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Burni's Legio Ignatum plog


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As suggested by Captain Semper, I'm starting this paint log to help keep myself motivated and share my progress in building and painting the only Titan Legion that matters: Legio Ignatum, The Fire Wasps!


I always found Mars the most appealing Forge World, it's the only tier one Forge World after all! Whereas Earth is a mystical place in 40k, Mars, arguably the second most important planet in the Imperium, is something that's much more tangible. You can have an army from there, there's a special character from there and a unique Knight house (they don't get brainwashed). So after painting my Ad Mech up in Mars colours and adding some House Taranis Armigers, I knew when AT landed I wanted to do a Mars based Legio.


I never had the original AT game but I lusted after it (and Epic Space Marine) in the pages of WD. I also don't really follow HH anymore (I gave up with the novels when they changed the format), so I didn't really know anything about Legios. But I had read the novel The Emperor's Legion and remembered the bit about some Titan's watching over the Golden Throne. So after a quick Google, I realised that Ignatum was that Legion and they had the cool yellow and black stripes I remember from old WD's AND they were one of the original Legio's from Mars. Perfect.


So when I was lucky enough to snag a GME box, I started to plan my paint scheme when I found this:



So I've based my scheme around those. I have very unsteady hands, so I always plan my painting to use subassemblies as I find those easier to paint and I can also use multiple coloured spray paints to get started. I then try and use simple techniques such as dry-brushing and washes. Freehanding and edge highlighting are no-no's for me as I just can't keep the lines straight even with bracing.


For the stripes, I knew I'd have to try something new (to me). So I bought some 6mm tamiya masking tape and did the stripes via black and yellow sprays (I don't have an airbrush). So, on to the photos!


IMG 2887

My Taranis Knight Banner. I'm going to do them in 40k colours even though I'm told they should be blue instead of red! You can see my obsession with subassemblies! Believe me, I find this much easier than trying to get a wobbly brush into small gaps!


IMG 2883

IMG 2884

The main subassemblies of the Warlord. These were sprayed Leadbelcher then washed with Nuln Oil and dry brushed Necron Compound. The legs have had some detail added to the feet. You'll notice the masked areas of blu-tac and masking tape. This is because I prefer using plastic glue when I put them together at the end, so I need to keep bare plastic in the contact places (I'm a fussy old git).


IMG 2885

The main armour panels. You can see the result of the masking tape stripes - it's worked brilliantly!

IMG 2886

Painting progress. You can see the striped panels after I've painted the silver metal work and black lined with a small brush and null oil. It's slow going (as all my painting is) but I'm very happy with how it's looking.



IMG 2888

The latest addition: first Reaver. All magnetised.


So that's the beginning on my Legio Ignatum log. I'll hopefully keep this updated regularly. The next goal is to finish the legs with their panels and the base. So hopefully an update on that soon.


Thanks for reading!

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This is fantastic! Mobilise the Wasps! You’ve done a fantastic job so far, the stripes are very crisp indeed!


So 6mm masking tape then? Hmmm... do you think the same will apply for the Reaver or it will be to thick? (Unless you’re going for thick...)


This is fun! :)

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Great start! How easy to use is the masking tape? I'd like to add some stripes to my eventual 'hounds, but there's no way I could do it by hand. I also noticed that Tamiya do a flexible tape for curves and thought that might be easier on the carapace.

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Very nice to see some wasps! I was torn between them and Astorum for my legio, but settled on the warp runners in the end because I prefer painting blue :tongue.: look forward to seeing more of them! I’m assuming your knights will be Taranis as well?


Yep, they'll be Taranis but with their 40k era scheme.


This is fantastic! Mobilise the Wasps! You’ve done a fantastic job so far, the stripes are very crisp indeed!


So 6mm masking tape then? Hmmm... do you think the same will apply for the Reaver or it will be to thick? (Unless you’re going for thick...)


This is fun! :smile.:


Thanks very much! :smile.: It's great to be part of a community like Dakka isn't it! I think the 6mm will be okay for the Reaver. Eyeing it up, it looks okay. Might need to rethink it for the Warhounds, which now I've seen the build Reaver are going to be smaller than I thought!


Great start! How easy to use is the masking tape? I'd like to add some stripes to my eventual 'hounds, but there's no way I could do it by hand. I also noticed that Tamiya do a flexible tape for curves and thought that might be easier on the carapace.


It was my first use of masking tape on models but I have working with adhesive graphics vinyl before, so I wasn't completely new to this kind of thing. The best piece of advice I can give is to really make sure its pressed down. I didn't use anything greater than my nails to burnish the edges down and used my fat thumbs to really squish it into the barding details, to make sure there was no spray leaks. I also made sure not to spray too close so the pressure doesn't force under the tape. The one I got was just the standard tape and that was pretty flexible. I also used a strip for each stripe to make sure that they were equal width, even though it means you'll basically be take a set straight off before you spray the first colour. Hope that helps and good luck!


Cheers for all the comments! I got some decent work done on the legs today, so will post an update when I've done a few photos.

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I was waiting for these. Nice to see that you and Cpt Semper has started these plogs.


I think im going to start one too, just to get some much needed motivation to work faster.


Very nice start for your maniple. Will be following these and just to push you (and others too) I need to see updates daily ! ;o)

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Another question: stencils (the self-adhesive ones) - is there an online place you recommend?


I was waiting for these. Nice to see that you and Cpt Semper has started these plogs.

I think im going to start one too, just to get some much needed motivation to work faster.


Go for it man, the more the merrier! :)

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Thanks for the tips. I'm not an airbrusher, so I'll be trying with a normal brush. Hopefully that won't make it too hard. I might have to try the 3mm tape for 'hounds.

Sorry, should have been clearer - I don't have an airbrush either. I did mine with a spray can of Halford's matt black and a spray can of GW's Averland yellow. I did the yellow first as that takes a few coats and then the black as that covers better.


I'm not sure a brush will work as it will possibly soak under the tape. The thing about the spray is that its basically dry. The other issue with painting is that it will likely be thicker than the spray so you might get a raised edge.


Maybe do some tests on the spare armour panels with a brush, it might work! I just didn't want you to ruin your model and thought I'd pass on what I read when researching the tape stuff.


Hope that helps!

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Since Captain Semper appears to be a Warlord painting machine, I thought I better get an update in!


++ locomotive manufactorium operating at 106.85912% resulting in completion of Titan Class Warlord component GammaZeroNineDeltaDelta ahead of main carapace. Praise the Omnissiah ++


Completed Warlord legs - front

Completed Warlord legs - back

All painted and looking manufatorium fresh! Mmmm that 'just sanctified' smell! Of course the base had to be Martian soil :) Love that Ironearth paint!
Next up will be the main torso.
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Thanks for the tips. I'm not an airbrusher, so I'll be trying with a normal brush. Hopefully that won't make it too hard. I might have to try the 3mm tape for 'hounds.

Sorry, should have been clearer - I don't have an airbrush either. I did mine with a spray can of Halford's matt black and a spray can of GW's Averland yellow. I did the yellow first as that takes a few coats and then the black as that covers better.


I'm not sure a brush will work as it will possibly soak under the tape. The thing about the spray is that its basically dry. The other issue with painting is that it will likely be thicker than the spray so you might get a raised edge.


Maybe do some tests on the spare armour panels with a brush, it might work! I just didn't want you to ruin your model and thought I'd pass on what I read when researching the tape stuff.


Hope that helps!


Hmmm, I was planning on laying down one colour over the whole panel and then putting on the second as stripes. Maybe stipple it on with a wiped off brush, a bit like dry brushing. Fortunately there's all those spare panels to practise on! I was also planning doing the trim first, but I could change that and use a spray can for one of the stripes. Then be REALLY careful. Thanks for more tips, I wish they'd release the dogs of war!


Love seeing the progress, keep it up.

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++ Warhorn Blast ++


99% there on this now. It's not going to win any awards but I'm very very happy with it! Just need to do the tilting plates and transfers.


IMG 2898 copy


Some other angles:

IMG 2902 copy

IMG 2901 copy

IMG 2900 copy

IMG 2899 copy


Will be tackling the knights next. Still need to get a break in the weather so I can undercoat the Reaver.

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  • 3 weeks later...

With no B&C to distract me, I made some progress with my Legio Ignatum Maniple. Got my first Knight Banner completed and, more excitingly, my Reaver.


House Taranis Knight Banner:

IMG 2948

IMG 2949

IMG 2950


Sadly no transfers, so they look a bit incomplete, but I can add later, if there's something suitable released.



IMG 2951

IMG 2952

IMG 2953

Really happy with it - a lot easier to paint than the Warlord. Again, no transfers but will add when they hopefully do them in the future.
The maniple to date:

IMG 2954


Have ordered just one box of Warhounds for now but looking forward to starting them (painting up the Skitarii from the Kill Team box while I wait - man, that red plastic is brittle!)


Also bought some KR cases and a bag so I can take my AdMech down to my FLGS and grabbed some for AT while I was ordering:

AT KR Case


Space for another Reaver, 2 Warhounds and more Knights plus dice etc. It's really nice!

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It looks very good indeed! Legio Ignatum has one of the most striking colour combos in the business! :lol:


Is the width of the stripes also 6mm? If so it looks quite right... Although I believe that for the Warhounds it might be too thick though...


As regards the decals, why don't you use the generic ones on some areas and leave some space for the Legio Ignatum-specific ones for later?  :)

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maybe paint the missile tips on the launchers?? would break the metal colour abit....

Something I did consider when doing the Warlord. Couldn’t decide on a colour for the warheads so decided to leave it. Will have another think.


Is the width of the stripes also 6mm? If so it looks quite right... Although I believe that for the Warhounds it might be too thick though...


As regards the decals, why don't you use the generic ones on some areas and leave some space for the Legio Ignatum-specific ones for later? :)

Yep 6mm tape again. It work really well on the power fist so I’m quietly confident about the Warhound carapace. That’ll probably be the only place I do the stripes on the ‘Hounds, so should work.


Will definitely add some generic decals. I’d just like a bit more reference imagery for AT to crib some ideas from. Hopefully the Beta Garmon campaign book will have plenty in.

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The hunt is on, release the hounds!

IMG 2963

IMG 2962


Mars walks to war:

IMG 2966 copy

IMG 2965


Always loved this Warhound design and the AT sized kit is great. Some of the details are so small though that I had trouble with them, due to my incredibly shaky hands. Can't wait to see what Fraters who can really paint do with them.


I'll definitely get some more but I think I'll wait for now. I still have a Warlord and 3 knights from my GME on sprues. I'm waiting for the weapon packs before I start those, as it would be nice to get the Knight carapace weapons and the Lucius head for the Warlord.

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They look great! The work you’ve done with the stripes has pad-off big time! I think it’s prudent to wait for new weapon releases before you committ further but the Maniple so far looks great.


Great inspiration here...

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