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Help Me Spend Audible Credits


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So I've got a few credits to spend.


Recommend me any Black Library (prefer heresy!) that's on Audible with a why and i'll see if it's any good!


Is the Beast Arises worth a listen? I know some of the plot points though...


In terms of what I already have:



  • All the Primarch series
  • Angels of Caliban
  • Ruinstorm
  • Wolfsbane
  • Praetorian of Dorn
  • Master of Mankind
  • Scars
  • Path of Heaven
  • Betrayer
  • Aurelian


  • Black Legion
  • Talon of Horus
  • Watchers of the Throne
  • Eisenhorn Trilogy
  • Devestation of Baal
  • Imperator


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Ravenor trilogy, get it now! It’s superbly read, it’s a book I loved reading and listening only increased my love of these books,


I’m currently listening to ‘faith and fire’ the sisters book. Again I’ve read the book and the audible version is giving me a whole new appreciation of it. It’s beautifully read. If you like the Heresy it has some interesting snippets that are no longer canon and some that might make an appearance in upcoming books??


Helsreach is a great audio too. Well worth a listen.

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I'll second the Ravenor trilogy. Good call.


I've also had a great experience with Josh Reynolds audios; Lukas the Trickster and the two Fabius books were a lot of fun! The Fabius series would benefit from your reads of Talon of Horus and Black Legion as well, and Josh recently tweeted that he may be writing the 3rd book next year.

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I too can agree that the Ravenor series is one of the best ones out there. The Eisenhorn series is not to be scoffed at either; the series are interconnected, and follow the exploits of Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Ravenor, respectively. 


If you enjoyed Betrayer and Aurelian, I highly recommend picking up The First Heretic. I have not heard the audible (I have the paper copy), but it is one of my hands-down favorite Horus Heresy books and it introduced me to Argel Tal, who is now one of my all-time favorite BL characters. 


Angel Exterminatus is another good HH book, I am a big fan of the Iron Warriors and it really did them justice.

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It's not BL, but check out Wolf Hall & Bring out the Bodies by Hillary Mantel; it pretty much gives you the court story I think every 40K writer who engages with courts and politicking wishes they were writing :D


But do check out the (sadly only two) Gaunt's Ghosts books on audio, Salvation's Reach and The Warmaster, both of which are beautifully read and make great comfort listening. And definitely Ravenor and The Magos after it.

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Thanks guys - Quite like the idea of the Fabius books (especially if they relate to the BL stuff!)


I know the plot outline of Angel Exterminatus but not actually read it so maybe that's my next call in the Heresy series...

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Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy Burns, Know No Fear, and Fear to Tread. I’ve listened to Know No Fear s hundred times and it is amazing. Unfortunately the original Horus Rising was way better than its redone version. No idea why they redid first three is HH series. Original’s were fantastic and much more enjoyable to listen to. Didn’t like Fear to Tread first listen, but love it now. Top quality audio.
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Beast Arises is a lot of politics, but have some really good parts. Deathwatch and Vulkan were cool. Some books much better than others. Can be a lot of dry boring stuff. It’s not the best and I would save for a time when you’ve listened to everything else and there is a long dry spell of new interesting books.
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Beast Arises is a lot of politics, but have some really good parts. Deathwatch and Vulkan were cool. Some books much better than others. Can be a lot of dry boring stuff. It’s not the best and I would save for a time when you’ve listened to everything else and there is a long dry spell of new interesting books.

The politics was the best bit!!!

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Massive upside of 'The Beast Arises' is: it was an experiment. (That's not a story spoiler, I mean meta - the book series was an ambitious attempt to do something no-one [who worked on it] had done before [to my knowledge].)


So, if approached with the knowledge that it's a bit wobbly overall, and that there's some repetition and variance in focus/style/'quality'/pace, you'll probably stomach it just fine. Better: I find that I don't have anywhere near the nit-picky impatience with audios as I do when I read novels.


(Case in point: Vulkan Lives - I enjoyed both the audio and the prose, but found myself with an arm's length list of nitpicking moans and niggles with the novel, but in the audio I just enjoyed it. 'Less' than, say, Dan's Inquisition novels [as Toby's reading of Dan's prose is immense], but not regretting the time or audible credits spent on it at all!)


Which is to say: I really liked reading The Beast Arises; if I get a build-up of Audible credits, I think I'd be sure to give it a shot there too!


Similarly, given that all six of Dan's main Inquisition novels are on Audible, and they're Toby Longworth readin' 'em, you'd be daft not to give them a shot. Magos is on there too, but I've already got three copies of it. (Unintentionally, not compulsively - else I'd get the audio too most likely.)


With any luck, Pariah will be on there too in due course!

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Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy Burns, Know No Fear, and Fear to Tread. I’ve listened to Know No Fear s hundred times and it is amazing. Unfortunately the original Horus Rising was way better than its redone version. No idea why they redid first three is HH series. Original’s were fantastic and much more enjoyable to listen to. Didn’t like Fear to Tread first listen, but love it now. Top quality audio.


I have done the first three books (I think...) just missed them off my list above. I think it's the first one that I really liked!


Fear to Tread I've not done before, but heard VERY mixed things!

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Quality of audio on Know no Fear and Fear To Tread were fantastic! Also Unremembered Empire, Angel Exterminatus, and Betrayer were all done during a time when quality of audio was at it’s best. UE was amazing audio, and the story had some great parts, but some people hated certain outrageous parts. Betrayer was great! I’m not a fan of Chaos focused stories, but it was such a great well written story and quality audio that I listened to it a few times.
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