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Dos' Black Templars: Chaplain Wragge completed[03/08]


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Cheers, folks! Some of the freehand (black Templar crosses on white background and script on the front name scroll) is actually done by using a 005 Micron pen. Makes things that little bit easier. :tu:

Honoured Brother Hafdan Ilikov is now finished! Just need to wait for the humidity levels to go down before I spray varnish him.


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Thanks for looking. :tu:

Cheers, hush. :tu: I've got a Chaplain, some Initiates, a Rhino, and some Assault Marines to paint next. Not sure in which order I'll do them. Anything in that list that you'd like to see sooner rather than later?

hush: Chaplain it is! Quick question for you: the lenses of the skull helm, should I do them in the same style as the Dreadnought's visor slit or the various ocular lenses?


FPS: Cheers, mate! Best thing is it's a really simple technique so I'm glad that it came out well. :)


Ashenwyte: Thank you!

I am so used to seeing it that I just assume all chaplain eyes are red with an orange-y glow. A deadlier shade of red I think is needed for one of the Zealous Black Templars!:wink:


Copying the way you did the dread's len onto the chaplain could tie it together. However if you paint the chaplain and other BT's with different lenses colors you could just state he is a vehicle and his is made of a different material.

hush: Since my infantry have lenses done the same way as the visor, I went with the same method. I think it looks good but I'm curious to read what you think. :tu:

+ + +

Right, a very productive morning and evening of painting have led to Chaplain Euthymios Wragge being almost done. Very happy with the result so far.


Thank you for having a look. :tu:

Chaplain Euthymios Wragge is now fully painted and based, and waiting for the final coat of varnish.


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I was worried about how the bone would turn out but I'm happy with the result. :) Now to decide what to do next...

Thanks for having a look. :tu:

Chaplain Wagge looks great!


For the lenses I think it's fantastic and it is a definite nice change from red. I see it so much my mind just assumes lenses are red so it is a nice change. And that shade of purple looks good so awesome job painting it. The armor, metals, oaths and bone came out great. I also love the campaign badge on the knee.


 And the weathering kicks it up a notch. Do you use the FW weathering powders? I've been thinking I want to use some myself.


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