Feral_80 Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 So, just to add something to the already old questions 'are OK op?, I'd like to hear your experience with them so far.Admittedly, mine has been far above my average with other armies, although my sample is rather small in terms of number of games played so far. 5/5 wins:2 vs Harlequins, tabled both times1 vs Sisters, tabled1 vs Death Guard, conceded turn 3 as he would have been tabled turn 4. Morty crushed by 2 Helverins was awesome. This was played with the new ITC rules.1 vs Ultramarine w/ 1 Knight, conceded turn 3 as above.All knew I was fielding IK so tried to tailor a bit. Certainly not the most competitive armies around, and playing at either 2k or 2.5k I tend to field a pretty brutal list (Krast, and either a Vulker shooty detachment or a basic Skitatii battalion). I am sure other armies, e.g ultra-broken Eldar, would easily win against my list. Still, I wonder about IK's power. It's not that I ever scored many pts more than my opponents...it's the fact that they got tabled every time that 'stinks'.Let me know your thoughts and record. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeStinyFiSh Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 I only had 1 game so far, 3 big Knights + Ad Mech vs Salamanders. I won through points, but would have tabled him the next turn. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5151842 Share on other sites More sharing options...
frosteldar Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 For posterity during this discussion, it would be nice to get a feel for what you had in your lists for those games - in a general sense as we don't need a complete list for each game. Thanks! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5151920 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 Here is about a dozen battle reports and lists: Tales of Gamers Not shown I've also won a doubles battle vs Ad mech/space wolves, my partner was a blood angel and lost to a Knight/space wolf team, my partner was codex marines. As well as two games versus necrons that I won. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5151953 Share on other sites More sharing options...
KhorneHunter57x Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 House Hawkshroud has been represented in glorious quests by the following: - Castellan (Ion Bulwark) - Knight Errant (Stormspear, Sainted Ion, Landstrider) - Knight Warden (Stormspear, Sanctuary) - 3x Armiger Warglaive They have taken the field against AdMech, Death Guard, Blood Angels, pure Knights, Knights plus Custodes twice, (and a few more I can't recall), but the only defeat came in a 1.5k game against Alpha Legion where I dropped the Armigers and a carapace weapon. Some opponents have tailored (at my suggestion), some have not, but my only close games at the 2k level have been against other Knights or Knight-heavy lists. One such game involved my Warden making three Sanctuary saves against an opposing Warden's Gauntlet, and another involved a Volcano Lance shot slaying one opposing Questoris Knight, with the ensuing explosion finishing off a crippled opposing Questoris and one of my own Warglaives. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5152138 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hermanista Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 Pre-codex Won a 3 game club tournament with a crusader/styrix/Atrapos Won 3 of 5 games at the throne of skulls event with Styrix/Crusader and 4 Warglaives Won 4 other games, 2 against AdMech and a few others. Post codex. Played two 1000 point games, Crusader and 3 Armiger Warglaives against tau and marines, but I don't count either really. Last game vs AdMech, using the Tos list and not really using any strats apart from the house raven one and using endless fury. Was again a bit of a rollover game. Tomorrow however I'm playing a competative thousand Sons list at warhammer world, so a much bigger test. Will let you know how it goes. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5152242 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lazy Soldier Posted August 23, 2018 Share Posted August 23, 2018 Played the knights in two tournaments so far going 2-0-1 (a tie as celestine hid like a little child lol) and 2-1 (one loss to a slow playing dark eldar player by 2 points before the recent update to ITC missions), and then a few easy wins against my buddies who wanted to try and beat the knights. So overall after the codex release 6-1-1 with the knights. And realistically the tie was basically win as they were all but tabled. But i guess still counts Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5152311 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feral_80 Posted August 24, 2018 Author Share Posted August 24, 2018 At 2k I tend to field: SHD (Krast): Gallant, Warden, Valiant 2x Helverins Battalion (Stygies): 2x TPE 3x5 Rangers At 2.5k: SHD (Krast): 2x Gallant, 2x Warglaive, Valiant SHD (Vulker): Crusader, 2x Helverins Honestly, I should replace the Valiant* with a Castellan, which is more likely to repay its huge 600 pts cost. As for los-blocking terrain and hiding units, that is a good point and indeed a problem for IK. That is also why I try to equip all my questoris with ironstorm pods, which seems to me both the best and the cheapest option. *harpoon kill record so far: 1 Harlequin trooper 1 death guard plasma marine 1 plagueburst crawler on 3wounds (still, hooray!) Most of its kills came from the rather underwhelming siegebreaker cannon Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5152608 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hermanista Posted August 24, 2018 Share Posted August 24, 2018 Another game then, another win. Took Raven SHD Styrix with blessed feet Valiant Warlord with ion bulwark/2+ armour Crusader with endless fury Terryn aux detachment with Gallant. Played against Thousand Sons at 2k Ahriman Sorceror on disc Tzaangor shaman on disc 26 tzaangor 2 ac/lc preds 2x6 rubrics Prince 9 enlightened 8 flames Played the scorched earth mission, spearhead deployment. It wasn't even fair really, his dice weren't great but my Knights just ran roughshod over the top of his army, tabling him my turn 4. Lost the Styrix and gallant in the match, with the final score being something like 16-7 ish Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5152914 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stray Posted August 24, 2018 Share Posted August 24, 2018 Huh. I would have expected more trouble against Thousand Sons. Tzangors when properly buffed and blobbed up are pretty terrifying. I could see them chewing up a Knight - especially with the ability to fight twice. Add a bunch of Psykers for smite spam which we're really susceptible to, and you could have a nasty list against Knights. O.o Do you feel he was outplayed or was his list just not there vs your Knights? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5153091 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiger9gamer Posted August 24, 2018 Share Posted August 24, 2018 does it have to be pure knights? because my crusader , archeon and errant have been a cornerstone of my admech armies, and so far helped me destroy 2 different ultramarine armies, Death Guard (barely... blew up typhus in it's death along with all the HQ's after mortarion tickled him) and pretty much one manned a necron armor column. my crusader also one man armied my own personal ork army when I let my opponent borrow it... Pre codex they destroyed everything from Tyranids to dark angels by themselves? so far I had one victory against a World eater army with light support from deathwatch and admech, and one loss from another knight army (with a baneblade) because I got super outmaneuvered and underestemated armigers while overestimating my Headsman marked Archeon. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5153224 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hermanista Posted August 28, 2018 Share Posted August 28, 2018 Huh. I would have expected more trouble against Thousand Sons. Tzangors when properly buffed and blobbed up are pretty terrifying. I could see them chewing up a Knight - especially with the ability to fight twice. Add a bunch of Psykers for smite spam which we're really susceptible to, and you could have a nasty list against Knights. O.o Do you feel he was outplayed or was his list just not there vs your Knights? It was a combination of things for him. His dice really we're terrible, he was super hung over and his dice were terrible. If we played again it would be closer I woukd think. But also I'd have a better list with me, as fun as pure knights are I want to have the CPs to really play them how they should be. I picked up the Wolf codex at the weekend, going to try and paint up a 5 man squad of intercessors in Blood Angel and 5 as Space wolves to decide which detachment of them will join my Knights and guard for my GT list - I'm wondering if the wolves can counter captain smash. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5155248 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vash113 Posted August 30, 2018 Share Posted August 30, 2018 This is my record so far: Imperial Guard 2500pts – Victory Saim-Hann Eldar 2000pts – Victory Thousand Sons 30k 2500pts – Victory RRRR Apocalypse 2500pts – Victory Fall of Cadia 2000pts – Victory Sisters of Battle 2000pts – Victory Apocalypse 2000pts – Victory Deathwatch and Imperial Guard 4500pts – Victory Imperial Guard 50 Power – Victory Ultramarines 25 Power – Victory Ultramarines 2500pts – Defeat Eldar 140 Power – Victory Orks 1542pts – Victory Eldar, Eldar and Chaos 360 Power – Victory Imperial Guard 2000pts – Victory Imperial Knights 50 Power – Victory Imperial Knights 50 Power – Victory Imperial Knights 50 Power – Victory Imperial Guard Mechanized 2500pts – Victory Mega-Battle 30 Power – Victory Tau 150 Power – Victory Mega-Battle 200 Power – Defeat Imperial Knights 1700pts – Victory Imperial Knights 1780pts – Victory Imperial Knights 1920pts – Victory25 games, 23 wins and 2 losses. One loss was a mega-battle and was an objective loss and unfortunately I couldn't really effect the outcome, though my Warhound ally did blow up a Phantom Titan. The other loss was to Guilliman with the Night Fight rules in effect, I made the mistake of trying to close range to avoid the to-hit penalty but that put me within charge range of Robby G and he took down all three of my Knights in that game in close combat and took only a couple wounds in return... it sucked.Overall I have found that using mobility to shift my force to attack a portion of my opponent's army at a time and avoid the rest, focusing fire on the anti-armor threats first and finishing things off with close combat works fairly well in general. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5157341 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clingy Posted August 30, 2018 Share Posted August 30, 2018 Holy moly Vash, your quite the princeps sir! What knights are you leaning towards and in what quantities? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5157596 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vash113 Posted August 30, 2018 Share Posted August 30, 2018 Holy moly Vash, your quite the princeps sir! What knights are you leaning towards and in what quantities? Thanks, I think most of my success comes down to a combination of luck and target selection. For instance in the game before last, the 1780 point game vs another Knight army, I rolled to deploy first and won the roll to go first and then my opponent seized initiative and put some considerable damage on my Knights Turn 1. In exchange I shot down his two Questoris Knights to 8 wounds and 5 respectively, charged the 5 wound Knight with my Errant and punched it to death with a Thunderstrike Gauntlet, it exploded and put 5 wounds on the other Questoris Knight, taking it down to 3 wounds, then I chucked the dead Knight at it, hit, and rolled 3 mortal wounds, killing it. Could not have planned that ahead of time if I had tried. I have also managed to kill a Shadowsword by chucking a sentinel at it with a Thunderstrike Gauntlet and destroyed another Shadowsword when one of my Knights it just killed exploded and the explosion scattered onto it, but that was back in 7th when that was possible, I miss the days of catastrophic explosions wiping out half the board... With Knights we have so few models with relatively few weapons it's very important to get the most out of every weapon so I've had times where I've considered where to target each gun on a Knight for several minutes before making the decision, even heavy stubbers shouldn't go to waste if it can be avoided. As for my army I currently have built and painted a Crusader, Errant and Warden and three Warglaives. I have another Warglaive to paint, and two Helverins to build and paint and two more Questoris to build and paint. I'm leaning towards a Paladin and another Crusader. So far I've been running House Vulker for the re-rolling 1's and Saturation Bombardment. I really need a Castellan. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5157630 Share on other sites More sharing options...
LucidNinja Posted September 3, 2018 Share Posted September 3, 2018 I 1 punched a stompa after a turn 1 charge Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5159663 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImperialSquishiness Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 I played a Knight on Knight game last night. 1500ish pts. I had my castellan, 2 Warglaives and 2 Helverins all as raven plus a couple of squads of rangers and engineers to make up points. He had canis rex, valiant and Errant as Taranis. Anyway, he gets t1, takes out all my chaff bar the engineers and puts a few wounds on the Castellan and a Warglaive. Ion Bulwark + rotate ion shields saved me big time! My turn, The helverins and warglaives encircled the valiant, taking 13 wounds off it. The volcano lance whiff on the Castellan. 1 shot, reroll the 1, still get 1, roll a 2 to hit... Anyway, cawl's Wrath mopped up and put 15 wounds on the Errant and the siegebreaker cannons and missile did 9 to canis rex. Turn 2 and the valiant kills a Warglaive with the meltas and flamer and harpoons the other. Also puts a couple of wounds on a Helverin. Rex and the Errant take my castellan down to 15 wounds, spending my last 3 cp to rotate ion shields again. I run my helverins around behind the valiant and out of range of most of the nastiness, they finish off the Errant, while the Castellan hits Can is Rex with the lance, finishing him off and taking the valiant down to 6 wounds with the remaining missile and cawl's wrath. Turn 3 and Sir Hektur charges the Castellan, survives the overwatch and then gets stomped on. The valiant is just in range with the flamer and does a bit of damage to a helverin, but as it's so nerfed the siegebreaker cannons do nothing. And my castellan finishes off the valiant with the lance. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5162684 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clingy Posted September 8, 2018 Share Posted September 8, 2018 Sounds fun, brave hektur charging into certain death! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5163404 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted September 27, 2018 Share Posted September 27, 2018 I just did a 1750 tournament with pure knights. House Raven Crusader, Ion Bulwork, Endless Fury, Stormspear Warden, Gauntlet, Landstrider, Armor of Sainted Ion Styrix, claw 2 Warglaives, stubbers Game one I got tabled by optimized Tau gunline, No Mercy/Hammer and Anvil, on turn 5. I forgot Landstrider granted 2 to charges too here or else I could have killed his Riptide. Game two I tabled a Blood Angel Deathwing. Three my DG opponent conceded end of turn three. I took fourth. Third got one more secondary objective than me. Not sure if I'll do pure knights again. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5171316 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImperialSquishiness Posted October 11, 2018 Share Posted October 11, 2018 Played against space wolves tonight. Gallant killed Ragnar, Arjac and a couple of thunderwolf cav. Helverins didn't do much bar take out a few scouts and blood claws. Warglaives actually did work for a change in blenderising some fenrisian wolves and grey hunters, melting a stormwolf gunship, terminator rune priest and some blood claws. Castellan kill count was about half a dozen blood claws, venerable dread, whirlwind, 5 wolf guard Terminators, 5 Wulfen, 5 scouts and Njall Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5172410 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedMoon Posted October 13, 2018 Share Posted October 13, 2018 My House Morigan uses rules for Raven. My normal 2k Is.... castellan with CW and ion bulwark. 2 wardens with missiles 2 helverins Loyal 32 battalion of vostroyan guard. Currently 9-0 and hard to find games cause nobody wants to play them lol. Haven't had a game go past turn 4 lol Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5173298 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hermanista Posted October 13, 2018 Share Posted October 13, 2018 My House Morigan uses rules for Raven. My normal 2k Is.... castellan with CW and ion bulwark. 2 wardens with missiles 2 helverins Loyal 32 battalion of vostroyan guard. Currently 9-0 and hard to find games cause nobody wants to play them lol. Haven't had a game go past turn 4 lol The step from 1750 to 2000 games makes such a massive difference to the army. Bravo too Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5173405 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted October 16, 2018 Share Posted October 16, 2018 So did a charity tournament using list that I plan/have used for my Tales project. It was three games, first of 2K then you had to remove 500 pts of units/wargear, then do that again. No swapping of units, though detachment restructuring was allowed. My starter list was: SHD - House Jenius (Taranis)Lady Gwyneth Thranc Jenius - Castellan "Zorn des Löwen" - Volcano Lance, "Cawl's Wrath", siege cannons x2, shieldbreaker missile battery, twin meltagun x2, Ion Bulwark (Warlord)Crusader "Königin der Löwen" - Avenger Gatling Cannon, heavy flamer, Reaper Chainsword, heavy stubber, Icars autocannonGallant "Jager Krallen" - Reaper Chainsword, Thunderfist gauntlet, meltagunUnit A01 - Warglaive - Thermal Spear, Reaper Chain Cleaver, heavy stubberUnit B02 and B03 - Helverin - Armigar Autocannon x2, heavy stubber First was against Tau:Longstrike - Ion cannonHammerhead w/ ion cannon x3Riptide w/ HBC x23x Firewarrior squadsEthernalFire carde2x drones x62x marksmanpathfinders x5 Mission was to hold objectives starting turn two, odds were worth 3 pts, evens 1 point. I lucked out in getting two odds and held them the entire game. Second was against a wych heavy DE list.3x Ravanger3x Raiders3x 10 wyches4x Venoms4x 5 warriors2x Archons I dropped the crusader from my list. It was kill points with bonus points if the unit was killed in a single turn. I got that every turn , dropping him down to just his two archrons. Shadowfields are painful when your out of CP for deathgrip. Last game was against another knight player.GallantHelverinPaladin (freeblade) I had my Tales 1K list of the castellan, helverin and warglaive. Mission was hold objectives like in invasion plus a large list of secondaries. Deployment was hammer and anvil and it broke down to getting first turn. I got it and dropped his helverin first while wounding his gallant, then dropped the gallant and he gave as only the warglaive was injured and not by much. In the end I got 2nd, only beaten by our group's DE player, who took his nurgle list. The IF player came too, he got 8th of 12. Amazingly he beat the Imperial soup, capt smash list, then prompting got tabled by a DE and tau list. They had some neat boards, the Dice and Mario board shown below. Also seems a new local has taken to try and beat my knights, his first attempt with his DA at 3K was a curb-stomp. His 2K drukari Kabal list however did much better, lasting six turns and dropping me to just the castellan but I won on VP (11-8). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5174964 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeStinyFiSh Posted October 17, 2018 Share Posted October 17, 2018 You are fighting in Super Mario Land? :p Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5175303 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted October 17, 2018 Share Posted October 17, 2018 Sorry, the objective is in another castle. :D Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/349810-your-record-with-ik-so-far/#findComment-5175343 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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