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Danny Cyanide does Deathwatch

Danny Cyanide

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I figured I'd start a wip thread over here since I've started a small deathwatch force for the ETL, pledged under the guard forum though, sorry.


I've always loved the deathwatch, and was really excited to see that they had grown into a full force during my 6th and 7th edition sabbatical from the game.


With the release of their 8th edition codex I have decided to give them a go.


Here is the start of my Watch Company:












Their armor is highlighted, and I've started worthing on their details. I'll keep posting updates as I make progress.

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Finished the vanguard squad tonight and got Kill Team Cassius a little further along:






I'll be basing all 22 together once they are all finished.

really liking this, the gold trim has sparked some idea of how im doing tier system when it comes to the silver side of things. Since my arms will be gold mostly.

  • 6 months later...

A long overdue update, I completed the first 22 men for my Deathwatch force, and thought I'd post them.


I've never been great at basing, so they are going to remain simple, but I'll likely add some dry grass tufts when I get a chance.







Thanks guys! I'm working on some Krieger's for the next little bit, but this is what is in store for my Deathwatch once I'm done:



++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Deathwatch) [68 PL, 970pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Armory of the Watch Fortress (1 Relic)


+ HQ +


Librarian [6 PL, 96pts]: Bolt Pistol, Force sword


Watch Master [7 PL, 130pts]: Osseus Key, Warlord


+ Troops +


Veterans [19 PL, 235pts]

. Biker: Power sword, Twin boltgun

. Biker: Twin boltgun

. Biker: Twin boltgun

. Vanguard Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol

. Vanguard Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Watch Sergeant: Boltgun, Xenophase Blade


Veterans [19 PL, 256pts]

. Vanguard Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol

. Vanguard Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol

. Veteran: Chainsword, Combi-plasma

. Veteran: Boltgun, Storm shield

. Veteran: Boltgun, Storm shield

. Veteran: Boltgun, Storm shield

. Veteran: Boltgun, Storm shield

. Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon: Deathwatch Frag Cannon

. Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon: Deathwatch Frag Cannon

. Watch Sergeant: Combi-plasma, Power sword


Veterans [9 PL, 113pts]

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Watch Sergeant: Combi-plasma, Xenophase Blade


+ Elites +


Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Deathwatch) [57 PL, 1028pts] ++


+ HQ +


Primaris Watch Captain [6 PL, 92pts]

. Powerfist and Plasma Pistol: Plasma pistol, Power fist


Watch Captain [7 PL, 118pts]: Bane Bolts of Eryxia, Jump Pack, Storm Bolter, Thunder hammer


+ Troops +


Intercessors [15 PL, 281pts]

. Aggressor

. . Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets, Fragstorm Grenade Launchers

. Hellblaster: Heavy Plasma Incinerator

. Hellblaster: Heavy Plasma Incinerator

. Hellblaster: Heavy Plasma Incinerator

. Hellblaster: Heavy Plasma Incinerator

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor Sergeant: Auto Bolt Rifle, Power fist


Intercessors [16 PL, 285pts]

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Inceptor

. . Two Plasma Exterminators: 2x Plasma Exterminator

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt rifle, Power sword


Intercessors [13 PL, 252pts]

. Aggressor

. . Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets, Fragstorm Grenade Launchers

. Inceptor

. . Two Plasma Exterminators: 2x Plasma Exterminator

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor Sergeant: Auto Bolt Rifle, Power sword


++ Total: [125 PL, 1998pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe

Ok, I know I'm supposed to be working on my Krieg right now, but I got really excited to build my first Primaris Marines!


I put together 3 Sergeants tonight:


Auto Bolt Rifle and Power Fist (Dark Imperium Lt. Power Fist from Imperial Fist upgrade frame)





Bolt Rifle and Power Sword (Other Dark Imperium Lt. Power Sword from Harlequins)




Auto Bolt Rifle and Power Sword (Intersessor kit, head from Imperial Fist upgrade sprue and Harlequin Power Sword)




I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!


I just love how big these guys are!





  • 3 weeks later...

Kit bashed a Rainbow Warriors Watchmaster today!


The body and head are from the Sternguard Veterans kit, the cape is from the Deathwatch Kill Team kit, Guardian spear is from a Custodes, add the blade has been replaced with a Xenophase blade.


Rainbow Warriors icon is from Pop Goes The Monkey on Shapeways:









The arms used were part numbers 65 and 66 from the kill team box. They were meant for heavy thunder hammers. I had to trim the wrist armour on the arms so that they were flat, and they are mounted on the body in away that I'll have to fill in the armpits with putty.

Thanks guys! I also tossed together a couple of Watch Captains today:


Red Scorpions Primaris Watch Captain with Plasma Pistol and Power Fist




Minoutars Watch Captain with jump pack, Thunder Hammer and Storm Bolter with Bane Bolts





  • 3 weeks later...

Well I'm back to my Deathwatch after finishing up my 2000 point DKOK army, and my first 2000 points of Imperial Knights!


I'm going to try and get 2000 points of Deathwatch done as my next project, so I started that by refining my army list and assembling the rest of the Veterans that I needed for the Old Marine portion of the list:



++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Deathwatch) [64 PL, -1CP, 948pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Armory of the Watch Fortress (1 Relic) [-1CP]


+ HQ +


Librarian [6 PL, 96pts]: 2) Might of Heroes, 6) Null Zone, Bolt Pistol, Force sword


Watch Master [7 PL, 130pts]: Castellan of the Black Vault, Tome of the Ectoclades, Warlord




+ Troops +


Veterans [9 PL, 134pts]

. Veteran: Boltgun, Storm shield

. Veteran: Boltgun, Storm shield

. Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon: Deathwatch Frag Cannon

. Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon: Deathwatch Frag Cannon

. Watch Sergeant: Boltgun, Xenophase Blade




Veterans [19 PL, 258pts]

. Biker: Power sword, Twin boltgun

. Biker: Twin boltgun

. Biker: Twin boltgun

. Vanguard Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol

. Vanguard Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Chainsword, Combi-plasma

. Veteran: Chainsword, Combi-plasma

. Watch Sergeant: Combi-plasma, Xenophase Blade




Veterans [15 PL, 190pts]

. Vanguard Veteran: Chainsword, Plasma pistol

. Veteran: Chainsword, Combi-plasma

. Veteran: Chainsword, Combi-plasma

. Veteran: Chainsword, Combi-plasma

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Veteran: Storm Bolter, Storm shield

. Watch Sergeant: Combi-plasma, Power sword




+ Elites +


Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Deathwatch) [59 PL, 1050pts] ++


+ HQ +


Primaris Watch Captain [6 PL, 92pts]

. Powerfist and Plasma Pistol: Plasma pistol, Power fist


Watch Captain [7 PL, 118pts]: Bane Bolts of Eryxia, Jump Pack, Storm Bolter, Thunder hammer


+ Troops +


Intercessors [18 PL, 355pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher

. Aggressor

. . Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets, Fragstorm Grenade Launchers

. Aggressor

. . Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets, Fragstorm Grenade Launchers

. Inceptor

. . Two Plasma Exterminators: 2x Plasma Exterminator

. Inceptor

. . Two Plasma Exterminators: 2x Plasma Exterminator

. Inceptor

. . Two Plasma Exterminators: 2x Plasma Exterminator

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor: Auto Bolt Rifle

. Intercessor Sergeant: Auto Bolt Rifle, Power fist


Intercessors [15 PL, 259pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt rifle, Power sword


Intercessors [13 PL, 226pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Hellblaster: Plasma incinerator

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor: Bolt rifle

. Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt rifle, Power sword


++ Total: [123 PL, -1CP, 1998pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe


With a few small conversions/weapon swaps I'm managing to use the majority of Kill Team Cassius.


I'm going to assemble the Ven Dred today before I start painting!

Thanks Bjorn!


I have this group pretty much finished, and the Watchmaster is completed! I still have to paint 11 Chapter shoulder pads, which I'll start working on tonight, but for now here they are!














Just noticed after posting that I still have to paint the gizmo on his left wrist, so I'll catch that while painting shoulder pads!


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