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Burni's Legio Ignatum plog


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  • 1 month later...

*Blows dust off thread*


Finally finished my AT adjacent project; the Imperial Knight Preceptor I got for Christmas from my wife and son. Of course he's in House Taranis colours and I think he's turned out pretty good. Really enjoyed building it and you can see the links to the AT kits.


IMG 3182

IMG 3183

IMG 3186

IMG 3185

IMG 3184


He's going to lead my Warglaives into battle in the name of the omnissiah:


IMG 3188


So now that's done, I'm back to AT and my vow. Have managed to get everything sprayed, Nuln Oil'd and dry-brushed with Necron Compound. So now I'll start on the block colour panels - black first I think.


IMG 3187

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of progress. Doing everything production line style, lots of red panels done, lots of black panels done.


Also built and undercoated the Reaver 2 and extra Warlord sprue stuff. And got the Wasp stripes done. It's coming together! (but it doesn't look like much has changed...)


IMG 3193

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Had a good couple of nights painting. Apart from the Reaver 2, all the torsos and legs are done. 90% of the armour plates are done including the wasp stripe stuff. Have done final assembly on a few of the large components such as the Warlord body. Just got to wash and dry brush the new stuff I undercoated this week, add plasma coils and paint the remaining armour panels. Am going to sort the bases tonight and will post photos tomorrow.


So my vow is going well. Still got my 2 Cerastus Knights to do though.

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Photos as promised. I actually finished off the Warlord, Reaver 1 and Warhounds last night:


IMG 3198

IMG 3197

IMG 3199

IMG 3200


Maniple so far:

IMG 3196


And Legio Ignatum in all it's current glory!

IMG 3201


Just got the Reaver 2 to finish and then the Cerastus Knights.

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Reaver 2 is nearly finished. Once the ironearth dries I can do final assembly. In the meanwhile, here’s the alternative weapons I’ve just finished for my Warlords (trying Imgur to see if I prefer it to the native gallery setup - EDIT: nope, that's a pain to use on mobile also).







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Looking good Burni. Is there any chance of getting bigger pictures? I'm sure they look even better close up.


The red basing goes really well with your colour scheme.


Keep up he good work.



I'll do some better shots when the Reaver 2 is done and put them all up. 

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Thanks everyone! Amazing what you can do with no skill, 6mm Tamiya masking tape, a can of Averland and a can of Halfords black!


I've just finished my TotH vow so here's the pictures and a few additional ones:























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That's a really nice cohesive group. The bases set them off really well. I've been slathering on all sorts of technical paints to try and make my bases more interesting, but your's make it very clear that I could have stopped at agrellan earth, oh well, too late now!

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Holy crap they look amazing. It's a very striking scheme :biggrin.:



This looks so cool with all the clean strips. All these Titans together with the read bases are just perfect!


Thanks! I picked Ignatum for the lore but now love the colour scheme. Makes me almost want to do Iron Warriors lol.


So nice to see them all together


if you are using imgur dont use the app, use the website. its so much easier to link the pics from there.


Yeah, realised that after a few goes.


That's a really nice cohesive group. The bases set them off really well. I've been slathering on all sorts of technical paints to try and make my bases more interesting, but your's make it very clear that I could have stopped at agrellan earth, oh well, too late now!


The technical paint stuff is brilliant. I personally try to keep the number of steps down as I know I'll be unable to reproduce anything fancy again!


Awesome! :thumbsup:


I would call you "Master Striper" but that might lead to some confusion :biggrin.:


Haha! Yeah, that might get me a reputation...


Amazing Burni - they look brilliant together, top work!


Ta! I'm getting antsy for those resin addons to expand my options now!

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