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Mixed Armies and Stratagems


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So I've been thinking of mixing my army into two factions--namely splashing an Imperial Knight via Super Heavy Auxiliary, or Space Wolves (when the codex comes out) to play with the Lion and the Wolf Stratagem in the DA Codex. In either case, the Dark Angels character would be the Warlord.


What I'm wondering is this--can units from a different faction in a battleforged army still use their respective stratagems? Would an Imperial Knight still be able to use Rotating Ion Shields from the Chapter Approved book? Would Space Wolves be able to use any of their stratagems once the codex comes out? 

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Would an Imperial Knight still be able to use Rotating Ion Shields from the Chapter Approved book? Would Space Wolves be able to use any of their stratagems once the codex comes out?

Pg 94 of CA 2017 in the side bar tells us that the knight strat is available to any army with a qualifying detachment. The designer's note further up that same page further defines what qualifies as such a detachment.


So, yes, you could arrange to have a dark angel warlord and still qualify for the knight strat.


While, I can't guarantee post-codex wolves will work this way, the pattern is very well established that it will, and between the side bar on pg 97 and the definitions on pg 88, the current CA wolves would also bring their strats if they have their very own detachment.

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Most codices specify that to have access to the Stratagems, you just need to have a Detachment from that faction. Usually something along the lines of "if your army is Battle-forged and includes any X Detachments, excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments, you have access to the Stratagems shown here". Only thing your Warlord really determines is who gets the Warlord Trait, and which Detachment gets the free Relic.

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