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Can you fight after consolidating?


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My opponent declared a multi charge with his captain, then another unit wiped out one of the units in close combat allowing the captain to gain a six inch move via pile in and then consolidate towards the other unit he had declared a charge against. He then wanted to fight said unit, at which point I said that he could not fight after consolidating for the simple reason that you resolve all attacks and then consolidate. It seemed like a no brainer to me but he was pretty convinced otherwise. Who was right and is there anything in any of the gw faqs that addresses this? Thank you.
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A FAQ answer is not needed. A unit cannot fight more than once in a fight phase (Rulebook page 182 - Choose Unit to Fight With) unless it has a special rule that overrides this, like "Blood for the Blood God" (possessed by Khârn and Khorne Berserkers).
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I can't check the stratagem at the moment of when it needs to be played, but that would be an option if you absolutely meant to smack someone after consolidating.
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If he hadn't yet fought then he couldn't have piled in or consolidated beforehand, both of which are only performed by the unit that's attacking, not other units involved in the combat.


His Captain could only have piled in once he was chosen to attack. So the 6" move you mentioned could not have occurred, just a 3" pile in then a consolidation after he'd attacked.

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I'm pretty sure the 6" move mentioned by the OP was the 3" pile in + the 3" consolidate. Since he charged, he can still activate in the fight phase and pile in and consolidate. That is probably what the opponent was referring to, because I believe that was in an FAQ. If he had declared a charge against the other unit, he could still have attacked them if he was in range after the pile in, but not after the consolidation. 

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