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BL Mysteries


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What do you think are the most intriguing mysteries in BL literature...


My list (not exhaustive)


1. The nature and history of the Emp

2. The nature and history of Malcador

3. The Emp's true plan for the Primarchs and Astartes

4. How were the Thunder Warriors removed (seems to be half-answered)

5. The origins of natural Perpetuals in general

6. The IInd and XIth

7. More details about Rangda

8. How were the Men of Iron defeated

9. Who were the Men of Stone

10. Are there any Old Ones still around



11. To what extent was the HH planned by the Emp? Ties to plan for Primarchs.

12. To what extent was the the Primarchs' scattering planned by the Emp?

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Answers to 8 and 9:


The Stone Men were organic intelligence (silicon) created artificially. Similar to organic Cylons. They created the Iron Men and conquered the stars for Humanity. The Stone Men defeat the Iron Men in a final act of self preservation.

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Answers to 8 and 9:

The Stone Men were organic intelligence (silicon) created artificially. Similar to organic Cylons. They created the Iron Men and conquered the stars for Humanity. The Stone Men defeat the Iron Men in a final act of self preservation.

Wait a minute, I always took from the lore that the Men of Stone were humanity, whereas the Men of Iron were their AI creations. What you have posted is really interesting and I must have misunderstood/misread the fluff etc. So what you are saying (quoting) is that the Men of Stone are like blade runner replicants and the Men of Iron are terminator robots? Humanity therefore being a third set of sentient beings.
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What lays within the ghoul stars ( might be getting the location wrong) that must be kept in quarantine in fear of whatever it is going galaxy wide?


what happened to the species of humans that specialized in bioengeering and turned themselves into monstrous Bat things, who abanddoned there homeworld, when teh astartes showed up to destroy it, only to find the world completely abandoned

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The Emperor implores the presence he senses in Horus' vision to stop, if I recall. Which strikes me as an odd thing for the Ruinous Powers to edit in if his response was "mwahahah just as I intended".


Also the Warlord in Wolfsbane

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Maybe the theft of the Primarchs was the reason the Emperor suspected a civil war would be coming. He didn't know exactly what, but he had to know something big was coming down the pipe later. Some would have been easier to spot as would-be traitors or corrupted than others.

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I don’t believe the scattering was planned as such. We know there was a scene where Horus is shown that when the scattering happened the Emperor essentially just turned his back and walked off. We don’t know if that was real or just a twisted vision. Maybe He did walk off thinking that He really couldn’t stop it and it wasn’t hindering His plan at the time.


(I think that’s what happened but I’m happy to be corrected)

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That doesn't really mesh with what else we know about the Primarch project, though. Deliverance Lost for example makes it clear that the Primarchs themselves were gene-crafted with certain aspects, with a relatively small part of their DNA actually being shared. The Wolves make it pretty obvious, since their geneseed reacts to the Canis Helix, and Russ had canine DNA spliced in.


There'd be no point making those alterations to the formula if the Emperor hadn't expected them to end up on certain planets that'd tie into their specific features.

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An alternative explanation would be that the Emperor had already ear-marked Fenris as the future home world of Russ’s Legion, presumably for reasons related to the Canis Helix, but anticipated bringing it to compliance with Russ at his side, not finding him already there.
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i’d be a little more into certain mysteries (eg lost legions) if i felt there was actually a “truth” about them known to all the authors


there may well be, but it’s not seeded that way in the lore. just muttering “well it was very bad but i made a pinky promise so let’s drop it” isn’t quite on the same level as R+L=J

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now, i saw the post title and i thought it was another branch that GW was doing - like Warhammer Horror - for books.


BL Mysteries...some old folk (like Miss Marple or Poirot) solving mysteries around the Imperium. gathering the Astartes lords in a library or drawing room somewhere and explaining why it was that it was in fact the genestealer in the study with the candlestick as opposed to Abbadon with the Talon on the Vengeful Spirit

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now, i saw the post title and i thought it was another branch that GW was doing - like Warhammer Horror - for books.


BL Mysteries...some old folk (like Miss Marple or Poirot) solving mysteries around the Imperium. gathering the Astartes lords in a library or drawing room somewhere and explaining why it was that it was in fact the genestealer in the study with the candlestick as opposed to Abbadon with the Talon on the Vengeful Spirit

That would be a book series I would definitely buy into. Inquisition and arbiters novel series would be awesome

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Sylandri Veilwalker. Who the heck? What the heck? Why the heck?


What happened to N'dras?


How come Aun'va is such a git?


What is the true nature of the C'tan?




Who did Malys meet that one time?


Is the end of Valedor being properly sustained in the post-TGS Dark Imperium, because that was cool as heck?


Who was that creepy graveyard lad that Hyperion saw in the Emperor's Gift?


Where did the message really come from in The Voice?


Can Ork bio-society start reproducing Brain Boyz if the conditions are right?


Orkimedes lives?


Did Bronislaw lay eyes on Jaq when borrowing a book?


Is Ahriman virus free?


Who was the smith in the forge in Hammer of Daemons?


What happens if a Living Saint loses their faith?


How advanced is the threat of Abominable Intelligence in the T'au Empire?


The Kroot. They were kool. Whatever happened to them?


A return to Golgotha?


Grey Ogryns?


Genestealer Cult established on Terra during the Gathering Storm?!

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Everything comes from somewhere. Malevolent hyperbeings don't just... idly exist. All the gods, all the species, all the daemons..., they show up with some sense of backstory, of history.


But the C'tan show up fully-formed in Mephet-Ran, with a pre-existing beef with the Old Ones? (Fully formed minus a Necrodermis.)


I'd call that a mystery.

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From my reading of wiki, the C'tan seem to be the first intelligences of the Universe, and "evolved" independently.


The Old Ones were the first corporeal species of the Milky Way, but the C'tan were the first (ethereal) species of the Universe.


This is from my reading of wiki, please feel free to supplement/correct.

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