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This project actually has an interesting origin as it's inspire by a renegade army I stumbled across online. After seeing a yellow CSM army (they were Lamenters) and how well the yellow looks on the CSM I was hooked on the idea and immediately dived into finding some yellow Marines that wouldn't make me hate myself (I can't freehand a straight line to save my life due to a very small tremble I can't seem to eliminate so doing my own Renegade Lamenters was right out), which lead me to finding the biggest *bleep*-heads of the Astartes: the Marines Malevolent. Anyone who knows their lore knows these guys basically have no friends, not because they're unlucky sops like the Lamenters but because they tick everyone off.


So to give an idea of what they look like here we go:



So I decided to run with doing an army of these guys with a small twist to the color scheme: the trim would be a violet wash over silver (giving it a purple metal look) making it compliment the base yellow while bridging the black and yellow portions of the models so they feel more cohesive.


I like to start with big models because they usually give me a lot of room to work with to clean up mistakes and get the technique down for how I'm painting my army. So I'm starting with my Daemon Prince:







The horns need re-doing as I drybrushed the layers to heavilly. I'm likely to give the other bone portions a wash around the bottom to give them a darker look around the base, but otherwise I feel like he's pretty close to done (after I finish his face which needs some stronger highlights to pull out detail, and stick him on a base) but for around three to four hours of work I feel like he's coming along nicely.


His skin tone will be the spot color for any cloth or topknots in the army to act as a way to tie things together across the army.


Sadly I don't feel like my camera quite manages to get the purple of the trim as well as it appears in person, but color balance on that potato has always been a little hard.

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Good job. Does that Daemon Prince serve a specific god, or Chaos Undivided?

The army is Undivided (seeing Chaos more as a tool to use) but he's a servant of Slaanesh (the Marines Malevolent have this whole thing with having scorn with just about everyone, so I see them as having a massive ego that could easilly be twisted towards Slaanesh, but the chapter will be running some other Marks that I feel could fit (like Khorne since they hate noncombatants for example)).

Fear not, I haven't abandoned this project, I was just too focused on painting to take pictures.


The Daemon Prince is now on a base and looking pretty good. He won't win any Golden Daemons, but I'm honestly just aiming for table top with this army so I get back into the groove of actually painting stuff instead of running grey plastic (I had a lot of stuff painted during 5th but failed to maintain that during 6th and 7th so it's time to correct that). I apologize if the pictures aren't top quality. I was struggling with the sun trying to blow out the color on the images thanks to an east facing window on my apartment.


The Daemon Prince:




The base was done with Aggrellan Earth painted black then dry brushed Eshin Grey, Dawnstone and finally Administratum Grey to give it an old asphalt feel (since asphalt can get pretty close to concrete grey as it gets older). Yellow road marks were painted with Yriel Yellow and were something I added to put a spot of color to the base so it didn't look too plain. I think it works nicely to add some detail without pulling the eye too much.


And my current project, the Helbrute from the Start Collecting box. I'm building a fairly aggressive CSM army so this guy has the fist, scourge and heavy flamer options (the last because he can advance, shoot it at no penalty and then charge via the Dark Raiders legion tactic).





Still a long way to go to being done (need to finish the face, the teeth around the face, the trim below the face, the eye on the fist, and a bunch of other stuff to include basing and putting a sharper edge on the Marines Malevolent chapter icon. He's coming along but I'm going to be happy to finish him since he's got so much going on that it becomes a real labor of spite love to finish him.


The purple daemon prince skin really has turned into my color of choice for daemonically warped flesh, but it's going to be my spot color for cloth and top knots to help tie the army together. The eyes on the Helbrute's helmet are just painted white with a violet wash, but I like the effect so much it'll be my go to for all of my MM going forward.

Good job on the Helbrute.

Thanks! I'll be honest, he's got a little ways to go to be done, but I think all the major components are there so he's a pretty good representation of what he'll look like at the end.


My Chaos Lord has gotten a bit stuck as it seems Chaos flavored Power Swords aren't as common as you'd think outside of the Thousand Sons making it harder to give him the Murder Sword (I want to drop him in on Turn 2 or 3 with Obliterators or Terminators to rip into the soft underbelly of my opponent's army (and possibly drag a major character of my opponent's army down with him).


I'm still a bit stuck on how I'm going to make my troops, so the CSM box guys are starting to look like they might become my Chosen instead. Though even that I'm not 100% sure of.


I am sure that I've been leaning really heavilly towards a Thousand Sons kill team, so I might sneak them into this project log on the side (assuming they don't take over said project log).


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