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I'm Danny Cyanide and before my first son was born in January 2013 I had built and painted an approximately 10,000 point Black Crusade connection of all 9 traitor Legions. When my son was born I suddenly had no time for the hobby, and I sold my collection when finances got tight for my family.


Life kept moving forward, I got myself into a great career and about a year ago the hobby bug bit me again. I was sad to see that there had been no undevided model updates in my absence, and I really didn't want to start a new army of old Chaos miniatures, after seeing what was being produced for new models today. I didn't want to start a Cult Legion as my first returning Chaos project so this caused me to pledge my allegiance to the Imperium, and over the past year I've put together about 8,000 points of painted Imperium armies including Elysian, Krieg, Deathwatch and Imperial Knights.


When the first reveal for Shadowspear was made my traitorous heart trembled with joy. My patience was being rewarded with new models and I was so excited. Then out of nowhere, ABADDON!!!


My soul was enraptured! We are returned my Brother's, we are returned indeed!


The past month of reveals has driven me into a frenzy, trying to decide what projects to begin with. I will be relaunching my Black Crusade collection and have so far purchased Shadowspear, Dark Imperium and Mortarion. I am currently planning on picking up Abaddon soon and will be starting my Black Crusade with a Word Bearers Daemonkin force, A Deathguard detatchment and the CSM from Shadowspear will be Black and Gold!


For me, doing a Black Crusade will allow me to paint different things without getting bored. I'm very excited to be back on the eight fold path!

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Some call me cynical...


Others call me bitter...


Most just calls me "hey, golly gee are you doing in my house?"...


YOU can call me Excessus...





For some reason or other it doesn't seem like I actually wrote a presentation here back in the day, oops. :D


I'm Excessus, I have been playing 40k since the start of 2nd edition. I started off playing the old metal catachans, really awesome models and still some of my favorites...though they died easily to virus outbreaks...like...all the time... But then the 2nd ed codex Chaos was released and I knew my destiny was set in stone. The story of the noble Alpha Legion captured me. A mysterious legion whose aspirants had to make it as a team, or not at all...and whose whole fighting style revolved around coordination and planning. So cool! :wub:


Though also in the same codex was Ahriman and the Thousand Sons, and man did they have a tragic backstory. It captured me and they soon became shared for favorite legion with Alpha Legion...but the converting was much much more expensive when I had to buy the old Jes Goodwin Thousand Sons model and chop off the head with a saw...and then buy librarian bodies to get the cool markings and tabards and stuff...so most of my army was still Alpha Legion... :)


The years went by, and I got out of school, into work, into school again, out of work, into work, out of school, into school...and so on and so forth...


Plastic marines! Wow, they were a new thing! 3rd edition was awesome, out with my old metal infantry and in with the plastics! oooh, newer plastics, oooh, a daemon prince. Well, now a few years later, most of my old 2nd 3d ed stuff was in a box in my basement and stolen...but I still have a few thousand points to play with fortunately.



But now, after over 20 years with my Alpha Legion...these new models have convinced me to go Black Legion. We are living in exciting times indeed!

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Hello all,


I'm Shard of Magnus and I've been a professional lurker on the B&C for over 6 years; but my first 40k exposure dates back to the Rogue Trader era when I was in high school.  Epic and WHFB were my main game systems (R.I.P both, your time ended too soon) and I've been both a casual and a hardcore tournament player.  I joined this community at the prodding of my so very supportive wife who was trying to find ways to help me recover from a near death experience and coma back in 2012.  While I wasn't an active poster, this forum was an anchor when I was struggling with recovery.


In my time here I've bounced between many (unsuccessful) army projects, had a few name changes, and have seen my gaming motivation go from very high to non existent.  It's been almost a year since I touched a brush and closer to 2 since I've played a game....  


The new chaos releases have tempted me to revisit the hobby I've grown up with and maybe give a little back to the forum that has helped me out.  For now I'm planning to focus on modeling and painting first and foremost.  I might get back in to gaming eventually if I find a new group but that's a low priority.  



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I'm HCMistborn, or KJ if you like. I have been in and out of the hobby since 2001. Recently sold off everything I owned except my Archeon model for AOS and started over, picking up Shadowspear and two extra CSM squads from the box. I'm slowly building and converting what I call a wrath and rapture daemonkin force. I don't really like socializing and thus have given up on playing.


I had a big death guard army that I'm still piecemeal selling off, but my allegiance has been stuck with Khorne and Slaanesh for a while. The new models are gorgeous and I just want to build and convert a bunch. I plan to get a Lord Discordant and a bunch of Maulerfiends next.

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Goodwin returns!


I’ve floated around for years with a big IW army and finally traded it off for nights. Now I’m significantly regretting that as I’m starting anew! I have around 12 knights that I rarely use and a big collection of Nurgle and Khorne Daemons.


I came back to my old main squeeze finally.


However, I’m in a bit of an identity crisis. I want a fluffy-ish way to be able to use whatever so I’m torn between Red Corsair and Black Legion as the main army theme. I like the idea of both of them - either a collection of bad asses as part of a Pirate party or settling old grudges. I’m really not sure how I’m going to decide this one!


I mostly lurk so thanks in advance for any knowledge and ideas I manage to steal from you all.

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Hi I'm Guzzlrr,


My friend got me into the hobby in 2007 after a summer of persuasion. I remember going to the store and it literally was the day 4th edition chaos was released. So chaos being the edgey bad guy that where literally brand new was a no brainier. I still think to this day my friend masterfully coaxed me into the hobby

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Hi everyone, I'm Furnace Lord. I started out in the late days of Rogue Trader and got introduced to the Warhammer universe through Space Hulk, which I still love today. Chaos was my first army, at first I just had a random warband with colors I liked, but later went full Black Legion because I enjoyed the color scheme and flexibility, and the inclusive notion of banding together and accepting all heretics under one banner. I'd actually always hated Abaddon as kind of a joke and a terrible Saturday morning cartoon villain until I read ADB's Black Legion books and discovered a totally rehabilitated character, and can honestly say I'm loyal to the Warmaster.


I had an account on the B&C back around 2000 but only lurked and can't even remember the login or email I used, but I always enjoyed the community here. I played through until some time in 3rd edition, and also played Fantasy the entire time, as well. Other 40k armies were Blood Angels, Orks, and Eldar. Fantasy armies included Chaos Dwarves (a dear favorite), Empire, Undead, and Dogs of War. I fell out of the hobby until just recently, my last games played with the most Holy 3.5 codex :tongue.: I never really learned how to paint or model properly so I'm taking the time to do so as I start again, older, hopefully wiser, and more disciplined.


I had the pleasure of participating in the Armageddon campaign with my Blood Angels, and the Eye of Terror campaign with my Black Legion......which we won and won hard :tongue.:


Anyway, I'm a font of old lore information but some of the new stuff I'm still catching up on. I'll almost certainly start a Blood Angels army at some point, and I'd like to start playing Age of Sigmar once I finish putting together my Chaos Marine army and get adjusted to 8th edition. But I am terribly patient and focused on my current task. Also having shared a Codex with the Dark Angels and enjoying their inclusion in Space Hulk, I have a quirk of getting very weary and annoyed with Dark Angels heretics jokes, even though I don't and will never play them :P

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Most just calls me "hey, :censored: are you doing in my house?"...



Wow, we have the same name... What are the chances :biggrin.:



Yeah, it's a pretty uncommon name from what I understand. :D

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Speaking of other names, "malisteen" is kind of an ancient holdover handle from the long long ago times when I was in fact a teen who expressed some degree of generalized malice, and you'll mostly only gind me by this name here, on the carpe noctem vamp counts forum, and on disqus chatter under the occasional bols or feit article.

Lately I mostly go by "sception" or "gamesception", including the tga forums for AoS, where I'm occasionally active on the Death subforum, and on tumblr, where I have side blogs dedicated to various interests, including miniatures and pokemon. If you're ever looking for ghost type pokemon with good IVs, egg moves, hidden abilities, rare pokeballs, etc, let me know, as I often have spares from various hatching projects that I'm happy to give away.


EDIT:  Now I'm Sception here, too.

As I mentioned in my previous post, my presence here comes and goes with my shifting hobby interests. If for whatever reason you want to reach me when I'm not active here, tumblr is the best bet. That's the only place where my online presence is even remotely consistent.

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I'm Chaz and I haven't spilled Nuln nor Agrax in 6 months.


I've played GW products since HeroQuest at a friend's, with my first purchase being the 5th edition WFB Bretonnians vs. Lizardmen box set. I then moved into 40k during 3rd with Sons of Medusa, before going into a hiatus during late high school and lasting until the end of my university time, where I rejoined the wargaming hobby in 6th edition with the Alpha Legion. I'm on my third Alpha Legion scheme, originally going for the blue and green highlighted GW scheme, then Nusphigor's scheme, which I picked up on the Alpha Legion forums, then the FW metallic blue once I got the hang of an airbrush. 

I currently play Alpha Legion, mostly in 40k, though I do have some 30k on a very slow burner. Otherwise, I have Red Corsairs and some CSA-inspired Imperial Guard, and the Venomcrawler going to form the first of my Incaladine Dark Mechanicum. I tend towards either semi-competitive or narrative, but I am going to try to make 2019 my first proper foray into fully competitive 40k, as I do enjoy it, though I'm not much good!


My current projects are getting my Alpha Legion into tip top shape, with an Assault Company currently being worked on alongside Cultists, with a fully corrupted Line Company next up alongside Daemonic support. 


Otherwise, I enjoy long walks on the beach and torturing Ultramarines. 

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Hi folks!

I am hierojin aka Björn, 36yo psychatric nurse and long time lurker on BaC from Germany. :)

My first contact with wargaming was when my stepdad bought the old Space Crusade and Hero Quest boxsets at "Spiel" Essen, which were followed by 2nd edition of WH40k shortly after. 

Started with some Tyranids back in the day but fell in love with chaos when the codex and the old Abaddon hit the shelves. <3


Right now I own:

- roughly about 7k of Iron Warriors (adding with the new release),

- about 4k of Drukhari,

- 3k of Death Guard (love painting the weathered heresy colors),

- 1k Slaanesh Daemons

- and a big Vampire Counts Army from old WHFB


Sadly I only get to play about one game per month as my fellow guys are kind of sloths when it comes to actually playing 40k. :wacko.:

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