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Unit of the Week: Cataphractii Terminator Squad


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Welcome to the Blood Angels Unit of the Week Series!

Following the release of the 8th edition Codex, there is no better time to discuss all the unique units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield.

Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.

Without further ado, here's this week's entry:

sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Cataphractii Terminator Squad

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you use a Cataphractii Terminator Squad?
  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the beta rules affect your list(s)?
  • Will you be running multiples? MSU or full squads? Combat Squads?
  • Footslog, transport, or Teleport Strike?
  • How are you buffing this unit?
  • What weapon choices do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices?
  • Stratagems?

Over to you

I felt like assault termies were better suited to these guys due to their built in +4 inv save. However they are MUCH slower than the other suits which makes me a little nervous.


I guess my recommendation is melee them up, stick them in a transport and have them jump right into a unit.


Not to say they couldn't do well as a shooting platform but unfortunately their datasheets don't have the autocannon as an option, just the heavy flamer.

I honestly don't know what to think about them. Either you have a slightly more expensive and durable regular Termi Squad but without the good heavy weapon ... or you have a slightly more expensive and durable but way slower Assault Termi Squad without the option on TH/SS (which would be more durable than the Cataphractii again).


However this thread is not to compare them with other units so I'll leave it at that.

How to use them ... I think I'd go with Lightning Claw + Storm Bolter for a durable anti-infantry squad. They won't make their points back that way, at least not by killing, however they should be able to punch any kind of ObSec unit off of an Objective and claim it for themselves while soaking up lots of damage.

Their probably the best terminators for killing other big things without being helpless vs regular infantry.

4++ and keeping your storm bolter is very nice generalist loadout.

The lack of heavies isn't a problem, as most heavy weapons on termies is a trap.

Most are over priced and bad on a unit that will probably only shoot once, hitting on 4s no less.

I think their cheaper than th/ss as well, though not absolutely certain of that.

I really don't like them being so slow. Why can't they have the teleport homer?? The same goes with the Tartaros type btw
I think they can either be deployed aggressively forward as a diversion and fire magnet or as a back-field counter charge unit. If deployed forward, I'd say that Stormraven gives them the best survivability and mobility options. 

CB/LC loadout makes them 35pts cheaper than regular assault TH/SS termies (235pts for squad of 5). Which can give you additional SG without the mask (35pts with blade/fist and angelus boltgun) or a DC marine with TH (36pts) if you manage to steal a point somewhere else 

If you want dual lightning claw termis, cataphractii are the most durable with the 4++, and the claw/SB combo is unique which adds some flexibility in their anti infantry role to counteract their lower movement. The low move hurts though; deep strike or transport is pretty much a must. Even before the beta deep strike change, all termis were pretty much a distraction carnifex. I think now they're unlikely to be getting into combat until turn 3, all  termis are too pricey for what they do except for rule of cool - and it has to be said, cataphractii are pretty cool.


Maybe if you're facing someone without much plasma equivalent, to draw heavy weapon fire away from other targets?

I really don't like them being so slow. Why can't they have the teleport homer?? The same goes with the Tartaros type btw

Simple really, there is no homer in the box, and GW has instituted a if there is no model there will be no rules policy. Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminators are not supposed to be legacy units like Combat Veterans with Jump Pack, even though some of us probably used them as regular terminators before we got 40k rules.


How does the halving of the advance distance work? Do you round up, down or not at all?

Standard maths rounding for 0.5 is up. 0.0 to 0.4 rounds down, 0.5 to 0.9 rounds up. Though in this case, is there anything that says you have to advance in round inches? My reading is if you rolled a 5 for advancing, you'd add 2.5" to your move. After all, it's not uncommon to deploy 9.1" away when coming in from reserves.

Standard maths rounding for 0.5 is up. 0.0 to 0.4 rounds down, 0.5 to 0.9 rounds up. Though in this case, is there anything that says you have to advance in round inches? My reading is if you rolled a 5 for advancing, you'd add 2.5" to your move. After all, it's not uncommon to deploy 9.1" away when coming in from reserves.

That's how i would play it, but I was curious if GW had answered that question.
  • 2 weeks later...

Did the cataphractii combination without the champions on foot. The needed 4 turns to see combat but the terms instagib one Chaos lord. Thunder hammer term captain did not see combat till one demon prince with one wound was silly enough to charge him. He made short work of him. We had to cancel the game afterwards but my opponent would have had enough firepower to delete the rest of my army so I threw the towel.


  • 1 year later...

I always have problems deciding what to do with cataphractii. The native 4+ makes it seem like a good assault squad but the 4" move just doesn't work well. Yet it has the inferior shooting option of heavy flamer vs Tartaros' reaper autocannon. I understand why but still kind of sucks.


Definitely makes standard the medium option of being faster with more shooty options though. Always wanted to do a full terminator army or at the least an all 2+ armor army.

I always have problems deciding what to do with cataphractii. The native 4+ makes it seem like a good assault squad but the 4" move just doesn't work well. Yet it has the inferior shooting option of heavy flamer vs Tartaros' reaper autocannon. I understand why but still kind of sucks.


Definitely makes standard the medium option of being faster with more shooty options though. Always wanted to do a full terminator army or at the least an all 2+ armor army.

To use Cataphractii properly you have to think like two turns ahead. When you drop them you need to have the rest of the game planned out so you can dictate where your opponent will be moving. You can't chase the enemy with Cataphractii, not even vehicles, so you have to make the opponent want to get to the Cataphractii himself or use them to force him to move in a way that puts him at a disadvantage in a different way (like not getting to the objectives he wants to or not getting the firelanes he wants to etc).


A key element to make that work is to have also a frontline that puts up pressure at the same time. If you drop them near an enemy unit while the rest of your army is far away your opponent won't have a problem just moving away from them for the rest of the game but if you also have a few Intercessor units, a Warsuit and so on in threatrange your opponent will have to think twice about how to move his unit to not get caught by the Cataphractii while also avoiding the other units.


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