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This will be my WIP area to develop this project.


Chapter Name: Astral Reavers

Founding: (Undecided, would like fairly early but not 2nd)

Gene-Sire: Uknown

Primogenitor: (Undecided)

Codex Adherent: No

Fleet Based: Yes* (They will have an asteroid base/monastery)

Color Scheme: Brown armor, dark red pauldrons, black helmet with bone face plate, right knee signifies unit. Glowing blue runes decorate the armor.



The main idea for the chapter is a Viking/Norse culture, with some piracy/pirates honor mixed in, for a chapter based in a massive oort cloud north/south of the galactic plane. They are rarely seen in proper Imperial space, but what little reputation they do have is a bit nefarious. They survive by taking what they need from everyone, 'friend' and foe alike. Like pirates though, there is an honor code that keeps them going over the edge. They picked up their culture from an ancient culture of once asteroid miners that devolved into tribal space vikings. They recruit from these hardy space raiders based in an oort cloud out of line with the galactic plane. They are excellent void fighters and execute boarding actions with cold fury. Most are seen to have glowing runes on their armor. (Still trying to nail down the color scheme. Not sure I like the black accents now the more I look at it)


Any feedback welcome, although I'm not giving you much to work with at this point. This is mainly a lore project and I will probably only ever  do one actual marine model once I get the color scheme down.

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Are the Reavers a Raven Guard descendant that separated from the Legion BEFORE the Alpha Legion contaminated the Raven Guard's gene-seed reserves with Daemon Blood, meaning the degeneration that affects other Raven Guard descendants does not affect the Reavers themselves? (For comparison, see the Carcharodons, a.k.a. "Space Sharks".)


I view brown as a camouflage color, so making the Reavers a Raven Guard descendant makes sense. Alternately, you can make them the stereotypical "secret loyalist descendant of a Traitor Legion" the Black Library likes to play with, e.g., a Night Lords descendant that thinks Corax is its Primarch.


An Iron Hands descendant is another possibility, as Ferrus Manus' sons will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to achieve victory- yes, even betray Imperial allies and rob the latter blind- though the Iron Hands seem too prideful to wear brown.

I think these could be a solid chapter, with their own personality and tactics. As such, I'd advise you to try to develop them as far as possible without thinking of their predecessors - like that you'll avoid picking up elements from the predecessor that don't fit the theme.


My main question is why the chapter resort to looting and pillaging? Is it simply because they have trouble getting reinforcements from the rest of the Imperium because they are so far away from other Imperial worlds (I'd recommend reading up on the Helion Legion for further inspiration)?

Are they ever at risk from being declared Excommunicate Traitoris? Are there other sanctions that could be levied against them? Essentially, what is the Imperium's reaction to their reaving ways?

Why are they posted so far from other Imperial Worlds? Did the emperor's tarot predict a foe to come from outside the galactic plane in a certain region of the galaxy, and the Astral Reavers were therefore sent, possibly centuries in advance, to intercept said threat? Could that foe be Hive Fleet Leviathan? How do they resist the tyranid's advance if they are undersupplied?

Are they set to be reinforced by the Unnumbered Sons at the time of the Ultima Founding? If so, how do they react to these newcomers that do not follow the same creed as them? If not, why not?

Why are they not Codex Adherent, and How are they not?

Will there an explanation for the runes? Are they runes of warding crafted by the chapter's librarians? What explanations will they provide if queried by fellow loyalists?

Are the Reavers a Raven Guard descendant that separated from the Legion BEFORE the Alpha Legion contaminated the Raven Guard's gene-seed reserves with Daemon Blood, meaning the degeneration that affects other Raven Guard descendants does not affect the Reavers themselves? (For comparison, see the Carcharodons, a.k.a. "Space Sharks".)


I view brown as a camouflage color, so making the Reavers a Raven Guard descendant makes sense. Alternately, you can make them the stereotypical "secret loyalist descendant of a Traitor Legion" the Black Library likes to play with, e.g., a Night Lords descendant that thinks Corax is its Primarch.


An Iron Hands descendant is another possibility, as Ferrus Manus' sons will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to achieve victory- yes, even betray Imperial allies and rob the latter blind- though the Iron Hands seem too prideful to wear brown.

The Raven Guard origin would fit but I don't want to copy the Space Sharks too closely. But it does make the most sense and I assume there were quite a number of exile fleets (not an expert on RG fluff).


The Brown is not treated as camouflage per se but is an homage to the asteroids pf the oort cloud.


I am not touching 'loyalists from a traitor legion' with a 10 foot pole. That is super special snowflake and not well received by most for a lot of valid reasons.


The Iron Hands successor is a good idea as well. Cold and calculating. Ends justify the means type of guys. I will consider that as well.



I think these could be a solid chapter, with their own personality and tactics. As such, I'd advise you to try to develop them as far as possible without thinking of their predecessors - like that you'll avoid picking up elements from the predecessor that don't fit the theme.


My main question is why the chapter resort to looting and pillaging? Is it simply because they have trouble getting reinforcements from the rest of the Imperium because they are so far away from other Imperial worlds (I'd recommend reading up on the Helion Legion for further inspiration)?

Are they ever at risk from being declared Excommunicate Traitoris? Are there other sanctions that could be levied against them? Essentially, what is the Imperium's reaction to their reaving ways?

Why are they posted so far from other Imperial Worlds? Did the emperor's tarot predict a foe to come from outside the galactic plane in a certain region of the galaxy, and the Astral Reavers were therefore sent, possibly centuries in advance, to intercept said threat? Could that foe be Hive Fleet Leviathan? How do they resist the tyranid's advance if they are undersupplied?

Are they set to be reinforced by the Unnumbered Sons at the time of the Ultima Founding? If so, how do they react to these newcomers that do not follow the same creed as them? If not, why not?

Why are they not Codex Adherent, and How are they not?

Will there an explanation for the runes? Are they runes of warding crafted by the chapter's librarians? What explanations will they provide if queried by fellow loyalists?

They are far from proper Imperial Space and are not often re-supplied. And perhaps they aren't re-supplied due to previous sanctions? Maybe they were on the wrong side of Moirae Schism? Or sanctioned for previous behaviours.


I would say overall the imperium doesn't care or hear about their reaving ways becuase the space they frequent is on the fringes. But there is enough rumor and word of mouth to make Imperial Commanders wary of them.


Honestly reading your questions about why they are out there got me thinking... What if they simply were lost in the bureaucracy? They were given obsolete orders to defend this oort cloud rich in resources and stocked with a lot of industrial material, but upon arrival they find these tribal spacers and no active mining industry? But they find a looming threat great enough to keep them there. Nids or another nasty, lesser known xenos threat.


I would say they gradually lose codex adherence as they fight mostly in the void or on the airless, null gravity asteroids and planetoids of the oort cloud. Eventually becoming almost entirely dependent on infantry, dreadnoughts and void capable aircraft while letting their motorpools shrink with attrition and lack of use. Companies would gradually lose coherency as fighting forces were comprised solely of who was on the longboat at the time and those crews would become tightly knit over time and identify with their ship instead of a company.


The Runes will be assumed to be applied by librarians but never explained to anyone outside the chapter. And the by density of runes from marine to marine, assumed to be earned with experience.


Thank you for the good questions. I will start the draft IA soon from my PC now that we have started fleshing some stuff out.


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