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Who's playing BA in Kill Team?


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Having watched the Tabletop Minions unboxing video, I've definitely warmed up to the idea of Killteam - 

He was pointing out that if you want to just have a go with a single squad; mucking around with a few different armies is very easy. 

I've never touched orks or necrons since it seems like a massive commitment to get into 40k... but doing ~8 orks just for fun is now a playable option. 


Apart from that, the terrain is a lot more appealing than the paper-thin administratum buildings - and seems to come up really well with minimal paint/drybrush effort. 

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Damn.. that was late 90s as well? I never played it, but recall people who did gave it... mixed reviews?


They have done 1990s based new releases of Space Hulk, necromunda, blood bowl - so quite possible it will come back. 

Although I'd probably want to see Epic back on the shelves as the next ask. Pretty sure it's the only way I'll ever paint a full company of marines. 

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Damn.. that was late 90s as well? I never played it, but recall people who did gave it... mixed reviews?


They have done 1990s based new releases of Space Hulk, necromunda, blood bowl - so quite possible it will come back. 

Although I'd probably want to see Epic back on the shelves as the next ask. Pretty sure it's the only way I'll ever paint a full company of marines. 


They are releasing epic I thought. Isn't that the new Titanicus game?

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Damn.. that was late 90s as well? I never played it, but recall people who did gave it... mixed reviews?


They have done 1990s based new releases of Space Hulk, necromunda, blood bowl - so quite possible it will come back. 

Although I'd probably want to see Epic back on the shelves as the next ask. Pretty sure it's the only way I'll ever paint a full company of marines. 


They are releasing epic I thought. Isn't that the new Titanicus game?


No, titanicus and epic are different. Different scales and different direction to the games. Theyve said theyve no desire to do infantry for it, and nothing smaller than knights.

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Alright, now that I have all the rules I finally made my first BA Kill Team.



 - Intercessor Sergeant, Bolt Rifle, Power Sword



 - Intercessor Gunner, Bolt Rifle, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Demolition Specialist

 - Intercessor Gunner, Stalker Bolt Rifle, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Sniper Specialist (only one grenade shot/throw per round so no point in taking two AGL)

 - Reiver Sergeant, Bolt Carbine, Combat Knife, Grapnel Launcher, Combat Specialist



 - Intercessor, Bolt Rifle

 - Reiver, Bolt Carbine, Grapnel Launcher



I'm particularly interested in how the Intercessor Gunner wiill play out.

Grenades don't suffer from the Long Range penalty and the Auxiliary Grenade Launcher increases the range to 30" which should pose a fairly huge threat to any most enemy models.


The Demolition Specialist in particular gets +1 to-wound against obscured targets at level 1, re-roll hit rolls of 1 for Grenades at level 2 and +1 to Injury rolls against obscured models.  Additionally the level 1 Tactic gives another +1 to-wound for 1CP, the level 2 Tactic gives a 5+++ for the shooting phase for 1CP and the level 3 Tactic reduces the amount of shots for one of your weapons and lets you shoot with only that one weapon but in return increases the damage dealt by 2 ... luckily you can't shoot anything else when shooting a Grenade and Krak grenades only have 1 shot anyway so the restrictions really don't exist for this guy.

30" Krak grenades without Long Range penalty should already be strong on its own and as Demolition Specialist this guy can wound anything that exists in Kill Team on a 2+ either by it being in Cover or by spending 1CP and when he hits he can hit especially hard. The only downside here would be the AP-1.


The Sniper Specialist on the other hand would be more reliably hitting his targets due the lvl 1 benefit of re-rolling hit rolls of 1 and the lvl 2 benefit of getting +1 to-hit when Readied.

The level 1 Tactic gives another +1 to-hit while the level 2 Tactic lets you ignore cover.

That's already plenty since you'd be hitting most things on a 2+ re-rolling 1s and wound on a 3+ already but if you want to go a step further you could get the lvl 3 Tactic allowing you to shoot twice but get a -1 to-hit penalty (can't combine it together with the cover ignore Tactic) however the available lvl 3 traits aren't that interesting since they focus mostly on benefits for Rapid Fire, Assault or Heavy weapons or some super unreliable stuff like better AP or better damage on a wound roll of 6.


The Reiver Sergeant Specialist would be fairly straight forward and just get all the attacks he can get his hands on. Starting out with 3 attacks in his profile and +1A from the Combat Blade he also gets +1A from the lvl 1 Combat tree.

Going further down I could give him at lvl 2 a +1 to-hit for attacks in the Fight phase and at lvl 3 another +1A for each enemy model within 1" of him at the start of the Fight phase. This would buff him to 6+ attacks hitting on 2+ at lvl 3.

Or when going the other route I could give him at lvl 2 a neat counter attack (when an enemy rolls a 1 or less in melee against him it gets a Mortal wound on a 5+) and then on lvl 3 decide between re-rolling failed wound rolls or re-rolling failed charge rolls. This would buff him to 5 attacks hitting on 3+ re-rolling failed wound rolls (or failed charge rolls) and an unreliable counter ability.

Not sure which would be stronger to be honest. :tongue.:




The rest is as boring as it looks to be fair. The Leader ist just a Leader like any other but at least has 3 S4 AP-3 D1 attacks in melee I guess and the non-Specialists are not even worth mentioning since there's as the name implies nothing special about them.

Despite what I listed above I think I'll switch out the Sniper Intercessors Auxiliary Grenade Launcher with a Stalker Bolt Rifle tho. Makes for a slightly more interesting Kill Team on the board instead of just spamming long range Krak grenades. :wink:

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Not much BA sounding stuff in there SF but to be fair I know you rock primaris and there are no BA rules. Your force looks strong I look forward to seeing how they do.


Well what is BA sounding stuff for you in Kill Team? We are literally the exact same team as any other loyalist Marine team that's not Grey Knights or Deathwatch. None of our BA specific stuff is available. That doesn't even have anything to do with Primaris.

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yep, I think we will probably see a universal rule added to subfactions at some point, or stratagems, maybe even a unique specialisim or something.

For now we are red marines in kill team, regardless of unit choices.


sf, your list looks good, its more or less exactly what I plan to use as well, how come you havent gone with a stalker pattern on the sniper specialist? seems like its crying out for one.

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sf, your list looks good, its more or less exactly what I plan to use as well, how come you havent gone with a stalker pattern on the sniper specialist? seems like its crying out for one.




Despite what I listed above I think I'll switch out the Sniper Intercessors Auxiliary Grenade Launcher with a Stalker Bolt Rifle tho. Makes for a slightly more interesting Kill Team on the board instead of just spamming long range Krak grenades. :wink:


I will. :wink:

But that's not a competetive choice.


30" S6 AP-1 D1d3, ignoring Long Range penalty


36" S4 AP-2 D1


The Auxiliary Grenade Launcher looks stronger imo. I mean at level 3 you could add 6" to the Stalker Bolt Rifle so you would suffer from Long Range only at 21" or let you move&shoot with it without penalty but why when you can have those things by default with the grenades already. It's a long way to level 3 in campaigns and costs a lot of additional points. ^^

Also multiple damage works nicely to actually kill your target (you roll as many injury dice as the weapon that killed the model deals damage and take the highest).


EDIT: just read that only one model per phase can shoot/throw a grenade in your kill team. Then of course the Stalker Bolt Rifle is the better choice for the Sniper Specialist even from a competetive point of view. I thought Kill Team got rid of that restriction since you don't play whole units. :sweat:

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Having had a game on Saturday, everyone should take as many tooled up reivers as possible. They're effectively batman and can cover so much terrain like its not there and be in the face of the other player. A reiver sergant combat specialist has 5 attacks, which is more than enough with what you are facing (though i was playing eldar, which are made of paper)

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Yeah a combat specialist Reiver sounds really good, I'm not too sure I want any other Reiver in melee against actual melee capable models tho. It's just a bunch of S4 AP0 attacks and Grey Knights with their force weapons would rip a Reiver a new one easily or even just a random Sergeant with a Power weapon lol Not to mention any combat specialist with a proper melee weapon.

Keep in mind that you can have only one specialist of each type in a Battle-forged kill team (page 66, 4th paragraph under "choosing specialists").

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I'd probably make intercessors sergeant a combat specialist if it's an option... he has the power sword afterall


Yeah I thought about that but I hope the base 3 attacks on a Powersword Sergeant will be enough since a Reiver would need the high amount of attacks as Combat specialist a bit more. Basically the decision between one really good melee model or two good melee models.



Is there any "effective" way to make a melee focused killteam with only scouts and tactical marines? I dont have the full rules to really figure this out myself


I don't think so. You can have only one Combat specialist in your Kill Team so the rest would only be normal dudes with combat knifes and fists.

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It's a *little* bit outside of the BA discussions but related to the thread...


I'm likely splitting the KT box with someone and inheriting the skitarii side. 

I have had zero experience either with or against them (only have a couple of regular opponents and no one touches them). 

While I probably won't get any more than the starter set, I should at least put together a useful group of 10 - 

Any tips on loading them out before I put glue to plastic? The group in the fluff is half ranger half vanguard which seems reasonable (if kind of like taking 2 combat squads of assault & tactical). Seems reasonable but interested to hear if people are going full ranger or somewhat more specialised than the default teams. 

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Iirc, there are only 5 ranger heads and 5 vanguard heads in the box. I might be wrong though


Apologies I couldn’t have been more wrong! Just checked and there are 10 ranger heads and more than 10 vanguard!!!


Yeah - I thought that when I saw the reference books, but then the instructions and sprues turn out to be pretty generous. 

I think I'm going to end up splitting them 5 + 5 anyway since it's as much about getting to muck around with different types of troop (rather than being competitive). 


Fairly impressed with the box contents overall tbh

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Erm... it's possible I have a psychological problem...

Pay week coincides with new release game and mistakes may have been made.


That's the box set sprues (tan terrain sprues, red + grey armies), plus an extra terrain box.

Let's be clear, that was not the intention when entering GW but the extra terrain seemed like a small addition.

Oh plus 2 red sprues of space hulk terminators that were also getting a rinse in the sink. They have been in a box since last February, which might give an idea of how long this is going to take me to build :-)

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I did a little test-game with a BA KIll Team Yesterday using a list almost identical to what sfPanzer has proposed.
Leader: Intercessor Sergeant - PS, BR
2x Intercessor Gunners - BR, AGL
1x Reiver Sergeant - Rifle, blade
1x Intercessor
1x Tactical marine with HB

We were playing without any specialisations. The mission was the one with capturing prisoners so points were given for kills in melee. 4players: 2 Marines, 1 Marine DW, 1 Astra Militarum - the most obvious source of VP for this scenario... :D ). Only 4 turns were played and we had tons of buidlings on the board.
The DW guy run away after (literally) I and other Marine focussed him down. I came out second with 2 kills, the other marine won with 4 kills (managed to charge earlier than me and his sergeant proceed to rip the gueardsmen apart)

I was told that I can only use one AGL per turn of shooting as per the grenade-using rules.
HB managed to kill nothing the whole game mostly due to my poor rolls. The AGL performed very well.

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Another reason would be to get up to two more Heavy Bolter additionally to your Tactical Marine Gunner Heavy Bolter.

Heavy Bolter are pretty strong at 36" 3 shots S5 AP-1 and definitely worth taking. Not sure if three of them would be overkill but you'd surely be dominating the shooting phase with them lol

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Another reason would be to get up to two more Heavy Bolter additionally to your Tactical Marine Gunner Heavy Bolter.

Heavy Bolter are pretty strong at 36" 3 shots S5 AP-1 and definitely worth taking. Not sure if three of them would be overkill but you'd surely be dominating the shooting phase with them lol

Didn't think about that. Good sruff.

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