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Kill Team

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Didn't want this thread to fade away. How are people faring with scions in kill team? Has anyone tried an all guardsmen list?


I'm thinking about the following list for a matched play team:


Tempestor leader with plasma pistol and power fist

Scion medic

Scion gunner heavy specialist with hot shot volley gun

Scion gunner with hot shot volley gun

Scion gunner with plasma gun

Scion gunner with plasma gun

Scion comms specialist with vox caster

Special weapons gunner with sniper

Special weapons gunner with sniper


I wanted to run all scions but as I got to the end of my list I had exactly enough for two snipers and thought that I might as well run them. They have been gathering some dust and I saw a chance to finally paint them up. Will post some photos soon I hope.


One last thing I'm curious about is the grenade launcher. I know it seems like scions cant take one, at least for now, but has anyone had luck running them on guardsmen? I'm thinking that they could be quite good.

The benefit of the grenade launcher is that it's assault and has 2 firing modes. That cluster of termagants about to get into your lines? That's cool, fire ooff a frag at them and after you roll your # of shots you can allocate them.  I think that's an integral rule in the game I haven't seen many people taking full advantage of yet. You can only force someone to make 1 injury roll per attack so spread that hot shot volley gun between 2 space Marines next to each other! 

I was contemplating using a Tempestor w/Chainsword as a Zealot specialist - would get 4 attacks and could be targeted by the leader ability.

Then I remembered it's still just a GEQ model and stopped following up on that idea.



Guardsman w/vox as comms specialist seems like a really strong support unit.

Scion w/volley gun as heavy specialist also looks nice.


Haven't finished my list yet but thoose two will be in it.


 Scions can not take grenade launchers.

I really hope that's a misprint and will be corrected.

Unfortunately guardsmen and scions cant take zealot specialists or combat specialists (unless I missed something). I actually had the same thought as you originally. A tempestor with a power fist with an extra attack has the potential to do some damage! Unfortunately GW seems to want us to focus on just being as shooty as possible. Which I guess we are pretty good at.

Had a quick games last Thursday night with my force of mixed Guardsmen and Scions and was pretty happy with the result.
Grenade Launches are soo good.

Currently painting up my specialists now, pretty happy with the way the modern scions and vostroyan sniper fit in with the old school Inq stormies (Who will be playing the roll of basic guard).



I've run pure Guardsmen so far:


Sarg: bolt pistol, chainsword

Guardsman Gunner: flamer

Special Gunner: grenade launcher (demolitions)

Special Gunner: plasma gun

Special Gunner: sniper rifle(sniper)

Guardsman: vox (Coms)

x10 Regular Guardsmen


Nerve tests are impossible by the time I break, but theres nothing better than knocking down a Plauge or Rubric marine with a humble lasgun. Grenade Launcher are the best. No range penalty on grenades and with a buff from Coms and Demolition and an Order from the Sarg they are super reliable.


I do envy Marines ability to walk across open areas and not die. My guards have to stick to cover.

Call me picky (won't offend me with me being picky and all!) but the lack of Heavy Weapons has put me off a bit. I get that with two models on a base it would probably cause some annoying rules questions and the size of the base would be a pain as well, but I had a firm vision in my head of a WW2 British para unit using berets from the Scion kit. In my mind that needs a Bren Gun (Heavy bolter) and Mortar (Mortar, duh :P), then a medic, comms guy, sniper, grenade launchers and flamers with normal guardsman filling out the list.


Can't do that without heavy weapons :(

Looking good Mard! I actually am using the same Vostroyan sniper painted up in Kappic Eagle scion colors. He just looks like he belongs.


The lack of heavy weapons turned me off originally too but the more I think about it the less I miss them. Volley guns are pretty dangerous guns in a game like this and we do have a good number of weapon options between scions and guardsmen. That being said though, I do understand where you're coming from.


Has anyone had trouble with your leader getting immediately sniped? With no character rule I feel like a guardsman who can give orders is a pretty tempting target. I'm not one to hide my leader behind a wall the whole game as I feel he should be leading from as close to the front as possible. What are your strategies for keeping him alive? Hide him behind other models and pop the get down tactic whenever he's targeted? Or do your opponents tend to focus down the special weapons and specialists first?

I've been running the following list and having pretty good success with it. Victories so far against Standard Space Marines, Death Guard, Eldar, and a Primaris list. Only loss so far has been when the lady used my own Necron Team.


Tempestor w/ Plasma Pistol (Leader)


Guardsman w/ Vox Caster (Comms)

Scion Gunner w/ Plasma Gun (Sniper)

Scion Gunner w/ Hot-Shot Volley Gun (Heavy)


Scion Gunner w/ Plasma Gun

Scion Gunner w/ Plasma Gun

Guardsman Gunner w/ Grenade Launcher






With all the negatives to hit, getting that AP out there is paramount. Grenade Launcher does some real work too. Vox Caster Comms is probably my most important model, even moreso than the leader giving orders. The two together really are what makes the team shine.

I really like that list.  It's very similar to the list over been tinkering with.  Though instead of a grenade launcher I've become quite fond of the flamer.  


I also tried out some school with hot shot lasguns. Maybe it was my rolling but 2 of them working like battle buddies can put some hurt on enemies within 9." While fun, it's probably best to just run plasma and more guardsmen, right? 

Really bummed that scions cant take grenade launchers as that ruined my initial list, here's what im gonna try out tomorrow vs some friends


guardsmen sarge w/ power sword and plasma pistol - leader


scion - medic

guardsmen w/ vox - comms

scion gunner w/ hot shot volley - heavy


scion gunner w/ plasma

scion gunner w/ plasma

special gunner w/ gernade launcher

special gunner w/ gernade launcher

special gunner w/ flamer

guardsmen gunner w/ flamer



11 models total, 100pts on the nose.


If scions could take gernade launchers I'd save some points and hopefully get another naked body in there for 3 fireteams of 4 guys each

Kill Team Bellerophon ready for deployment.
Ignore the blutack as I still need to consider a basing scheme.
Current team as I play and learn is:

Scion Tempestor w/ powefist & plasma pistol (Leader)

Scion Gunner w/ Hot-Shot Volley Gun (Heavy)
Scion Gunner w/ Plasma Gun (Sniper)
Scion x/ Vox Caster (Coms)

Sergeant w/ chainsword & plasma pistol (Leader)
Guardsmen Gunner w/ Sniper
Guardsmen Gunner w/ Plasma Gun
Guardsmen Gunner w/ Grenade Launcher



I've run pure Guardsmen so far:

Sarg: bolt pistol, chainsword

Guardsman Gunner: flamer

Special Gunner: grenade launcher (demolitions)

Special Gunner: plasma gun

Special Gunner: sniper rifle(sniper)

Guardsman: vox (Coms)

x10 Regular Guardsmen

Nerve tests are impossible by the time I break, but theres nothing better than knocking down a Plauge or Rubric marine with a humble lasgun. Grenade Launcher are the best. No range penalty on grenades and with a buff from Coms and Demolition and an Order from the Sarg they are super reliable.

I do envy Marines ability to walk across open areas and not die. My guards have to stick to cover.

I'm pretty sure grenade launchers still suffer range penalties because they aren't "grenade" type weapons, they're "assault" type. Similarly, I'm pretty sure they don't suffer the limit of one grenade per turn for the same reason.


Also, don't forget that you always pass a nerve test on a 1, and your vox will let you reroll failures if he's not shaken. Two shots for a 1 has kept me passing a lot of tests I didn't think I would.

Kin is right. The Primaris Grenade Launcher doesn't suffer range penalty because it changes the range of your existing grenade weapon, whereas other GLs are not grenade type and thus suffer the penalty. Sad panda here. Also sad that Scions can't take them because now I'll have to pick up some normal guard. On the upside, that means I get to pick up some normal guard for a tiny painting and modelling project without needing thousands for a full army.

Kin is right. The Primaris Grenade Launcher doesn't suffer range penalty because it changes the range of your existing grenade weapon, whereas other GLs are not grenade type and thus suffer the penalty. Sad panda here. Also sad that Scions can't take them because now I'll have to pick up some normal guard. On the upside, that means I get to pick up some normal guard for a tiny painting and modelling project without needing thousands for a full army.

If you only need a few, do the right thing and make some really wild conversions :)

As I've picked up a box of Scions with a thought of using them in Kill Team over Necrons (when the dice gods say 'yes' they can be good but 6-7 minis are fragile when 'no') I have been using, aside from the no grenade launcher for Scions just how do you model one equipped with a vox-caster? The assembly instruction say with a pistol, the rules imply it must have either nothing or only the hot-shot lasgun.
I sometimes use the pointing arm thats supposed to be for the plasma guy for the vox caster guy. Then I take space marine plasma guns and fit them to the scion arms for grenade launchers and flamers. You can find tutorials floating about the internet if needed. Works pretty well and it makes it so that not all of my plasma gunners are pointing at something (I have a lot more plasma than I do vox casters so tha trade off is worth it). You can then take the wrapped up hot shot lasguns in the kit and glue one to the side of the vox guys backpack.


The FAQ addressed that you can equip them with a pistol or a pistol AND HSLG so either way you have to pay for the pistol



Yay, that means I now have two minis with pistols & just need to mount the wrapped HSLG to the vox-com backpack. I'm fairly certain I've some spare marine plasmaguns in the parts bin & I've not used all the scion grenade & flamethrower arms, I've just ran out of bodies to attach them to, can always get another box or a SC box or I break open the metal stormtrooper box I have & use them. I'm aware that there's some players near me that are looking for the Perry designed SS knockoff IG troop to use in Kill Team.

I think that I'll be getting on board with a kill team too :)


I'll be going for a small unit of Scions (5) and padding the team out with guard.


I haven't got the troops yet but the scions will be made from Grundstok Thunderers and the Guardsmen will be made from Arkanaut Company.


In order for them to work properly, I will be converting them and will be giving them slightly larger, 'sci-fi' heads. They will all be getting Imperial equipment.


I put together a few basic troops a while ago but these won't be used, however, they give an idea of the sort of thing I will be aiming for :) :




I haven't put together any of the scions for a test yet... they are quite expensive so I don't want to waste them :) .


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