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Parweke's AT plog - Mortis & Atarus


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actually it was easier on this one.


the first one I build I tried to pose all the seven parts at the same time. this time I was wiser and blue tacked the left leg and only glued the right leg first to the hip part and then knee and then left leg then both feet at the same time.

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update time,


first warlord is about 80% ready. still have to do some metallics on the engines, void shield banks and panels. correct some mistakes then some shading and it should be ready.

no transfer sheet on pre order today so I'll have to wait few more weeks for them.

will order third warlord next friday so I can complete my maniple.


no pics today as I forgot to take them. but tomorrow I take some.


as im so fed up with painting the panel trims already, next will be some knights in bonecolour...

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still not ready, but getting closer everyday!


some of the panels I glued already, some are still waiting for their turn

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That Warlord is looking great! One small suggestion, would you consider painting some of toes red? I feel his right shin kind of gets lost as it's all a mass of black. However, this might change once you get the shoulders added to see how you've balanced the red and black.


Looking forward to seeing where you go with this project.


Keep up the good work.



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I changed the other shinguard to black one as well.


it looks better now.


will finish this one hopefully tomorrow. ( was lazy this weekend and didnt do almost anything at all)


and I dont think i'll paint the toes red as I was going to "weather" them a bit with martian ironearth

can you guys help me to decide the colour of the missiles?


white or red?

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warlord #1












still little work left (missile launchers, base & transfers)


not the greatest of paint jobs but im happy with it. :)

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Looking good, though I will echo my thoughts from last time about the colour balance on the legs. It doesn't have to be symmetrical, but I think some red somewhere would benefit the other leg. Also, are you planning to neaten up the base trim? It wouldn't take long and I think it will definitely benefit the "mini".


Do you have any plans for transfers?


Keep up the good work.



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dont think I will paint any red on the other leg, im hoping it will look better with transfers (still not on pre order today btw)


next one will have more red on the leg panels


and yeah, I will do some work on the base tomorrow. might add something to it and paint the edge black...

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Worth the wait Parweke - looks great!


Whilst I'm always in favour of doing the edge of the base black, I tend to do that at the last stage when everything else is done, just in case I put a fingerprint of paint round it and ruin it :laugh.:

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Looks fantastic! 


The quality of red is amazing - it contrasts excellently with the black and it has just the right tone. Also great striping on the cannon! 


About the glossiness... is this a temporary stage, before you add decals or do you intend to leave it as is? in the pics it does come across as shiny, but maybe it is less so in reality...


Good work on the mettalics too. You got to hand it to Mortis, they do have a most striking colour combo! Maybe my new project? hmmm...

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thanks Cpt.


gloss varnish is the reason why red looks so good (imho)

atm the whole model is very shiny. more than you can see in my (bad) pics.


but it wont stay that way. transfers are easier to apply when you have gloss varnished the parts, after transfers are in place I will airbrush the whole model with matt or satin varnish. havent decided yet.


I have old (2012) Sons of Horus transfer sheet almost untouched, I was thinking putting some of those Cthonian runes on the leg panels to show that the Maniple is in good terms with the Warmaster and his legion.


would they look out of place?

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