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Anyone taking their Ultras into Kill Team?


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  • 2 weeks later...
I’m starting a campaign on Friday, but most likely won’t be playing Ultras. It looks very cool but the one thing that looks tough with Marines is the level up costs start to make it challenging to fit your favourite team members together. Other than that the process is very cool.

I've been more-or-less out of 40K for the last few years. Kill Team sucked me back in. My Ultramarines will be battling Orks in skirmishes as soon as I finish painting the new building ruins!

  • 5 months later...

How are Ultras doing in Kill Team right now? I was planning on building a Primaris Kill Team next (I am normally Chaos). I was thinking:


Intercessor Sgt leader with power sword

Comm Intercessor with stalker

Marksman Intercessor with stalker

Combat Reiver Sgt with knife, grapple, chute


another Reiver and Intercessor


Think that would play out alright? Thing is I don't really know best way for Primaris to deal with a horde... I am pretty new to Kill Team.

Here’s a list I have used for my Smurfs:



++ Kill Team List (Adeptus Astartes) ] ++


+ Configuration +


List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team


+ Leader +


Intercessor Sergeant: Auspex, Bolt rifle, Leader, Power sword


+ Specialists

Reiver Sergeant: Bolt carbine, Combat, Combat knife, Grapnel Launcher


Tactical Marine Gunner: Demolitions, Meltagun


Tactical Sergeant: Combi-melta, Veteran


+ Non-specialists +


Reiver: Combat knife, Grapnel Launcher


Scout: Combat knife


++ ++


Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

  • 2 weeks later...

  I knew that Kill Team was right up my ally, but I'm a really slow painter. I had enough Ultramarines painted up to make a 100 point kill team of tactical marines. I've played several games where my son ran the Ultramarines and I ran various xenos filth (Orks were boring, but once I painted up my genestealer cultists things were more fun). The marines are pretty strong; their shooting capabilities are very good against GSC, and their morale is excellent. 


  I'm almost done painting up a Genestealer Patriarch and a Primaris Lieutenant, so we can use the Commander rules for our next game!


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