you have a unit of nobz with a wounded nob that gets "absorbed" by another unit of nobz with a wounded nob in it by the mob up stratagem. I'm not sure if there's anything in the rules explaining which one of the nobz to allocate wounds to in that case so I imagine it's up to the ork player.

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How is it possible to have 2 wounded Models in one Unit?

As it stands in the Rule Book on Page 181

3.Allocate Wound:

If an attack successfully wounds the target, the player commanding the target unit allocates the wounds to any model in the unit. If a model in the Target unit has already lost any wounds, the damage must be allocated to that model.

Often happens with Celestine and the Gemini.

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