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State of Forge World


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Well, Forge World is slowly moving into plastic. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that at some point in the distant future that we will see them completely switch over. It seems like a good aspiration to have it seems to mean.

I don't think they will ever switch over completely. I do think some of their more popular generic Astartes kits will become plastic. Sicaran is a likely candidate. Leviathan dreads maybe.


But weapon upgrades I think will probably always be resin. And special characters.

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i've been getting the impression that Forgeworld has spent the last little bit (and probably the next little bit) getting their ducks in order, re-aligning their business with their future needs.  I wouldn't be surprised if that whole department is getting overhauled as they address big open issues with their supporting technology and technical processes, staffing, creative direction, game design, and business/retail model. 


Unfortunately, we're really far downstream from seeing any of the effects of that. I expect the present year and probably the following one to be a quiet one in terms of Forgeworld offerings. 

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Well, Forge World is slowly moving into plastic. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that at some point in the distant future that we will see them completely switch over. It seems like a good aspiration to have it seems to mean.

I don't think they will ever switch over completely. I do think some of their more popular generic Astartes kits will become plastic. Sicaran is a likely candidate. Leviathan dreads maybe.


But weapon upgrades I think will probably always be resin. And special characters.


Yeah, this makes sense.

This strategy has worked for them with Necromunda and Blood Bowl, and now Adeptus Titanicus.

I don't see any reason why they won't do the same thing for HH.

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Having purchased forgeworld vehicles 'back in the day' I decided to steer clear. Love the finished product, hate working with resin. If the sicarian moves to plastic I would be all over it and in general my forgeworld purchases would skyrocket. That being said my Rogal Dorn model is very nice. I hope they are seriously considering a switch to plastic.


I've been quite shocked as a member of certain facebook groups to see the amount of recasting, 3d printing of whole kits etc, going on. It's bad form, imo and hopefully a plastic transition will curtail it. It must seriously dent forgeworld as a viable business.

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Guest MistaGav

In terms of the specialist games it looks like GW is covering the main kits with plastic box releases and FW simply provides upgrades, weapon options, characters special stuff etc. You can see it already with Blood Bowl and Necromunda and I reckon the same will happen with AT too. Maybe that's the system they will go for in the future and HH will move to being a specialist game as well.

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I feel that forge world have been losing their niche to games workshop's core business for years - the plastic sets in betrayal at calth and burning of prospero really saw a massive shift that showed they were very much paying attention to the popularity of 30k and shifting that business. Bringing primarchs back to the main setting - shifting that focus from 30k to 40k, primaris being both true scale and more similarly organised to the 30k legions, all pointed towards them taking notice of what was happening at forge world and jumping on it.


Forge world are still pumping out some lovely kits - but it's becoming limited to specialised characters and walkers in my eyes.

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And sincerely, the timing for GW to discontinue both Heresy big boxes could not be any worse. I hope that means that the next heresy plastic release is relatively close, or the impact on the Heresy playerbase might be too hard to recover.


AFAIK, the culling of the Calth/Prospero boxes was simply the result of GW needing retail space for Kill Team: Rogue Trader, Slaves to Darkness, and other upcoming boxed sets.


It's been stated here (and elsewhere) that FW/GW were shocked to discover (I think they did an informal poll via raised hands at an event) that virtually nobody played the board games themselves - they were just buying them for the cheap squads. I bring this up because I'm also guessing FW/GW decided they didn't want to keep paying to print a board game no one wanted just to cater to gamers not wanting to pay the full price for the individual kits.


Having said that, my hope is that they do some sort of more straight-forward "Start Collecting" box - maybe one for each set (ie a Mk3 squad and a Tartaros squad, or a Mk4 squad and a Cataphractii squad), or at least something that mixes them (ie two tactical squads or a Mk3 squad and Cataphractii squad).


Unfortunately, 8th really came out at the worst time for 30k. Most local gamers I know, and I see this also in a lot of YouTube bat reps, like 7th less and less the more they play (or at least get used to) 8th edition rules. To them, even with Horus Heresy being the 'best' version of 7th, it still feels clunkier and clunkier. On the other hand, changing to 8th will outwardly feel like invalidating at least 7 expensive black books, and undoubtedly the heirs to Alan Bligh may have found themselves overwhelmed by a mountain of notes and ideas and rough drafts that would have been even moreso if they also had to translate them all into 8th.


FW/30k may have been a godsend to GW back when GW wasn't particularly well-liked by its customers, but even with the rep that New GW has, I can't seem them clinging on or letting FW do whatever it wants out of some loyalty/"you've earned this" for previous successes. It seems clear that part of GW's strategy at engaging gamers is the specialist games - they give gamers cheaper entries into the hobby, different takes on the main settings/games, or just straight nostalgia for the vets.


FW has clearly been tasked with supporting those efforts with things like the star players and mercs for BB and Necro. My personal belief is that, for now at least, Horus Heresy will only get the support that fits into this strategy.

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"supporting these efforts" is in reference to GW's overarching corporate goal of smaller side games, wider variety of ways of getting into the hobby, and nostalgia-farming.


Both FW and GW proper are "supporting these efforts".

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Forgeworld should *quickly* release slightly modified kits of their MkII-MkIV armour suits. ASAP.


The update? "True scale". I.e. don't look silly next to new DG and Primaris.


After that? Whatever the heck they fancy! :D


Hell, if they're in cahoots with GW/Specialist Games about it, the next HH box should have MkII armour in plastic the aligns well with the DG/Primaris range. Cross compatible heads/arms/pads would be *lovely*.


I imagine it would sell stupidly well.


Edit: Basically - dive right in. Keep producing new stuff people want, but make it accessible rather than esoteric, but otherwise same old.


(Imagine if the new big black books came out a la The Gathering Storm, or Soul Wars, but with easy-access plastic boxed sets like Necromunda or even the little 'Know No Fear' stuff, with a 'Specialist' option to get the fancy big fancy Black Book edition to match the old ones? A forumite can dream...)

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It would look awful next to every other HH army lol. There's a reason why Primaris aren't that well received...yes that is subjective as I completely and utterly believe the models are beautiful they just don't fit "My scale of 40k" I still enjoy my normal SM's and have a sizable Primaris force. I'm basically still stuck in the Badab war overall.



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I would buy the hell out of true scale heresy era, in the realm of several thousand pounds.

That's the kind of talk that got us primaris...
As long as they don't touch the fluff I'd really pay top dollar for em, and at this point most likely they'd be plastic so they wouldn't even cost that.


And yes it would look awful with the rest of the HH armies because suddenly they'd look like squats! I loved my small marines until I saw marines with thighs and abdomens, then proceeded to sell all my small marines and think how can I get a true scale Heresy armour.


But I totally understand someone preferring small marines, they are what drew us all into the hobby and art proportions in a fictional universe couldn't be more subjective.

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I came late to this thread but why would GW want to close down or damage FW? It doesnt make sense to me.

I don't think they do.


Forgeworld's HH success grew due, in small part, to people being disillusioned with 7th edition 40k.


Now that 40k is steaming ahead and GW is bringing the most successful elements of 30k into the the regular game, Forgeworld is probably deflated. That, and their focus on specuslist games with significant model lines like Necromunda and Titanicus.

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