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Too many damn chapters...


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Hello B&C, I'm in a bit of a predicament.

I'm gonna get my hands on the primaris marines from Dark Imperium, and I can't decide which chapter I'd go for.
I've narrowed it down to these four: The Black Templars, the Red Scorpions, the Marines Errant and the Flesh Tearers.
Buuuuut that's as far as I got.
If you could vote in the poll down below I'd greatly appreciate it, but please do me a favor and read up on them real quick if you're unsure about their color schemes or histories.

Thanks in advance!


Link to the poll: https://www.strawpoll.me/16751084

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Fluff-wise, Flesh Tearers are very leery of Primaris. Gabriel Seth HATES them. Like, even the Dark Angels are more accepting of them.


Imo, Black Templars or Red Scorpions (I can't make two votes on that poll :lol:). I have a preference for both because the BTs just have a cool aesthetic as well as lore, and the Red Scorpions have some awesome models.... Or at least two models, a decent shoulder pad set and some nice doors :lol:

Can you expand on why you are indecisive amongst that group? Why did you eliminate every other chapter by contrast? And why marines in the first place?


Those answers will make the vote more about Recomending to you than our own personal preferences.

May I recommend trying to use the forums own polling function? I’m not sure about anyone else but in the interest of cyber security I don’t click on random web links.


For what it’s worth though my vote would be on Marines Errant or Templars. The templars are a great base canvas to work up kitbashes and conversions from as well as a chance to do some epic painting, the availability of BT bits makes seasoning up your Primaris a bit simpler.


The Marines Errant are a challenge, especially on the DI models, but it’s a super dynamic scheme that looks awesome when done right. There is also the unique factor in that there are a lot of BT armies, but not a lot of Marrines Errant, which admittedly can be a bonus or a hindrance depending on your viewpoint.


Best of luck and I hope to see whatever your decide to paint in the forge!

  On 10/31/2018 at 2:07 PM, Canadian_F_H said:

Can you expand on why you are indecisive amongst that group? Why did you eliminate every other chapter by contrast? And why marines in the first place?


Those answers will make the vote more about Recomending to you than our own personal preferences.

Oh, throwing in your own bias isn't a problem. I specifically asked for these four because I got to the point where I just didn't have any reason to rule any more chapters out. I just don't want anyone to rule any of them out by default, that's why asked you guys to maybe read the overview of their Lexicanum articles or something.

But to answer your questions, I just really like their respective histories and themes. The Marines Errant are extremely independent crusaders that excel at void warfare and venture into the unknown regions of the galaxy. The Red Scorpions are an exemplary chapter with an interesting stance towards mankind, and their models are great! The Black Templars are direct descendants of one of my favorite legions with an awesome knightly aesthetic, and the Flesh Tearers... well... RIP AND TEAR!

Vote on anyone you like, but please don't outright overlook any of them.



  On 10/31/2018 at 2:07 PM, Gederas said:

Fluff-wise, Flesh Tearers are very leery of Primaris. Gabriel Seth HATES them. Like, even the Dark Angels are more accepting of them.


Imo, Black Templars or Red Scorpions (I can't make two votes on that poll :laugh.:). I have a preference for both because the BTs just have a cool aesthetic as well as lore, and the Red Scorpions have some awesome models.... Or at least two models, a decent shoulder pad set and some nice doors :laugh.:

Oh, Seth's hatred for primaris isn't a problem. He accepted them after all, and I'm planning to expand the army with normal astartes anyway. It would also give me the opportunity to create some interesting stories for my characters, featuring the tensions between the two astartes breeds and their (presumable) struggle for acceptance.

  On 10/31/2018 at 2:21 PM, NovemberIX said:

May I recommend trying to use the forums own polling function? I’m not sure about anyone else but in the interest of cyber security I don’t click on random web links.


For what it’s worth though my vote would be on Marines Errant or Templars. The templars are a great base canvas to work up kitbashes and conversions from as well as a chance to do some epic painting, the availability of BT bits makes seasoning up your Primaris a bit simpler.


The Marines Errant are a challenge, especially on the DI models, but it’s a super dynamic scheme that looks awesome when done right. There is also the unique factor in that there are a lot of BT armies, but not a lot of Marrines Errant, which admittedly can be a bonus or a hindrance depending on your viewpoint.


Best of luck and I hope to see whatever your decide to paint in the forge!

I didn't even realise that the forum has a polling function! Sorry, I'll keep it in mind if I need to do a survey again. :sweat:

If it was me, I'd probably rule out Flesh Tearers and Black Templars simply because it wouldn't feel right to have a load of stuff that wants to stand back and shoot when both chapters love to get within chainsword distance. 


I'm leaning towards the Red Scorpions; nice colour scheme, they're somewhat uncommon for an "average" chapter, and if nothing else, the Culln Leviathan is totally awesome.

  On 10/31/2018 at 2:38 PM, Halandaar said:

If it was me, I'd probably rule out Flesh Tearers and Black Templars simply because it wouldn't feel right to have a load of stuff that wants to stand back and shoot when both chapters love to get within chainsword distance. 


I'm leaning towards the Red Scorpions; nice colour scheme, they're somewhat uncommon for an "average" chapter, and if nothing else, the Culln Leviathan is totally awesome.

Actually, Primaris are really good for Black Templars and Flesh Tearers BECAUSE of that. They can lay down the supporting fire while the melee dudes wade in. Plus, Primaris themselves can make for some nasty melee combatants due to the fact that all of them have 2 attacks each....


And I agree: Culln Leviathan is awesome, and is on my "Must Buy" list for my Deathwatch :lol:

  On 10/31/2018 at 2:35 PM, Tyriks said:

Flesh Tearers have maybe the coolest concept I've seen from the official chapters. And they look great on the tabletop.

And in this day and age, if you know where to look on Shapeways, the chapter icon is a doddle either as a fee standing icon or on a multitude of shoulder pad types. 


If I were to do another codex BA army it would be FTs. The most savage and brutal Sons of Sanguinius not yet excommunicated by the Imperium, yet constantly under scrutiny. Fighting as hard as they can all the while knowing that doing so is part of the inexorable slide toward extinction as the black rage continues to manifest itself in their ranks at a higher rate than for anyone else.


They're freaking cool.

Greetings Brother AHorriblePerson (I doubt that you are that horrible:wink:)


I too shy from unfamiliar links so I'll cast my vote here..... Flesh Tearers:thumbsup: Being a loyal son of Guilliman and the Ultramarines I almost picked Marines Errant (also they are pretty cool in their own right) but the Flesh Tearers are just too awesome.... They have a great tragic back story (see HH novel Fear to Tread), a great color scheme and as Brother Tyriks points out, looks great on the gaming table.


Gabriel Seth and his chapter are much maligned and misunderstood but are loyal sons of the imperium through and through...… and in spite of his grumbling and raging would rather die than see the primogenitor chapter (i.e. Blood Angels) extinct. Go Flesh Tearers:biggrin.:

  On 10/31/2018 at 2:54 PM, Gederas said:

Actually, Primaris are really good for Black Templars and Flesh Tearers BECAUSE of that. They can lay down the supporting fire while the melee dudes wade in. 


Oh sure, I was thinking more from a rule-of-cool point of view than actual list-building-practicality one.

I started a (very) slow burn Marines Errant army not so long ago, so I voted for that. Why?


Rogue Trader Era Chapter (and thereby cool, although Flesh Tearers and Red Scorpions were too ^_^ ) - Check

Cool Chapter badge - Check

Had/has a significant shortage of Marines, so apt to include Primaris - Check

Half and half colour scheme (which is actually easier to do than it looks) - Check

Enough fluff to be interesting, but not so much that you're stuck for not being able to add your own without conflicts - Check

Not as many around as a lot of other Chapters - Check



  On 10/31/2018 at 3:04 PM, Brother Lunkhead said:

Greetings Brother AHorriblePerson (I doubt that you are that horrible:wink:)


I too shy from unfamiliar links so I'll cast my vote here


It's a strawpoll link guys. Probably the most commonly used website to create quick polls. ^^

  On 10/31/2018 at 6:37 PM, slitth said:

Why not make a mix strike force.

Then you can paint one unit one chapter and so one


Mixed strike force sounds like a cool idea:thumbsup: Marines Errant and Flesh Tearers??:blink.: ……. a dangerous combination for sure:yes: :dry.:



  On 10/31/2018 at 10:50 PM, sfPanzer said:


  On 10/31/2018 at 3:04 PM, Brother Lunkhead said:

Greetings Brother AHorriblePerson (I doubt that you are that horrible:wink:)


I too shy from unfamiliar links so I'll cast my vote here


It's a strawpoll link guys. Probably the most commonly used website to create quick polls. ^^



Vote here and vote often:wink: ……. Flesh Tearers

Flesh Tearers have lesser rules as they are the "also rans" in a mainline codex where they can't use the majority of Blood Angel relics and special characters. Like if you play Knights of Caliban for Dark Angels or Space Sharks. Well I guess you're :cuss outta luck eh (though vanilla has plenty of vanilla relics for "your guys")


That said if you like how their scheme is, :cuss it, go with the Flesh Tearers, Emperor knows they are mostly Death company and scouts and could use some reinforcement.

At this point in the game I personally wouldn't look too closely at how competatively any Space Marine chapter plays on the table. Until we see some stat/rule changes, SM armies are all just degrees of not good.


I'm basing my suggestions on cool background stories and how good the army looks. The bad weather will eventually blow over and Space Marines will eventually shine again on the game table..... these things usually sort themselves out over time:yes:


By the way, Black Templars and Red Scorpions are cool too:thumbsup: …… Are you confused enough yet Brother Horrible:wallbash: :wink:


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