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Horusian Wars books/audio & Slaves to Darkness w/John French

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Been a while, missed B&C

We buzz about all the news from Warhammer Fest (and it’s a LOT!) then Black Library legend John French joins us to talk about The Horusian Wars series, novels and audio dramas (and an exciting bit of info if you catch it), as well as what’s coming up from The Horus Heresy: Slaves to Darkness all the way to the Siege of Terra. It’s not to be missed!
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Look forward to listening, I have been anticipating Slaves of Darkness. Man with Adeptus Titanicus that same month...my wallet will know fear...

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I hope his editors don't throw a book at John for revealing the name/third part of the Horusian Wars trilogy :wink:


Well, I don't think Abomination is spoileriffic as a title. Other authors also talk about their work titles and the likes way ahead of time (we knew about Red Fief for months, for example, Dan's Penitent and Pandaemonium are known, as was Anarch, and we had years between Graham talking about The Crimson King and it even being finished.


John will be fine, especially since it'll hype his works more right away.


I've recently listened to the second Agent of the Throne audio drama and liked it a lot, the style is really enjoyable. Wasn't all that satisfied with Resurrection though, so I'll have to listen to the entire interview to get some tidbits on the trilogy to hopefully get me more excited for Incarnation.

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@DC like you I was not bowled over by Resurrection. In fact it just didn't gel with me and I abandoned it just over 1/3 through. I will go back but it was frustrating because I was soooooo looking forward to the book and love the whole concept for the series and thought the short stories were all amazing.


Will def check out the audiodramas and give Resurrection another go.

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Thanks for this, I really enjoyed listening. For anybody who wants information on Slaves to Darkness:



- Difficult book to write (but apparently people that have read it say it's brilliant)
- Only Traitor Primarch not in there is Curze
- Follows hot on the heels of Wolfsbane
- About the last moments before the Siege begins
- What it is about is Chaos, the nature of Chaos, what it is doing to the Primarchs and Legions, what is at stake
- Horus is being ripped apart by Chaos, because that's the nature of Chaos, it pulls itself apart
- Even though the Gods are unified, they can't help it
- Horus has broken out of Beta-Garmon, and it is now clear that he can jump large amounts of forces to Terra
- But he also knows that in the galactic south, Guilliman is marshalling forces and coming up fast
- Calls a muster of all of the forces he can get his hands on, sends Mortarion out in advance
- Sends Perturabo to find Angron and the World Eaters (no spoilers: making mountains of skulls)
- Lorgar goes to find Fulgrim, who has been missing even while his Legion fought on
- At the same time, not all is well within Horus' command, a lot of responsibility and problems fall on Maloghurst
- The Primarchs who have the big airtime are the ones on the cover (Horus, Lorgar, Perturabo, Fulgrim, Angron)
- All the rest (Magnus, A "Primarch of the Alpha Legion," and Mortarion) all make appearances though, save Curze
- This book is about the consequences of what began in False Gods
- Last fifth of it is they jump to Terra
- French will be doing stuff for the Siege
- Specifically, early on in the Siege

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Curious to see how this book handles Beta Garmon now that Beta Garmon is getting its own book.

Yeah me too! I guess they have to hit the release slot etc but seems odd to release this before Guy Haley's Titandeath book (especially when the blurb references it). Saying that the HH series has never been particularly chronological.

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I wonder if Slaves to Darkness will have a shocker like PoD. I have a feeling bad things may happen to Maloghurst. I forgot that short story that featured him, but was great and look forward to getting more of him. I am sure this one must have a nice twist to it. 

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I wonder if Slaves to Darkness will have a shocker like PoD. I have a feeling bad things may happen to Maloghurst. I forgot that short story that featured him, but was great and look forward to getting more of him. I am sure this one must have a nice twist to it. 

Yeah, I don't think ol' Mal is gonna have a good time in this book . :)

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