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Traitor Knights! Update inbound

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Lol at poor Duncan. Hahah. New GW media is a lot of fun the past year or so. :D


And this is as straight forward and thurough as the heretics have deserved. Even if it follows the often maligned "everything imperial gets except spikey" template. But in terms of hardware, that's exactly what chaos should have. all warmachines can be pressed into the service of the ruinous powers.

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Well to be a little nitpicky, they could have given us more Chaotic options or at least the ability to give the Knights various Marks of Chaos. Hopefully this is just a teaser of something more elaborate in the future.

hopefully GW makes some rules for some chaos themed knights weapons. I'd especially like to see some blood/sonic/poison/psychic lightning based weapons for chaos knights.
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Well to be a little nitpicky, they could have given us more Chaotic options or at least the ability to give the Knights various Marks of Chaos. Hopefully this is just a teaser of something more elaborate in the future.

hopefully GW makes some rules for some chaos themed knights weapons. I'd especially like to see some blood/sonic/poison/psychic lightning based weapons for chaos knights.


Please sonic... Please, please, please.... I need hell-variants! 

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Someone know the colors scheme of house Devine ? I've got the sudden urge to know

Pink and Purple pastels, formerly Black and Green.


We also have their house Crest:


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We also have their house Crest:



That crest is their loyalist version, one that many members of the House Devine despised. They probably dropped the Imperial Eagle and went back to the Naga after the Heresy.

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Forge World has Malinax transfers still for sale. They're basically undivided (loyal to Xana II and Archmagos Scoria). Like the Xana II tech priests, they're also obsessed with bones, particularly from giant ursids native to Xana. That's where the bear skull in the Dark Mech logo comes from.


And since FW is releasing Scoria soon, the timing is perfect.

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Is there a full list of house colors / crests somewhere? The 40k wiki is a little thin on details.


I'm just creating my own house for my Renegade Knights. :happy.:


I might do the same!


I'm pretty sure all of the Knight Household transfer sheets are still for sale. I picked up one a few weeks ago.

I see a few of them still available, but mostly not it seems - I was hoping for one of the Tzeentch-aligned houses, but didn't see anything on FW. Wanting to incorporate a Knight (or 3?) into a Thousand Sons list, so I might just grab some egyptian-y obelisks and things and stick em on the big knight when I put him together. :D


In general, it seems to me like the Renegades will be great as an addition to other Chaos lists, but that with the options we currently have, a straight Questor Traitoris list would be sort of pointless compared to an Imperial version (except from a purely aesthetics / fluff point of view, and I'm there with you). That sound about right?

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