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It all started as so many of these things do: a simple challenge in an online forum to paint up a kill team in the colors of a chapter from the Badab War. Figuring it would only be five or six models I figured I'd dig up some old metal veterans models and give the old yellow and checkerboard a shot. If nothing else it was an excuse to try and put my own spin on the GW red period I started the hobby in. It turns out that while things went well (I won the challenge!), I'd opened a door that I couldn't easily close. Yellow paint was refined, I can paint checkers in my sleep now, and I have a small force and growing of the finest yellow Chapter of Astartes in all of Warhammerdom. They're also the unluckiest which, thankfully, is staying on the battlefield at the moment, mostly in Kill Team until I have a solid 40k force painted.


That leads me to this little plog. I have far too much time on my hands currently, and I'm trying to treat painting as a way to have consistency day to day. I'm hoping it also serves another purpose: I'm running out of projects that are calling to me, and being primarily a Guard player wouldn't mind advice on what to add to the army from my giant model backlog first. I'm also open to painting stuff just because people want to see it so, if you have any requests, please make them! If I have the means I may very likely fulfill it. For now, some of the troops so far…


Barely Modified Space Marine Heroes



An HQ Triumvirate



Angelic Reavers



Assorted Scout Conversations



The RH1N0 who will probably accumulate markings until it's far too busy...



Pictures aren't all the greatest as I'm still working out a light box area, but I hope some of you enjoy them.

Edited by Kinstryfe
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Well done. Why is the Rhino bearing a Chaos Space Marine combi-bolter? Or did pre-Heresy Blood Angels also mount bayonets to their tanks' pintel-mounted weapons?

The honest answer is that almost everything in this army so far was stuff I already had lying around, minus one box of hellblasters. So the rhino was a second hand one I had from at least a decade ago, and rather than try to replace it I figured I'd just leave it because a friend finds the idea of a stabby tank hilarious.

Tonight's experiment was trying to get a black metallic color. It worked, more or less. Not sure how happy I am with it, but as it's likely a one off model to use occasionally as a Sergeant or something, I'm not too disappointed.



Tonight's experiment was trying to get a black metallic color. It worked, more or less. Not sure how happy I am with it, but as it's likely a one off model to use occasionally as a Sergeant or something, I'm not too disappointed.


It’d look real good as a Heresy era iron hands scheme. What’s your recipe?


Tonight's experiment was trying to get a black metallic color. It worked, more or less. Not sure how happy I am with it, but as it's likely a one off model to use occasionally as a Sergeant or something, I'm not too disappointed.

It’d look real good as a Heresy era iron hands scheme. What’s your recipe?

I actually thought that. I have a friend with an IH army who may get a small squad in a few months for a welcome home new baby gift.


Start with an undercoat of leadbelcher, then highlights with ironbreaker. I then did a heavy black ink wash (acrylic ink, medium, water), followed by a wash of waywatcher green, then one of Guilliman blue. A final black ink wash brought it back to mostly black, and once dry I hit line highlights with stormhost silver. Really simple, but yeah I think it looks more IH than DW.


On a general note, tonight's contribution is a kitbash of bigger buffer Sanguinary Guard, using AoS Stormhost, Custodes, and Blood Angels Parts. They're another one I'm not sure of, and the winged shoulder may be made red or yellow to break up the gold and tie back into Lamenters some.



Thanks for the kind words. Today's update is of some of the stuff I have that's almost finished. Barrels need drilled (once I find my aggressively awol bits), and some of the bases need completing. All in all I'm pretty happy with the gradient on the angel wing shield, kind of disappointed I couldn't pull off the banner better (how do people *do* that? It boggles the mind!), decently happy with the overly flamboyant Primaris Apothecary, and I learned the reason I had 50 bikes and most weren't painted was because I do not enjoy painting bikes (or most vehicles for that matter). I also need to perfect my picture taking skills a bit.

Behind spoilers for bandwidth courtesy.


Obligatory Smash Captain






Primaris Ancient



Primaris Flamboyacary



Edit: forgot the Aggressors. Big yellow walking school busses.

Edited by Kinstryfe

You're doing great work! Hope to see the finished models soon.

Primaris Flamboyacary


Am I the only one reminded of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind or Bayonetta (specifically, the character "Balder") when I see his many decorations? Edited by Bjorn Firewalker

I haven't seen either of those series, so sadly don't have a frame of reference for it. I just needed a Primaris sized body and my bits box has some chopped up Stormcast to donate.


Not a ton of headway, been feeling icky and getting dragged around for a couple days, but managed to get a test model largely done on an inceptor. Not a fan of the bouncy Marines, but I like it a bit better painted and without that horrible flying stand.




Libations got in the way of too much progress, but I decided the Deathwatch Lamenter needed some buddies, so I'm working on a full Kill Team to give me some options other than Lamenters or Guard for KT.


I tend to see Kill Teams made up of a bunch of first and second founding successors, and decided mine would have a bunch of random schemes and lesser common chapters in the mix. So far it's the Lamenter, and what I've dubbed Crimson Templars and Angels Regal.






Also have the Sable Guard (which I helped someone here on the forum make up some fluff for) and White Consuls incoming, and a few more models getting cut up and given DW pads.

Some more random Deathwatch tonight. They're a little rough as they were a quick and dirty exercise that mostly wasn't yellow. Continuing the trend of lesser/made up chapters we have a White Consul, Sable Guard, Warden of Hashut, and Praetor of Ullanor, who is a reclaimed model and particularly rough.




WIP of something different. A friend just became a father for the first time, so I decided to kitbash up a character for his Iron Hands, which led to this fellow. I figure it's maybe half done, depending on how nuts I want to go with it and how elaborate I go for the hammer.



Love the new models, my only complaint is that the Warrior of Hashut (that's the one with the Taurans shoulder pad right?) isn't looking where his gun is pointing, and that really, really bugs me :lol:


I do quite like the new Iron Hand, though I do feel you could have 40k'd him up a bit more, but he does look quite good as of right now.

Love the new models, my only complaint is that the Warrior of Hashut (that's the one with the Taurans shoulder pad right?) isn't looking where his gun is pointing, and that really, really bugs me :lol:


I do quite like the new Iron Hand, though I do feel you could have 40k'd him up a bit more, but he does look quite good as of right now.

That really bugs me too. I may have to figure out a way to persuade the head to move.


The IH is a bit more 40K-ified now that I've got his backpack attached. I'm generally pleased with how he came out and I'm running out of little tweaks to make, which usually means I'm close to completion.


Updated pics




Impressive. Where'd you get the armguard with the lion's head decorating it? A Custodes model? Dark Angel? Celestial, from 'Age of Sigmar'?

It and the hammer are from the Stormcast dragon-thingy rider from the original AoS boxed set. A few years ago my flgs had a black Friday sale on the box and I ended up with 4 of it in my bits box, and so far they're working well as bits for Custodes or Primaris sized marines.


Edit: The model is available as "Vandus Hammerhand".

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