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Multiple author series


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I could be remembering details wrong, but i can recall that who wrote what for Darkblade was talked about on the old BL forum and from what i remember the bulk of the books were Lee's work, with Abnett being a guiding hand on the character and overall plot.


Lee was a damn good warhammer writer imo, his NAgash series changed a lot from the old background, but taken as a story on it's own merits it was excellent and the Darkblade books had a quite distinctive,blackly comic style by BL/ general tie in fiction standards(or a good amount of published sci-fi\fantasy in general tbf) where the focus is often on plot and world building rather than trying to stand out and make your name as a distinctive prose stylist. Interestingly his  HH book and short story had a much more vanilla writing style than his warhammer works.


For BL i'm mostly an ideas man rather than an author follower\excluder as it's the universe i'm essentially interested in and i don't find the differences in prose competence or general writing approach to vary that much between any of the current stable. Don't me wrong they aren't cookie cutter clones, but i can't really relate to the resolute " i will never read another x." mindset as i've very rarely ever come across genuinely sustained bad writing in that manner from anyone at BL, though i've not read all of their authors throughout the years. Nor have i read anyone  so distinctively singular in approach as to be an obvious love\hate kind of writer. I can understand this sort of reader reaction more for the really early pre-BL stuff where it was more unorthodox and stylised writers like Newman/Yeovil, Bayley, Craig and Watson who were dabbling in the setting and often playing it fast and loose with lore, or going way out on their own with their concepts.



So with that in mind i have little against multi-author BL stories, at least not for the same reasons PP does.


DarkChaplain makes some interesting points about checking out the authors original works outside of BL, i can't say i've read any. Who would you say changes most from their BL work?

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