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Danny Cyanide does Deathwatch

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Big update today! I finished off all my veterans for the above list, and feel pretty happy with myself! Here they are in all their glory:


Watchmaster - Rainbow Warriors




Watch Captain - Minotaurs









Squad 1




Front rank: Marines Errant, Angels of Absolution, White Scars, Sons of Medusa, Iron Snakes


Rear rank:Hammers of Dorn, Ultramarines, Angry Marine Watch Sgt (couldn't resist), Marines Malevolent, Deciples of Caliban




Squad 2:




Griffin Lords, Crimson Bulls (made it up), Space Wolf Watch Sgt, Crimson Fists, Imperial Fists.


Squad 3:




Front rank: Celestial Lions, Silver Skulls, Dark Angel Watch Sgt, Black Templar, Crimson Castellans.


Rear Rank: Iron Hands, Mantis Warriors, Blood Angels



I used Pop Goes The Monkey pads for a lot of these guys and they are really great. They do have a very light texture, but paint up really well.





Finished up the Fortis Kill Team tonight. Here they are in all their glory:




Rear Rank: Cracharadons, Star Dragons, Flame Eagles, Lamentors, Exorcists


Front Rank: Golden Griffons, Storm Wardens, Scythes of the Emperor, Imperial Harbingers, Hawk Lords


Once again, here are the Pop Goes The Monkey shoulder pads:



Finished up the Fortis Kill Team tonight. Here they are in all their glory:


Man, I really love how your DW army looks. :wub:

They're very crisp and extremely well done. I especially love your black Armor and the steel/silver, any chance you'd share how you got the armor look on that Fortis KT? 


Finished up the Fortis Kill Team tonight. Here they are in all their glory:


Once again, here are the Pop Goes The Monkey shoulder pads:


I had been debating whether or not to buy the shoulders from PGtM - but I think I'm sold after seeing them on your models. :tu:

You bet. The black is just Vallejo 70.950 black, airbrush highlight of P3 formula Coal Black, followed with an edge highlight of Vallejo model air 71.113 IDF Blue, and a second edge highlight of Vallejo model air 71.306 Sky Blue.


Silver is even simpler, is Vallejo model metallic air 71.072 Gunmetal, washed with Nuln Oil, and then drybrushed back with the gunmetal.

Introducing Revered Ancient Brutus, originally of the Fire Hawks, Brother Captain Brutus was seconded to the Deathwatch 892.M40 and he served faithfully and with extreme prejudice until he was brought low in hand to hand combat by a massive Ork Warboss in 942.M40.


When his body was recovered, the was still the faintest spark of life in him and he was offered the opportunity to pledge himself to eternal service to the Watch Fortress after death and was interned in a dreadnought sarcophagus.


As an Astartes he favored close quarters battle but he was quickly taken by the incredible damage that his new form could deal at range. Since then he has favored the Lascannon/Missile Launcher loadout, and he relishes blowing Xenos away from distance!





Another Week, about Kill Team!


Fortis Kill Team 2, Intersessor and Hallblasters:












Mostly Pop Goes The Monkey Shoulder Pads (a couple from the Deathwatch box):




Front rank: Concecrators, Red Legion, Howling Gryphons, Mentors, Avenging Sons.


Rear rank: Subjigators, Dragon Lords, Omega Marines, Angels Redeemed, Novamarines

Thanks Syward! I thought they turned out well myself! I'm 10 models away from my 2000 point list, and I also have 4 more Dreadnoughts to do after that (Leviathan, Redemptor, Mortis Contemptor and a Plasma Cannon toting Venerable), so there is much more to come!

I started painting the Plasma Venerable while I was painting my hellblaster Fortis squad, buy yeah, 4 days ago the Redemptor was assembled and bare plastic.


I'm really trying to push through my Deathwatch project so that I can start working on some other projects, Word Bearers, Deathguard and Mantis Warriors. I picked up a Shadowspear and a Dark Imperium box for these projects, but I want to finish these guys off first. I still have 1 Fortis Kill Team and a Primaris Watch Captain to build and paint, along with a Leviathan and Contemptor Dreadnought before i'm done for a while!

Thanks Bjorn, I'll see if I can put something together for chapter symbols when I get a chance! I'm ordering some transfer paper to print out transfers for my Knights, so I'll pick a chapter for each of these guys then and print out something for them as well!


Thanks for the feedback!


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