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So, who are you fine folks anyway?

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I’m hokie,

I am mostly a lurker and have been a player since 2nd edition. Basically an old head. I started out with marines and my own chapter with its own unique background. I’ve been part of a this gaming group essentially since middle school (crazy). About 3rd edition I moved to chaos and have never looked back. My main armies are Iron legion, Thosand sons and Deathguard. I also own a healthy amount of chaos demons and renegades. Sadly enough I have miniatures to keep me painting till 2030. Maybe that’s a good problem. I don’t know. Anyways, hello crew.

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I've been dabbling on and off with 40k since that Marine / Dark Eldar starter box back in 3rd. After being exposed to that, my first model was a CSM biker; I've been with the Ruinous Powers ever since.
Originally sporting the colours of the Black Legion, I was swayed to the side of Lorgar by the blogs of both Kikkala and Raz back in 2011 or so. 

The release of 8th prompted me to break out of a long hiatus and pick up Dark Imperium, dust off my modelling blog and play some games. I've never been as involved as I am now, and I thoroughly enjoy it.

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I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the fingernail that scrapes the blackboard of your soul. I am... 



More seriously though. I've been playing Warhammer in all of it's forms since the early 90s. I remember the first game I saw was with the metal Tyranids vrs Orks game back then and I was instantly hooked. I was drawn the the Tyranids initially and have jumped around every since. Currently I'm attempting to build my Fallen White Scars that have allied themselves to Khorne. It is a cool themed list that I hope to take with me to the LVO in Jan 2019. It is just going to take me awhile to build and paint everything so when I do go I might not have enough points built and painted to play in any of the events. I'm also working on saving up the money to have an entire new army of Sisters of Battle commissioned by Siege Studios. Stained glass and all. My first project with them is three Exocists. It is going to cost a pretty penny but this is going to be the army I bring out to put people in awe. My Chaos list is for fun. ^_^


I am a big fan of the underdog codexes. I love pretty much every faction and hope to own at least a 2k army of most armies eventually. I prefer to play for fun making up stories as I play. I have a very close friend that I do this with when we meet up as well. Hoping to get in a good game or five with him over the holidays this year. ^_^


I'm currently living in Reno NV USA. Love it here. It is stunning to see the mountains around me and it is humbling as well to realize how tiny I actually am on the scale of things. Anyway, I the collector that cannot decide what to build and play so I have a smattering of a bunch of different models in various stages. Speaking of which. I need to paint my Flesh Tearer Scouts this weekend as well as a Deathwatch model for that B&C donation drive. ^_^


But I'm pretty sold on my Renegade White Scars list. It is dope. (Kids still say dope right? Damn I'm old...)

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Great idea Dragonlover!


Hi, my name is Greenz, and I’ve been an addic... I mean, I’ve been playing 40k since the mid 90s. My first army was Dark Angels, followed shortly by Eldar, which amassed into a very large army. About 10 years ago I drifted out of 40k for a bit as my gaming group became more and more focussed on fantasy. I always kept up on the fluff of 40k though, and about 5 years ago I guess I joined this awesome community.


Since getting back into 40k, I reapproached my DA, chose to go with a successor, and decided to test my modelling skills by getting into truescaling. Ever since the beginning I’ve always loved the fluff behind chaos, and now that my skills are where I want them, I’m ready to get into the conversion heaven that is chaos. I’m very tempted by Slaanesh, but I’m going to hold off on them till the new line gets released. I’ve always had a major soft spot for IW and Nurgle though, so now I’m debating doing a DG warband, or a Nurgle themed IW army.

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Good to meet you all folks! It's nice to see a mix of hoary old guard like myself and some newer blood to the hobby, keeps things fresh.


@Leonite: I can't see the weight of a 40K rulebook being something fun to add to a hike! At least 4th was paperback I guess?



Nope! This was the hardcover version.


I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the fingernail that scrapes the blackboard of your soul. I am... 



More seriously though. I've been playing Warhammer in all of it's forms since the early 90s. I remember the first game I saw was with the metal Tyranids vrs Orks game back then and I was instantly hooked. I was drawn the the Tyranids initially and have jumped around every since. Currently I'm attempting to build my Fallen White Scars that have allied themselves to Khorne. It is a cool themed list that I hope to take with me to the LVO in Jan 2019. It is just going to take me awhile to build and paint everything so when I do go I might not have enough points built and painted to play in any of the events. I'm also working on saving up the money to have an entire new army of Sisters of Battle commissioned by Siege Studios. Stained glass and all. My first project with them is three Exocists. It is going to cost a pretty penny but this is going to be the army I bring out to put people in awe. My Chaos list is for fun. :happy.:


I am a big fan of the underdog codexes. I love pretty much every faction and hope to own at least a 2k army of most armies eventually. I prefer to play for fun making up stories as I play. I have a very close friend that I do this with when we meet up as well. Hoping to get in a good game or five with him over the holidays this year. :happy.:


I'm currently living in Reno NV USA. Love it here. It is stunning to see the mountains around me and it is humbling as well to realize how tiny I actually am on the scale of things. Anyway, I the collector that cannot decide what to build and play so I have a smattering of a bunch of different models in various stages. Speaking of which. I need to paint my Flesh Tearer Scouts this weekend as well as a Deathwatch model for that B&C donation drive. :happy.:


But I'm pretty sold on my Renegade White Scars list. It is dope. (Kids still say dope right? Damn I'm old...)



Good to see Negaduck plays Chaos too :tongue.:

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Hey everyone, I'm aceofcase.


I've been playing 40k since mid 2013 with 6th edition... I was originally a loyalist marine player and ended up collecting well over 10,000 points... but I was forced to sell my army early last year. After reading the two Black Legion novels, I found myself far more attracted to the fluff and themes behind Chaos and so I made the switch. I'm starting from scratch on a Black Legion army using a lot of 30k bits, but I should hopefully be sharing some of that progress with you all here. I tend to focus down on one army, but Chaos offers a lot of new experiences for me as far as painting and modelling that I'm looking forward to trying out. 

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This is an amazing idea.


Hey guys. I'm Neph. Some of the older Frater will remember me, most of the younger guys won't. I was absent for a long time. I won't go into the nitty-gritty, but life hit me pretty damn hard and it wasn't until recently, I have had the means to get back into the hobby. 


I was introduced into the hobby in 2003 and my first love was Slaanesh. The friend that introduced me to the hobby, had me read a lot of books first and then we went to the local GW in San Francisco, the one that used to be of 4th Street in the mall, and I discovered the hideous state of the Dark Eldar model range. So, I fell back to my second interest, the marines that served our Dark Prince. I loved the idea of rebellious, metal love, drug fueled combat killing machines, and more than all of that, I loved the idea behind the psychic-sonic weaponry of the 3rd Legion. 


Now, this was back in the day when we still had bit service and I ordered $100s of dollars worth of bits and components. I converted sonic bikes, sonic terminators, sonic chosen, sonic predators and even had a land raider with blastmasters. Every model that could had doom sirens. I had hordes of daemonettes and seekers and a couple of keeper of secrets. My army was amazing. It was all WYSIWYG and my unstatured daemon prince in power armor made more than one opponent quiver with fear when they asked, "Is he WYSIWYG?" I would smile and say, "Your faith in the Emperor has been misplaced. You true savior has arrived this day. She Who Thirsts opens her loving arms to you," and the dice would be thrown for initiative. 


Then a great darkness descended upon fourth edition and the 5th edition Chaos Codex invalidated my entire army. No more could I field hordes of daemonettes with my noise marines. No more could my sonic bikers rush up the battlefield with their icons and no more could my sonic terminators plunge down from their battle barge's teleport array and smite my enemies. In a rage, I sold my entire army on Craigslist. I literally had spent a few grand on my army at this point. I got $400 for it.


When sixth edition hit, I started to slowly rebuild. I was bored with the other table top games and decided to retry 40k once again. I had invested about 1.2k into this new CSM army, and then some dick stole my car. Unbeknownst to this car thief, my entire army was in my trunk. My insurance company wouldn't do anything about it and I quit the hobby again.


When the Horus Heresy launched, I was excited. I had been reading the books for years, even if I wasn't playing and buying interesting bits every now and again off eBay, because I mean, who can pass up 10 melta guns for $2.00? I mean come on now, right? Fast forward a little bit until now, and I'm financially in a spot that I can start the hobby back up again, a little bit wiser this time around and a lot more interested in just the hobby side. Whether or not I'll ever get to field my Lustwing again, I still want to rebuild an homage to that army and that's my current focus. 

So I'm here to stay this time. I'll tell you right now the quickest way to rile me is talk about Slaanesh like he/she's just about boobs and beer. Some of you might remember our rather lengthy conversations about the nature of our Dark Prince and what more depravities the Lord of Excess had to offer. I get that some more of our... immature, or maybe even less experienced... audiences will gravitate towards the Juan Diaz models and fixate on that, but if you want true space horror, read the Liber Chaotica: Slaanesh and Slaves to Darkeness and maybe even some Lovecraft and then let's talk about what an ancient evil who embodies excess can really accomplish.

Anyways, this filthy heretic has rambled on a bit too long. While I've not got the time to read everyone's introductions tonight, I will take time to read them over the weekend. Well met, friends. Talk to you soon.

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Back in the 1990s, I would play against a particular mate of mine most weekends.

We had a system by which at the end of each game turn, we'd debate which of us had won the turn.

"I got 5 kill points that turn."

"Yeah, but I claimed 3 objectives, and I killed your librarian."

That sort of thing.

The point was that whoever had lost the turn had to go and make the winner a cup of tea before the next round.

It soon became apparent that regardless of which armies we were using, or their motivations for the battle, we were both actually fighting for the approval of Tet'lee, the tea god (greatest of the chaos gods).

Soon every important roll was accompanied by a cry of " tea for the tea god" or "the tea god protects".

To this day, whenever I'm about to make a vital dice roll, I still let out a hopeful "tea for the tea god", and receive odd looks from my opponent.

Does anyone else have weird little things like this, or is it just me?

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Hi. I’m Redtoof.


As the name suggest I think of myself as an Ork player first, but also have dabbled in chaos on and off for many years. This year I started a blog, which is linked below. Most relevant post to this sub forum is this one: https://redtoof.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-fractured-truth-alpha-legion-warband.html


I play Alpha Legion a bit, but most of my Chaos exposure these days is from my regular opponent who usually runs Emperor’s Children and makes me fear Noise Marines and all things Forgeworld.

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I'll bite.


First post in ages. My family and I relocated towns 6 months ago and all my hobby stuff is still in storage while we're renting (bought a house this week though - purely for the sake of having somewhere to continue with my hobby...;)


I'm Schultzhoffen, been a member of B&C for over 10 years. Yes, I am that old, and I do recognise the old hands. I may even have argued with some of you at one time or another (my wife says that I could argue with a lamp post). Please forgive me if I have. 


Been in the hobby for 17 years (although I started late).


I love the Horus Heresy, but enjoy the hobby as a whole, I have several different armies and don't get much gaming time anymore. My hobby is predominantly painting. My son (10 years old) is starting to get into wargaming so that's neat. I do intend to take him to tournaments in a few years (SouthCon, anyone?). So you may see us there if you're down Dunedin way (we're further north than that, though).


I don't take anything about this game too seriously.  On the other hand, I love the general universe of the HH and 40K world - it is one of the best settings around.


Painting is also one of the best forms of stress relief I have and I'll keep doing it 'till I die.

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Hey folks, I'm Lhorke.


I've been into the hobby for about 10 years now and finally joined this site last year. My buddy who got me started tried to convince me to build a loyalist space marine army, but they quickly fell to Khorne and became World Eaters instead. Strangely enough, I still have just about every chaos model I have ever purchased (mostly berzerkers) and I am currently repainting everything so that I can finally have a decent quality fully painted army. Sadly, my painting skills are still not great but I'll get there.


Since my early days in the hobby I have picked up a lot of heresy-era stuff including marines, tanks, and dreadnoughts. After reading a lot of lore around my favorite legion, I decided to theme my warband around the Scouring and the Battle of Skalathrax. As a result, my World Eaters vary significantly in paint schemes, ranging from the blue and white of the old legion to the red and brass of 40k and just about everything in between. Also, I love tanks and robots so my army is heavy on armor and dreadnoughts. I'm also doing a lot of conversions and kit-bashing between 40k and 30k kits to get the right aesthetic.


I have tried to start other armies, but I never get very far. There is just something about deploying Khârn and a horde of berzerkers out of a Spartan Assault Tank that is so satisfying. 


Anyway, this thread is a great idea and I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts!

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Greetings from Tasmania, Australia Dragonlover,


After starting back in the RogueTrader era and run Blood Angels and then on to Elder, and now have finally settled on the Death Guard (as Paillid Hand) running them with renegades with heavy support and now looking at adding a renegade knight devoted Papa Nurgle.


Still have Mortarion on the paint table and too scared to paint him as I'm scared to stuff him up.


We have a small club in our area as our local GW is about 2hrs away.


Now I'm looking at adding Black Legion and or Thousand Sons.

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Hey there, I'm Brass Claw


According to my profile, I have been on the forums since April of 2007. I have been playing Warhammer 40K  off and on since 1998. My first army was Dark Eldar, which I sold off to start my World Eaters project which I currently just a little over 3000 points. The current plan is to get it 6000 points. I also have Khornate/Blood Pact style traitor guard force about 1000 points large and a Tyranid Hive Fleet about 2000 points 


I used to be a competitive player, but I have mellowed out over the years. I haven't played an 8th edition game yet, I'm currently getting new rhinos for my berzerkers (no more baby transports) and have been flirting in getting some Khorne Daemons or start something completely different like Necrons. 



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MaliGn here, I started writing this yesterday, but then lost all my progress so I'll try again. I'm based in South Wales, and first started the hobby in my early high school years. The friends that got me into the hobby had a spread of armies already and so chaos was the missing force, it also appealed to the nascent metal head in me! This was back before the 2nd edition chaos codex and so I was pretty limited in the models I could find at the time (anyone else remember monopose khorne bezerkers?) Eventually the Codex was released and my options opened up considerably, at about this time I decided that my force would be Alpha Legion, accompanied by some Black Legion allies. This was also the period in which Necromunda was released,which was much more appropriate for a teenage budget and dominated hobby time.


In my later teens I drifted away from the hobby, lured in by nightclubs, beer and girls however a few years later at uni my housemate re-ignited my interest and I found I could balance all of these things, this was by now the era of the illustrious 3.5ed book and so my Alpha Legion were revitalised, some of the old metals were stripped and repainted and their numbers were bolstered with the new plastics. While building this army I was inspired to start a Tyranid force, which I developed for a while before returning to my original love, chaos. Next up was an all-time Emperor's Children army.


This was before GW abandoned bitz ordering and I set myself a challenge of designing and building an iconic Chaos Lord for Each legion and building a small force to accompany each leader. The Emperor's Children was the only one that really worked, with some extensively converted sonic biker chosen and a lot of daemonettes. Shortly later the Codex was updated and the army invalidated in one fell swoop.


I was undeterred, and by this point blessed with an extensive chaos bitz box and so my next project was born: Word Bearers. The theory at the start of the project was based on the generic greater and lesser daemons of the 4th edition codex and the Word Bearers' disdain for, and extensive use of daemons. I planned to create a variety of non-god specific Daemon types to use alongside my CSM, I also planned to attempt to elevate my painting to a new level. About ten years, several edition changes, house moves and children later and I've been partially successful, in that the Daemon project fell by the wayside but the painting seems to have improved a bit.


I've been a member of B&c for about 7 years and find it a useful way of staying in touch with developments in the hobby since with my various other commitments I don't get much time for gaming. The support and inspiration that can be found among the frater is really helpful at moving projects along and maintaining motivation.


That's me in a nutshell.

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Fhanados here. Long time lurker, occasional poster.


I've been playing on-and-off since 3rd edition. I had a fairly big break between the end of highschool and finishing my further studies and started playing pretty hardcore in 5th and 6th edition, winding down a bit in 7th with the whole marriage, child and mortgage thing. I'm known for being indecisive and my Chaos army has changed legions 3 times over the years, not to mention the other armies I've played!


8th edition has helped me figure out what I want to do with my collection, and that started with a brand new Death Guard army (in Iron Warriors colours. Kill two legions with one stone!). It's the closest I've ever been to completing an army and I'm very pleased with the results so far.


I don't play many games these days but I'm finding 8th edition to be the most fun I've had in the hobby for about a decade. Most of my game-related hobby itch is scratched through lurking on forums and watching battle reports on Youtube when my wife isn't around to hog the TV!

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@Dragonlover Apologies for the late reply, I`ve not had chance to get on till this morning I`m afraid, birthdays can be a pain, especially when they are your own :teehee:


I love CSM fluff and artwork and all the threads are simply so inspiring to get myself going with them but whenever I sit down with them and actually look at the minis I have I end up getting so fed up with them :rolleyes: they just don`t look appealing to me like everyone else's CSM does. And it doesn`t help that I have had awful luck with the past few games I had with them as well :smile.:


I think I`m gonna have to do what Augustus did a while ago (forgive me if I`m completely wrong Auggie :wacko.:) And just get rid of most of my CSM and start all over again with a clean slate kind of thing :happy.:

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Slave to Darkness (or StD, or Slave, hell I even answer to :cuss: ). Only been here for about 5 years, other forums I used being The Great Crusade/First Expedition and Deathguard.org back in the day.


Been playing Chaos since 1st ed, currently working on my Hellbound Slaanesh warband (inspired by the Hellraiser films and Japanese Ero Guro). I also have Word Bearers and Space Wolves, and I have a fair few Inquisigorkamundaheim © warbands on the go as well.


Oh and I hate 8th ed and the current Age of Guilliman/Primaris fluff. 7th was better. :wub:

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I'm Chaz Sexington and I've been addicted to Warp Dust and Chaos Space Marines since 2014. 


I originally played Sons of Medusa a little bit back in 3rd edition (still have the codex and BRB), but I left wargaming to pursue girls. I came back to wargaming at the tail-end of sixth, and made a shortlist of the factions I liked, and the Alpha Legion stood out to me. I later picked up some CSA-inspired Imperial Guard, but the force is tiny and I really should just re-do their paintjob. I also have a half-finished (not even tbh) force of Alpha Legion for the Horus Heresy. I focussed on them during the latter stages of 7th, and should probably get back to making a proper force of them. 


Most recently, I found myself struggling with the direction of my Alpha Legion force, which started in 7th, as I simply couldn't play against most opponents as I just offered no resistance and neither side had any fun. I then decided to make a force of Red Corsairs for a more full-on mutated look, and I've currently amassed almost 2000pts of Red Corsairs. Meanwhile, I figured out a direction for my Alpha Legion, and I'm now going to make a table this summer to match their bases in addition to fleshing out units and adding some more Alpha Legionnaires and a Khorne Daemon Detachment. 


I'm an active TO and I play both competitively and narrative games and anything in between. My Alpha Legion are in the process of being made fully competitive, while my Red Corsairs are full-on fluffy bunnies. My goal is simply to amass massive Alpha Legion armies for both 30k and 40k, and around 4000pt for Red Corsairs, in addition to a minor Renegade Guard detachment to serve the Red Corsairs. I want to finish my force of CSA-inspired Imperial Guard, but I also want to make a Renegade Guard Regiment with Anvil Industries' models (see below). Also, if they ever bring out rules for Dark Mechanicum in 40k, I want to build an army of that. If FW get a new Chaos Warhound titan done, I'm gonna want two of them for a Tiger Eyes Titan Legion detachment for my Alpha Legion, along with a bunch of Skitarii Titan Guard.



I mean, I've got plenty of ideas for other side-projects, like Winged Hussar-inspired Rough Riders, techno-barbarians etc, but I've got more than enough on my plate for now. 

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I do believe I am still the only loyalist. Lmao.

But your still here though... ;)

I can smell the Warp on you boy (or girl), it is only a matter of time until you take your first steps on the path to glory!!

I have held off the temptations so far, so I'm doing good. Lol. I mean, there must be some opposition for you followers of chaos! Otherwise, you will kill each other out of boredom. Eh, that might happen anyways, but not to that extent.

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Hello everybody, my name is Krakendoomcool and I'm a 40k addict.


Started back in 2nd edition with 40k and Warhammer fantasy battle. The plaguebearers in fantasy got me started down the path of Nurgle. Then the Great unclean one of about 20 years ago blew my mind. I even painted pictures of him as part of my school art projects!


I went to uni, pretended I wasn't into the hobby then had a massive relapse when in my adult life had friends (Pandorasbitzbox included) who used to be into 40k.


Had a second child at the start of the year and found I couldn't actually do any of the hobby. Couldn't paint, model or play. Discovered I could happily go on my phone while holding a sleeping baby so I started a 40k blog:




Pandorasbitzbox and Warbringer are my local game buddies and also write on the blog.


Shortly after starting the blog I discovered the wonders of Bolter and Chainsword. I also play Space Wolves and Orks so have been around there a bit more. I butterfly about between the armies a lot. Get swept up in my own excitment and start working on the 'next project’ all the time.


My Nurgle army up until 8th edition was Deathguard (or so i thought) with Nurgle daemons. The release of the Deathguard codex has landed my army in no-mans land a bit. But I'm back doing Nurgle conversions so am happy and hope to be around the chaos space marine section a bit more.

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Hardly a surprise to be the lone loyalist, you are in the Chaos section of the boards...!

Greetings all! I am Mekhitar.

I first joined B&C shortly after I started playing (3 years ago) and the friend who introduced me to the game convinced me to write up my own minor Order Militant for my Sororitas - the Mekhitarian Order, or the Order of the Ashen Wing - but I found the boards pretty hostile at the time and saw no reason to post again.

Fast forward to the release of 8th, I found my way back, and decided to give it another shot.

I am playing 40k against my own adamant protests.  It came through a group of friends - gamers, all - who would meet several times a week for D&D, board games, LARP, etc.  One had inherited several armies from friends (marines and tau, chiefly; later a giant stockpile of csm) who had given up 40k in editions past.  I avoided playing as all the other members of the group took up the game one by one, protesting that I "didn't have the time" for a game as intensive as this.

Turns out I was right. I don't have time.  Doesn't stop me from playing anyway! :wink:

I started with Sisters, because the aforementioned friend had a small force of them - say 1000 pts - and how could a good Catholic girl like me resist the chance to burn heretics? But
after about a year of all Sisters, all the time... seriously, we would play 1-3 games a week, easily... I got bored with their limited options and repetitive list-building and looked to branch out.  Our group was heavy on Imperial loyalists and light on chaos (the original fellow who introduced me played CSM from time to time, but really as a side show to his Dark Angels), and let's face it, between Dark Vengeance chosen and the Defiler... there were just some -neat- models.

So to Chaos I fell.

They were just so intriguing-looking, and besides, I was just getting started with the hobby side - building and painting.  Turns out it's a bit hard to mod a Sisters army, but chaos just begs for it, and along with the pile of abandoned marines and defilers there was an insane number of chaos-y bitz.


I had to pick a side, of course; this was before I'd read anything on the legions.  Nurgle was too disgusting for me, and khorne (daemonkin) too powerful an option.  (I was doing very well with Sisters and wanted more of a challenge.)  So I went for magic & perfection, and my two chaos armies to this day are Thousand Sons (explicitly Rubric heavy) and Emperor's Children / Slaanesh Daemons.  They were my primary focus for two years, though in the past few months I have taken to painting a subset of Black Legion so I get to play with Berserkers.


My army was going to be gray and orange - I love red, but my sisters were already red/purple and my friend plays a red guard army - so, orange, but I was new enough to painting I was afraid that the gray would look "unfinished" instead of "gray".  So the color mutated to purple and orange, except it was a bit more of a periwinkle than a purple.  Then, since I enjoy freehand acrylic and watercolor painting, I went for a blend, so my forces are instead blue/green with red/orange trim... inverted for the elite units.  I'm afraid it's closest to Night Lords of any existant legion, though not terribly close.  I call them the Mercurial Legion (led by the eponymous Lord Mercury), but I run them as Emperor's Children, since they are straight up and down Slaanesh.

I don't do tournaments - hypercompetitive as I am by nature, it really wouldn't be good for my psyche - so I settle for playing the backboard my husband bounces his AM and Eldar
lists off of.  He won our last local RTT, so I'll celebrate that vicariously through him!

I'm very much enjoying 8th, and the strength of so many codexes at once.  Somewhere along the way I picked up some inquisitors and custodes, and now these days I usually ally in 5-600 points of "other imperium" on campaign nights to change things up for my Sisters and keep them fresh and fun.  I still do occasionally get together for some 40k with that original group, though, and when I do, it's all chaos, all the time!

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