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Who's playing BA in Kill Team?


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I've come to the realization I'll probably never end up playing full fledged 40K....but the Kill Team really appeals to me. Less models and shorter games. And since I have a handful of BA's already...might as well put them to use. I do have some vehicle and a dread that I'm guessing will be useless so I'm going to sell/trade them to fund more units. Just curious...what are your thoughts on BA's in Kill Team and what units do you think/know will be usable? 


At the moment all I have are a couple Tactical Squads, one assault squad unit, and a trade offer for a unit of terminators.

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All loyalist Astartes at launch will use the standard Astartes Kill Team rules, so there won't be specific Blood Angels rules. They'll have access to Tactical Marines, Scouts, Intercessors, and Reivers, with limited upgrade options for sergeants, guns, etc.


I'm planning a successor kill team, but since it was gonna be mostly tacticals anyway I'm not too bothered.

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In my last game I had a 5 man tac squad my only unit left at the end of the game so I’ll definitely be doing a BA team however I think I’ll be doing a guardsmen one first purely because of conversion potential and a DW one because it’s just easy
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I read somewhere that they plan on releasing subfaction rules for things like space marine chapters in the future, in what form I have no idea, could be chapter trait style rules, sub faction stratagems, or models like DC, or any combination of what’s I just mentioned. Or it could be someone wishlisting, and it’ll amount to nothing. I’m probably doing Salamanders for killteam, but plan on starting work on a BA RAS in the next couple of days for 40k proper.
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It’s quite likely that some of the troops I just built for B&Z 2018 and then painted for ETL6 could form a robust core to a BA Kill Team, yes.


However I plan to also do an Orks KT, will probably use some spare AdMech figures I have for another, some Scions for another, and I am very tempted to get some Thousand Sons. Xenoi and Heretics, I don’t know what’s becoming of me... :p

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I'm honestly not sure. I do already have all the models I'd want for a Kill Team so I could just play it if I feel like it without any real investment or additional work, however it just feels boring having to play with the exact same rules as any other Marine Kill Team.

I also have a T'au army I could use for Kill Team so the only reason I'd use my BA would be to have a tough elite style team (even tho GK, DW, TSons and DG do that way better for Marines). Then again I could just play a full Stealth Suit team with T'au which would probably be more tough and elite than a Primaris Kill Team ...

Funnily enough I'm not bothered by having no Sept specific rules for the T'au Kill Team. Probably because their fluff isn't as worked out as it is for Marines. :sweat:



All loyalist Astartes at launch will use the standard Astartes Kill Team rules, so there won't be specific Blood Angels rules. They'll have access to Tactical Marines, Scouts, Intercessors, and Reivers, with limited upgrade options for sergeants, guns, etc.

I'm planning a successor kill team, but since it was gonna be mostly tacticals anyway I'm not too bothered.


For now. They already said on stream that they have tons of additional content already planned out and there will be additional units and chapter rules for Marines later on.

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So if all I have that are usable under the Adeptus Astartes rules at the moment are a couple tactical squads....would it be worth buying any of the other units such as Reivers or Intercessors? Or even Scouts? I assume once the BA rules are out...Scouts won't be part of the BA team options but the other two might/should be. Whether they are worth using is a whole other story though I guess. Anyone think or have a good idea whether or not Terminators will be included in the BA Kill Team lineup?  

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I'm not sure they want marines in the throes of the rage doing missions behind enemy lines. We already know they won't have jump units so SG are out too.


Hopefully they'll make some BA specific stratagems maybe something like red thirst if they won't give it to us as an army trait.

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Which character aside from Librarian Dreads and Sanguinary Priest (which I both already play anyway) would be more BA then? Named characters excluded.

Sure, other Marine armies can give their Captain a Jump Pack, TH and SS as well but none of them can hit as hard as our ... hence why our version became a meme (or rather a very popular choice since I really haven't seen any memes about that build yet) and the vanilla version didn't.


What I was trying to say is: I rather have a strong and cheesy option everybody knows and uses than having nothing special about our Captain at all.


And to translate it to Kill Team to get back on topic: Currently any loyalist Marine faction that's not Deathwatch or Grey Knights is just the same until GW releases more detailed Marine rules which is pretty boring and takes lots of motivation out of it for me since I also have other armies which are more diverse I can play Kill Team with.

I'll definitely play a few rounds with my BA but I'll mostly stick with my T'au I think.

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Id have preferred something more flavourful, and less cheesy personally, but to each their own.

And yeah on the topic of Kill Team (sorry all).

For now all marines are just marines, which is fine with me for now, the unit options provided are what i'd have expected and likely intended to use anyway.

Fingers crossed for tactics and an army wide rule per chapter down the line though!

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My plan is the same as it was for Armageddon. Build chaos mans because they can be more flavorful and different.


I have a lot of tactical and scouts I could play BA with if I chose.


Or you just go with Deathwatch who have lots more loadout options since you don't need cultists anyway and the Marks&Icons are really meh anyway. ^^

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Death Watch could be near. But I'm not looking to invest in them any time soon.


I've had these Night Lords for a while and they were originally made to play Shadowmunda. I don't have to do much to them other than flesh them out for real. I already have a vargheist counts as chaos spawn in order for extra funsies. Being able to play dudes that hate each other but have to work together for a common goal has always been a fancy of mine.


Plus I can have a lot of variety painting tentacles and horns versus black, silver, and a different color shoulder pad.

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Kill team is a good opportunity for me to do a squad of a successor chapter I created for a deathwatch RPG campaign I participated in a few years back.


They may not be great rules-wise, but I do like the look of Primaris Reiver squads. They may actually have a place in kill team.

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As a non-primaris fan, I think it’s gonna be hard to play BA efficiently with only scouts and tactical.


So untill we have specific BA loadout and (praying) access to TDA, I’ll play a DW killteam (veterans are IMHO perfectly adapted to this game, if not designed for it

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