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This topic will be used to collate all of the information about the new range of models and Codex ONLY. This is to help members of the board keep abreast of developments as and when they happen and not have to wade through pages and pages of other topics. Please do not any models that AREN'T from Games Workshop. Thank you.


First up, a 3D render of the first model GW has revealed, a Canoness based on some artwork.


Warhammer Fest 2018 Sister of Battle reveal



Robin Cruddace:

Spoke to him about the situation with Inquistion, regarding the Beta rules. He has said it's on GW's radar, and most likely a Codex or Index like book will deal with those issues once it's their turn. Sisters, are definitely getting their OWN book. Ministorum will most likely be in it too (which makes sense to a degree), and he has said he's very pleased about the reaction to the render of the Sisters model, is excited himself as one of two he remembers who has a Sisters army in the GW team. He said that the rule book when it comes will, hopefully be designed in such a way that it takes things into account for the future, rather than being a retread of what they have now. I mentioned about hoping that Celestians and Penitent Engines are given some love, and that the general consensus between Sisters players is, we want the Jump pack Canoness back and a new HQ like a Palatine. He mentioned that most of the time, models are produced first (with some consulting with the rules designers for weapon ideas etc), then the rules are written. Mostly. He also said that he wants to get the Acts of Faith rules fixed, working fluffily and to add flavour to the various Orders etc.

Speaking of that 3d render, I spoke to Darren Latham, who created her. He was really pleased with how well she has been received.


- Information I found out at Warhammer Fest, Sunday May 13th 2018.




Please post links below, official sources preferably, so I can add them here.

Edited by Aqui
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It is indeed very well done and she looks very...faithful...to the artwork.


Really digging the base shes on.


I was a little resistant to it at first and i finally figured it was because of the chest piece. Now now lets stay away from boob plate arguments. It clearly here to stay- which i like, and looks to be toned down so we should hear less whining.

Its the fluers on the chest pieces that just look odd to me. That daid, the more i look at it, the more it grows on me.

Whether that fluer position carries across the whole range is yet to be seen. But for a faithful modeling of old artwork, it is great.


The whole model is great. If the whole range comes out even half as good as this, sisters are going to remain the bestest amazingest looking army :)

They should look very nice indeed based on this, although the current models do too. Mostly really looking forward to variety and the more affordable special weapons. I'm not sure if I should still try selling some of the metal bolter models, if/when I get additional plastic models there's just more than I'll ever field (or paint for that matter, since I hate painting metal, the biggest downer in the SoB model range being the metal).

If i can complete my ETL vow, thatll mean all my sisters will be completed.

Iintend to use the metal model for celestians (hope rules are good) and plastics as basic sisters...well the metals have been around for 20 years; they have more battlefield experience :)

The proportions look a lot better compared to older sculpts to me. Does that seem accurate or are my eyes just tricking me?


I really like that sculpt.

It's not just you. The proportions are better than the older sculpts.


In fact, most of GW's newer models have had much more close to realistic proportions than the older ones.

This looks a lot better then I thought it would. I'm not feeling worried about the new sisters not blending in with my metal sister army. I think I can wait on buying a new Dominion squad. (Getting 6 more storm bolter sisters for my three BSS squads is another story.)


Also, OP? Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I missed this when skimming through the Warhammer Community posts.

This sculpt approaches perfection. No stupid combat heels, boob plate present but definitely not overdone, just enough details to stand out without being busy. I <3 it.


I feel something strange I've not felt in a long time...what is the feeling? It feels like...hope?


First post amended to include stuff I found out at Warhammer Fest today :)


Thank you! What did you mean by fixing Acts of Faith, btw?

Robin didn't really specify to be honest, which is understandable. I think he meant that he wanted it to be fluffy, impactful, unique to Sisters, but not over powered, or under powered. How that happens I've no clue.



I'll have my $4000 nest egg saved up for release so when this drops I can place an order with Siege Studios and get them painted up nice and proper. :happy.:


That model is setting VERY high standards. My hopes are rising! ^_^

Edited by Aothaine

"...Acts of Faith rules fixed, working fluffily and adding flavor to the various Orders."


perhaps each Order is getting at least a few Acts of Faith unique to each Order? With other Acts of Faith common throughout the Sororitas? That would be pretty cool.

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