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The Armour of Fate


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Not too bad for a short read.


Guilliman feels

very clumsy in his armour. It’s almost funny!


Also, it’s very open ended when

Eldrad says there are worse enemies than the Primordial Annihilator. He probably means Necrons and Tyranids though.
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I found that it tied up a lot of the things that seemed to have changed from TGS to Dark Imperium.


It explicitly states that the Macragge's Honour was reclaimed from the Red Corsairs, rather than just having mystically reappeared as if it never left.

Sicarius is confirmed to have returned after having been lost in the warp, though he seems to have been changed by the experience, appearing to be far more subdued and cautious, and sometimes just gets lost in his thoughts.
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This was a fantastic short that does so bloody much for the post-Gathering Storm setting, it's hard to really quantify. Damn stoked for more of Haley's Guilliman. Hopefully he'll be doing a proper Rise of the Primarch novel once his Dark Imperium trilogy is done. With every piece, he fixes the nagging issues TGS left a little more.

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I really liked the character development in Haley's Dark Imperium. Will be sure to grab Armour of Fate.


@ Morovir

Sicarius is confirmed to have returned after having been lost in the warp, though he seems to have been changed by the experience, appearing to be far more subdued and cautious, and sometimes just gets lost in his thoughts.


He seems fine by Dark Imperium, post-Indomitus


‘Captain Sicarius, report to me,’ said Guilliman.

Sicarius approached the arming cage with the easy swagger of a master swordsman. Captain of the Second Company, Master of the Watch, Grand Duke of Talassar, Knight Champion of Macragge and High Suzerain of Ultramar, his titles fitted his ego.

As always, he rested his hand on the pommel of his sheathed broadsword. Guilliman only recalled seeing Sicarius’ right hand off the blade a couple of times. Despite his many honours, the captain had been headstrong. His stubbornness reminded Guilliman a little of Thiel, and the primarch had spent considerable time forming Sicarius into something other than merely an exemplary warrior.

‘My lord,’ said Sicarius.

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Yeah, I had to look that up while reading as well. He got to Terra with Roboute, then got sent back to protect Ultramar early in the Indomitus Crusade, got lost in the warp after scattering his fleet, and later reemerged and rejoined Guilliman.


This story talks about the armor being "placed upon [his] body years ago", but since he didn't actually use more specific, larger terms like "decade(s)" or "half a century", and the Indomitus Crusade lasted about a century, I'd say this story is set early into the Crusade, within the first ten years. Things are still fresh to Guilliman, and the Cawl Inferior thing doesn't seem to have been going on for that long yet.

So from that we can assume that, in realspace time, Cato Sicarius wasn't stranded in the warp that long, a few years maybe, but still experienced most of the Indomitus Crusade alongside Guilliman, before Dark Imperium puts the lid on the Crusade.


I wonder if anybody's going to write a Sicarius novel soon. I was thinking maybe it'd be a Conquests novel, but neither Blood of Iax nor Of Honour and Iron appear to deal with him, and I doubt they'll be doing a second Conquest novel about the Ultramarines anytime soon.

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I do like how RG slams Sicarius in Dark Imperium basically saying the dude has so many titles it is hard to keep track. I am more of a 30k UM fan so not as familiar with the 40k UM characters but Sicarius does seem to come across as a flamboyant EC type character. I also enjoy Calgar’s inferiority complex in the same novel.


This short sounds good but hoping it all gets rolled into a collection

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I do like how RG slams Sicarius in Dark Imperium basically saying the dude has so many titles it is hard to keep track. I am more of a 30k UM fan so not as familiar with the 40k UM characters but Sicarius does seem to come across as a flamboyant EC type character. I also enjoy Calgar’s inferiority complex in the same novel.


This short sounds good but hoping it all gets rolled into a collection

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