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How to fix the Adeptus Astartes Codex - Will send to GW


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You forgot Whitescars, and I would give Ultramarine vehicles the same trait they have now


Whitescars - Unchanged, but add units of Whitescars Bike Squads gain objective secured. Vehicles suffer no penalty to firing if they move less than half their speed.

Im glad more people are getting involved with trying to create change! I appreciate the understanding of not trying to change the entire wheel by asking for new units but modifying current ones. Im still working on the Black Templar Index and have a thread over on the Black Templar page if you'd like some ideas. Im still working on making the Black Templars their own Index to be the Non Compliant Codex Astartes they always were/are.


My addition:

I think most people I have enountered have all agreed that Chaplains should gain the ability to Deny the Witch during an enemy psychic phase. For old Black Templars nostalgia, I'd name the ability "Master of Sanctity". It would make the Chaplain a worthy choice of being an HQ vs always auto picking a Captain or Lieutenant.


bring back the double twin autocannon option on codex version of dreadnoughts.

It still exists in the Forgeworld Index I believe?



that it does but as heavy support where as before the rifleman dread as some called it was previously in the elite slot. having it in elite as before would help in a few ways.


1. an additional cheap fire support unit. more options per slots will lead to more varied lists

2. unlocking forgeworld relics without having to use other elite units that may not even fit in your list or you flat out don't want to take

3. an alternative to the stalker although not as good against flyers but a higher rate of fire as things currently stand


also for another unit


allow vanguard vets to do an additional +1 damage on all wounds rolled on a 6 or if thats too underwhelming, make it a mortal wound instead of the +1. it wouldn't give hordes any nightmares anytime soon but at least it will give them a better chance against other elite assaults units, monstrous creatures and characters.

You're sending this to GW....well good luck with that.


I can count on the fingers of a blind butchers hand how many of these get read trust me. But hey, it's your hobby.






bring back the double twin autocannon option on codex version of dreadnoughts.

It still exists in the Forgeworld Index I believe?

that it does but as heavy support where as before the rifleman dread as some called it was previously in the elite slot. having it in elite as before would help in a few ways.


1. an additional cheap fire support unit. more options per slots will lead to more varied lists

2. unlocking forgeworld relics without having to use other elite units that may not even fit in your list or you flat out don't want to take

3. an alternative to the stalker although not as good against flyers but a higher rate of fire as things currently stand.

The Mortis Dreadnought isn’t a Relic, and the current Space Marine Elite slot is extremely crowded. The alternative to the Stalker would be the Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, at 166 pts with 2x Twin Autocannons you hit fliers needing the same numbers and everything else needing 2s.

My main issues with this edition are command points, and allies. By lowering the cost of marines you help them with these issues but I think you fix the fraction more than the game. 


Because of the way command points are generated your pushed towards cheap troops to unlock them, the ally system allows you to ignore that armies weaknesses by addressing them with specialized formations, and rewards you for it.


So I think your changes are sound but I think changing command points so that they scale by point level (so for example for a 2000 point game you start with 15), then decrease based on the amount of allies you have (so 0-20% full cp, 21-40% 12 cp, greater than 4-% 9 cp) would make running a single fraction a lot more viable. I think requiring a battalion or brigade in addition to the detachment limits would be necessary, and probably limiting warlord traits and relics to the largest detachment.


With all the fluff, back stories stating their importance to the Imperium, having their own Relic which is way better then their founding Chapters bolt pistol , their own warlord trait which is ok, and a Chapter master Special Character,  yet Crimson Fists are just blue Imperial Fists......Why has no one created a chapter trait for Crimson Fists?

Space Marine codex, like others, should have some special detachement.

A Space Marine brigade ( read here company) should be 6 troops, 2 fast attack, 2 heavy support, 3 elites (command squad splitted in parts) a lieutenant and a captain.




bring back the double twin autocannon option on codex version of dreadnoughts.

It still exists in the Forgeworld Index I believe?

that it does but as heavy support where as before the rifleman dread as some called it was previously in the elite slot. having it in elite as before would help in a few ways.


1. an additional cheap fire support unit. more options per slots will lead to more varied lists

2. unlocking forgeworld relics without having to use other elite units that may not even fit in your list or you flat out don't want to take

3. an alternative to the stalker although not as good against flyers but a higher rate of fire as things currently stand.

The Mortis Dreadnought isn’t a Relic, and the current Space Marine Elite slot is extremely crowded. The alternative to the Stalker would be the Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, at 166 pts with 2x Twin Autocannons you hit fliers needing the same numbers and everything else needing 2s.



please pardon my wording, i know it's not a relic, what i meant to say is bring back the autocannon mortis that was available in the elite slot in previous editions. i disagree about the elites being overcrowded unless you mean the relic units and even then you can take a vanguard detachment if you really want to go nuts with forgeworld. looking at the current elite choices in the current codex, what do you have? who takes 2-3 units of terminators, 2-3 old school dreads, 2-3 assault centurions?  or 2-3 vanguard vets?.....aggressors may get some play despite lack of mobility because they are very good at what they do, redemptor dread packs a lot of guns but is pricey. with so many armies that can outshoot you with cheaper units or simply tarpit your terminators and other similar units, the mortis in the elite slot adds some much needed extra firepower at a low cost compared to some other more overcosted units in the same slot that are not that great at what they are supposed to do.






bring back the double twin autocannon option on codex version of dreadnoughts.

It still exists in the Forgeworld Index I believe?
that it does but as heavy support where as before the rifleman dread as some called it was previously in the elite slot. having it in elite as before would help in a few ways.


1. an additional cheap fire support unit. more options per slots will lead to more varied lists

2. unlocking forgeworld relics without having to use other elite units that may not even fit in your list or you flat out don't want to take

3. an alternative to the stalker although not as good against flyers but a higher rate of fire as things currently stand.

The Mortis Dreadnought isn’t a Relic, and the current Space Marine Elite slot is extremely crowded. The alternative to the Stalker would be the Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, at 166 pts with 2x Twin Autocannons you hit fliers needing the same numbers and everything else needing 2s.

please pardon my wording, i know it's not a relic, what i meant to say is bring back the autocannon mortis that was available in the elite slot in previous editions. i disagree about the elites being overcrowded unless you mean the relic units and even then you can take a vanguard detachment if you really want to go nuts with forgeworld. looking at the current elite choices in the current codex, what do you have? who takes 2-3 units of terminators, 2-3 old school dreads, 2-3 assault centurions? or 2-3 vanguard vets?.....aggressors may get some play despite lack of mobility because they are very good at what they do, redemptor dread packs a lot of guns but is pricey. with so many armies that can outshoot you with cheaper units or simply tarpit your terminators and other similar units, the mortis in the elite slot adds some much needed extra firepower at a low cost compared to some other more overcosted units in the same slot that are not that great at what they are supposed to do.

You forgot about Ancients, Apothecaries, Company Veterans(you can buy just two of them!), Reivers, Aggressors(I love these guys as deepstrike denial), Sternguard, and Champions all cheap options. The Heavy Support role just doesn’t have many inexpensive options. Try as I might I don’t get how people think minimum sized Dev Squads are worth it, as an example in my last game my chaos opponent brought 3x minimum Havoc Squads with a mixed loadout, he went first and scratched my Leviathan, I opened up with my Mortis Contemptors and deleted all three squads. Its the Heavy Support section not the elites that needs the love.

Guest MistaGav

I think most of those points changes are a step in the right direction, theres a few I thought looked a bit too extreme and i would pull back on. Here's what I think on them and some other changes.


Assaulkt/Dev squads - 11 Pts

Aggressors – 18 Pts

Terminators – 20 Pts

Predators – 70 Pts

Drop Pod – 48 Pts

Redemptor Dreadnought – 100 Pts

Repulsor – 170 Pts



Some weapon ones:


Cyclone Missile Launcher - 30 pts

Flamer/Combi - 7/9

Plasma/Combi - 11/13

Grav/Combi - 13/15
Melta/combi - 15/17

Multi Melta/Twin - 22/44

Assault Cannon/Twin - 20/40


Plus a few Dark Angel specific ones:


Deathwing Knights - 35 Pts

Ravenwing Bike Squad - 20 Pts

Ravenwing Attack Bike - 30 Pts

Ravenwing Land Speeders - 50 Pts
Ravenwing Black Knights - 35 Pts
Ravenwing Dark Talon - 160


Deathwing/Ravenwing 'Characters' Apothecaries, Champions, Standards should all get about 20% drop points.

Predator, Vindicator, Whirlwind, Stalker, Hunter should be allowed 'squads' of 1-3.
Make all terminators 2+ WS/BS, more flexibility in weapon options like Deathwatch have and heavy weapons of 1-3 even in a 5 man squad.
Dreadnought combat weapon - 'Sweep attack' STR user, AP-2, D1. Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1.






bring back the double twin autocannon option on codex version of dreadnoughts.

It still exists in the Forgeworld Index I believe?
that it does but as heavy support where as before the rifleman dread as some called it was previously in the elite slot. having it in elite as before would help in a few ways.


1. an additional cheap fire support unit. more options per slots will lead to more varied lists

2. unlocking forgeworld relics without having to use other elite units that may not even fit in your list or you flat out don't want to take

3. an alternative to the stalker although not as good against flyers but a higher rate of fire as things currently stand.

The Mortis Dreadnought isn’t a Relic, and the current Space Marine Elite slot is extremely crowded. The alternative to the Stalker would be the Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, at 166 pts with 2x Twin Autocannons you hit fliers needing the same numbers and everything else needing 2s.

please pardon my wording, i know it's not a relic, what i meant to say is bring back the autocannon mortis that was available in the elite slot in previous editions. i disagree about the elites being overcrowded unless you mean the relic units and even then you can take a vanguard detachment if you really want to go nuts with forgeworld. looking at the current elite choices in the current codex, what do you have? who takes 2-3 units of terminators, 2-3 old school dreads, 2-3 assault centurions? or 2-3 vanguard vets?.....aggressors may get some play despite lack of mobility because they are very good at what they do, redemptor dread packs a lot of guns but is pricey. with so many armies that can outshoot you with cheaper units or simply tarpit your terminators and other similar units, the mortis in the elite slot adds some much needed extra firepower at a low cost compared to some other more overcosted units in the same slot that are not that great at what they are supposed to do.

You forgot about Ancients, Apothecaries, Company Veterans(you can buy just two of them!), Reivers, Aggressors(I love these guys as deepstrike denial), Sternguard, and Champions all cheap options. The Heavy Support role just doesn’t have many inexpensive options. Try as I might I don’t get how people think minimum sized Dev Squads are worth it, as an example in my last game my chaos opponent brought 3x minimum Havoc Squads with a mixed loadout, he went first and scratched my Leviathan, I opened up with my Mortis Contemptors and deleted all three squads. Its the Heavy Support section not the elites that needs the love.



the funny part is that i see more ancients than terminators, centurions, sternguard and vanguard. the elites definitely need more units to be elite as the fluff would suggest.

Well I won't participate in this topic then however let me comment one thing:


Any character that can take a flamer, melta, combi-flamer or combi-melta can do so as a free upgrade.


Just no. Not the free stuff crap. I'm super glad we left that back in 7th. In a system that's all about balancing things by points giving stuff for free is just utterly stupid.

This. Let their flamers/meltas do a little more damage or give them a slight bump to toughness (since sallies normal armor is artificer level), but don't give anyone something for free.

i still feel the centurions need more, points drop made on the aggressors in chapter approved only made assault centurions even more redundant. perhaps give them the ability to teleport with a 5+ invulnerable save at no additional price hike on the OPs post?

The Centurions should be around the 30 points make without wargear. Remember you get a 2+ save and t5, as well as 3 wounds. This would make them worthwhile, but they also need to be allowed in Drop Pods as they are sooooo slow. Another complaint we can bring up is the sheer cost of the weapon upgrades. 


Necron Destroyers illustrate how badly costed Centurions are. Destroyers have a similar stat-line with effective firepower, but amazing mobility AND fly on top for a fraction of the cost.



Well I won't participate in this topic then however let me comment one thing:


Any character that can take a flamer, melta, combi-flamer or combi-melta can do so as a free upgrade.


Just no. Not the free stuff crap. I'm super glad we left that back in 7th. In a system that's all about balancing things by points giving stuff for free is just utterly stupid.

This. Let their flamers/meltas do a little more damage or give them a slight bump to toughness (since sallies normal armor is artificer level), but don't give anyone something for free.




I've already agreed to remove this, yet I find it odd to see people reacting so adversely when relics are free and are much more impactful!


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