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  • 2 weeks later...

Casting has finally finished and I can begin what I know will be a long slog to building a full company. I believe the conversions I have along the way will be a great way to change it up every so often to maintain enthusiasm.

Talking of enthusiasm, I just had to build my first five straight away

Let me know what you think


I also got cast a torso for my foot infantry, a lot less interesting but, still cool


Not bad, but what are the hoses on the models' upper chests? I hope those aren't components of protective masks (what civilians mistakenly refer to as "gas masks," though they don't feed oxygen or other gases to their wearer) that are simply hanging there, denying those who should wear them the protection they could've provided. Do the Goru Fen Riders receive augmetic lungs to let them survive on otherwise uninhabitable planets, and the hoses feed breathable air from their backpacks?

Not bad, but what are the hoses on the models' upper chests? I hope those aren't components of protective masks (what civilians mistakenly refer to as "gas masks," though they don't feed oxygen or other gases to their wearer) that are simply hanging there, denying those who should wear them the protection they could've provided. Do the Goru Fen Riders receive augmetic lungs to let them survive on otherwise uninhabitable planets, and the hoses feed breathable air from their backpacks?


It is a bulky rebreather with the cannister on the back, If you look closer there is also the head strap that is currently just being hung on the neck. They can be put on at any time

These look brilliant, loving all the extra detail and gear on the torsos.


Thank you. Yeah the gear is something I have always thought regular guard players miss, no amount of extras can really give the proper look. The only way is to sculpt and cast it


Lovely work!



Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the one hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!” he said.
Into the Eye of Terror
Rode the one hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the one hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the galaxy wondered.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble one hundred!





Embarrassingly I had completely forgotten I had already started a log here, I will fold it back into this one once the pieces start getting used again

Those are genuinely fantastic stuff. Really nice GS work and as a unit they look amazing and full of character.


Thank you so much, your kind words are much appreciated


Agree with Doghouse. I keep getting dragged back to their heads. Just fantastic work!


Thank you, if you like the heads I left a link to them in the OP. Puppetswar Cossack Heads. These five shown are just slightly altered (new hair styles, and beards) to add some more diversity to them but, essentially they are the same heads

  • 1 month later...


This is where I am at the moment. Fifty Fenriders have been built, minus heads on 25 of them as I wait on a big order from Puppetswar. The Bigger bases in the middle will be used for my Tow Guns (Heavy Weapons Teams).

Next is the greenstuffing which I know will take a while as well as some more general clean up of the model.

I am also waiting on an order from Victoria Mi that will allow me to convert some of these to be using their rebreathers


I started toying with the idea of a fancier head dress for the mounts of my command squad (I already knew my mounted commissar conversion will). I also already have plans for the actual rider. What do you think?



  • 1 month later...

Update - 26/11/18
Or How I got distracted

As of my last update, my plan was to continue the long arduous process of greenstuffing, filling gaps, filing, and mold line removal. While breaking up the monotonousness of that by working on my conversions.

Unfortunately the parts required for those conversions only arrived on Saturday afternoon (24/11/18).

Eventually I couldn

I think Commissar Vader looks good with a rebreather.



I'd go for the rebreather on the Commisar.




The overall internet consensus is pretty 50/50. People like the rebreather because the horse has one, and the other models do so along with the kilt it blends in well but, it covers the very characterful face, and with the eye piece it makes it maybe a little bit too "busy"


However, there has been a solution suggested


Have it hanging around the neck like the others. That way I don't obscure the characterful face but, also tie him in with the other troops. Unfortunately it just adds another bullet point to the ever growing list of things green stuff. I also don't have a tube maker so I will have to order that



The infantry look excellent, I'm impressed by the effort you're putting into this force and it's certainly paying off.


Thank you very much

  • 11 months later...



It has been an awfully long time since I got back to work on this project. While I haven’t really touched a miniature in about 6 months, I have been busy with other hobby related things relating to this project that I hope to show you soon once the proverbial ball gets rolling again.


So I will start with a small update. I have finally printed off some dogs to sit among my mounted command squad.





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