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Mephiston: Revenant Crusade


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Brother Mellow, the first book is titled Mephiston: Blood of Sanguinius. I have not personally read the book myself so I really cannot judge it for myself; it was written by Darius Hinks. He's done a fair bit of Old World stuff, but it seems as though this is his first big foray into 40k. The premise of both Mephiston books seem interesting enough, might pick them up when I finish the stack of books sitting unread on my desk! :rolleyes:

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Part way through it.


I enjoyed first one, this one is set at what can be assumed to be "current" timeline as it's a couple of centuries after the rift opened

Wow they’re really :cuss all over even what they were doing a few months ago. These guys need to pick a date and stick to it

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I have read them both and thought the Mephiston: Blood of Sanguinius was a good book, unfortunately I read Revenant Crusade and got the feeling it was filler. Kind of like when movies are done in a trilogy where the middle one didn’t need to be made.


It is possible my personal hype for this book is what let me down so I plan on giving it another read over the next couple of weeks.

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finished it myself.

Was an alright read overall, definitely felt like filler, albeit it did the job as im wanting to see the final part of the trilogy for sure.

The exploration of mephistons character and some of his closer relationships was good too.

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This book disappointed me, it did not flow, scenes came and went and i had to check to make sure i did not skip a chapter by accident more then once. The story is barebones, surface level quest. Which is a shame as it hints at some major stuff but never deals with any of it.


Any marine who is not Mephiston or his bare buddy might as well be red shirt 1-20, no interactions or attention given even to the most basic of levels other then name and rank. How do the primaries view mephiston? How does he view them? The answers lie somewhere just not this book.


Its a shame as it does some things well, i loved loved loved the Imperial guard survivors, the ogryns and their while fallout underground wasteland, and wish, more time had been given to them. Rather then wasted on Antros and his totally pointless and obviously doomed side mission. Which leads me to something else.


This book has no sense of scale, frigates take the firepower of entire NECRON fleets and barely lose void shields, Antros zooms around space in his little  side craft like poping in and out of the system is no big thing.  


It skips allot of stuff hoping the reader will fill in the blanks, only the blanks are gaping holes that need some real stretches to fill. As per the first book Mephistons power levels are ALL over the place. But that is fine he is a psycker of unknown power, tho a sense of danger ( not of death as thats not going to happen, but at least of genuine effort to win) would have been nice. 


Parts of the book are very internally inconsistent , Mephiston powers are blocked so he cant sense the guardsmen or read their minds, only he can his powers but cant see the future, only he can see the future just not the parts he wants.



This book was to me a waste of time and money, tho if the author EVER writes a IG novel i will buy it based on how well they are handled in this.  


Also there is a huge timejump from devastation of baal, 200 years ish, not that anything is done with this fact, it could as easily been 10 years and NOTHING would change in the book.

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This novel was a bit of a struggle at times. I had to reread several passages just to try and picture the scene the author was setting. This happened with the first Mephiston novel too. There are also a few passages that seem to just flat out not make sense. A scene at the end:


Rhacelus is fighting a Necron lord and gets both his Achilles tendons cut and falls down. And he falls he blocks the Necron attack in such a way that both their weapons fly away. The Necron runs and grabs the blade and is about to attack the unarmed Rhacelus, and Rhacelus...punches him in the face. How does a guy laying flat on his back punch someone in the face? Is the Necron crawling on the ground? Then a blow or two later, Rhacelus is driven to his knees. So was he standing the whole time after falling and getting his tendons cut? Did a sentence like 'Rhacelus scrambled to his feet' get cut out?


It seems like a minor nit pick, but it happens frequently in the novel. Someone does something that doesn't fit with the scene in my head, and it pulls out of the novel and I have to reread the last page thinking I missed something.


Also, Mephiston is absurdly powerful. We always knew he was one of the strongest psykers in the galaxy, but he pulls stuff out of his hat that would make Magnus blush.


Frequently stops time in the middle of a fight, either to have a conversation with someone, remember how to do something, or simply perform an unblockable attack. Gives a Necron a lesson on how the Necrotyr spoke and some history about the War in Heaven (how does Meph know this?). Fixes a Necron device that the Necron guy whose job it is to fix things doesn't know what to do. Rips the blood out of an entire Ork army. Goes into a little 'mind palace' while about to die so he can remember how to cure himself, than comes back to reality and psychically cures himself.


It's kind of fun because Mephiston is awesome, but at some point he's becoming the real life version of the Ward/Draigo meme.

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I should also say, there is another of things I liked about the novel. As mentioned earlier, the Imperial Guard bits were fantastic, and I also really like the Necron parts.


the thought of an insane Phaeron organizing raids based on his checkers games, using his brothers dead body as an advisor, and a tomb world too terrified of him to look at each other and say 'so this guy is a lunatic right?' is hilarious to me. There is a scene where at a war council the Phaeron turns to his brother mummified Necrotyr corpse and nods solemnly, then says 'well, what do you think of my brothers plan?' and the Necron PoV guy just says 'uh... Sounds great?'
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