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Getting over a bit of flu so not a whole lot of progress. I got a great deal on an unassembled Guilliman at my flgs, so o decided to try to use him to bridge the gap in my Imperial armies, painting him in a similar gold to my Custodes. I figure there's nothing wrong with the Lord Commander being a literal golden child. WIP






Edit: glossed the metal a bit, got a base (I mostly hate the one he comes with)



Edited by Kinstryfe

Another DW Veteran, this time with a SS and PS. By this point the DW are just an excuse to test out freehand and power weapon techniques. Let's call this guy...I dunno... Iron Claws Chapter? Open to good random chapter names or colors for further experiments.





Edit: I'm calling Guilliman pretty much finished unless I decide to do more work on the backpack.






Edited by Kinstryfe

And another quick and dirty DW to round out the kill team. Or at least the first ten. Brother-Sergeant from the Storm Angels, which sounds like there's probably a chapter by that name somewhere in the Imperium, right?



Anyone have a DIY chapter that uses either one of the Deathwatch molded pads, or a symbol that's possible to freehand? I just picked up enough models to get to a full 20 man command roster and am running out of unique ideas for the 8 remaining chapters. I didn't want to just hit the project logs and start stealing ideas though so I'd rather induct the willing into my watch than draft some.


Open at all suggestions as so far everything but an Iron Hand (a friend's army, I decided to draft one), Lamenters, and White Consuls I've made up random backgrounds for.


Nightly edit: Got a couple more DW painted. A black shield I can't get to take a decent pic for anything, and a blurry as usual pic of an Iron Hand, the only first founding member I'll have.



Edited by Kinstryfe

I petitioned on a FB kill team group for chapters to paint up, and sadly only got a couple good replies. This is Brother Celios of the Angels of Silence, drafted into the Deathwatch I'm the US all the way from Australia. His chapter badge isn't particularly visible, but it's a burning white candle.



A trio of newly inducted Brothers join me tonight. First we have a Watch-Sergeant whom I haven't made any fluff for yet, though from the Fleur de lys I assume he comes from a somewhat knightly chapter. He is tentatively Watch-Sergeant Thaddius J. Muttonchops until he gets a background and forever name.





Next we have Brother Pallas of the Fists Exemplar. Brother Pallas arrived unbidden to the Deathwatch, and was provisionally assigned to the kill team following a lengthy interrogation by the Watch-Captain. Despite the suspicion of his background; the Exemplars being long thought extinct; he has shown all the determination and stubbornness of a true son of Dorn, earning him a place with the Deathwatch if nowhere else. I couldn't find any recollection of their colors besides unpainted ceramite, so a yellow fist on grey seemed adequate. If they get a symbol later on, I'll just have to change the backstory.





And lastly we have a Blackshield. I've purposely kept him ambiguous as I wanted to avoid the imho overused secret-loyalist-of-a-traitor-legion trope, so he'll likely get an ambiguous name and no telling background to keep him a legitimate uncreated mystery.



Something unusual today when I figured I'd cross a Harlequin and an Astartes. Sometimes an Astartes is sent to the Deathwatch because they fit in so poorly with their chapter that it's either that or the emperor's grace. Brother Calixas is definitely one of those recruits.


The Deathwatch is renowned throughout the Imperium as one of the most skilled, disciplined, and deadly military organizations at the disposal of the Inquisition. Some seek to join the brotherhood to further their skills, others are saught out because of their phenomenal abilities, and some seek merely redemption in death to a greater mission. Brother Calixas of the Corydonae Mortis (Low Gothic: Death Jesters) 8th Company has joined the Deathwatch under none of those circumstances. Sent to join the watch purely as an effort to bring him into line, Calixas is one of the least disciplined and uncooperative Astartes ever to join the vaunted order. His sole reason for acceptance into their ranks is that he is also one of the most zealously violent Astartes which Brother-Sergeant Irkstk has ever commanded. Eschewing the traditional boltgun of the Deathwatch, Brother Calixas faces the alien with only his trusty thunder hammer and burning hatred to see him through it.




Edit: And another dude with a Frag Cannon because frag cannons.

Edit edit: Now named Brother Castiglione of the Righteous Punishers chapter.



Edited by Kinstryfe

Well done. As for the new frag cannoneer's name, may I suggest "Francis Castiglione"?

Done. Love that idea.


The Righteous Punishers are a chapter known for working closely with the Ecclesiarchy and for being strict, almost fanatical followers of the Imperial Creed. They believe that all Astartes are guilty of the sins of their genetic forebears, most greviously the sins of their Primarchs’ failing to prevent the near death of The Emperor at the height of the heresy. As such they strive to punish any who commit further heresy in their eyes and would have been declared excommunicatus many times over if not for the protection of the church. The Punishers do not know whom is their genetic Primarch, and so both revere and hold in contempt all of the loyal nine for their successes and failures. It is not uncommon for a Primarch to be adopted by a brother as a personal saint, the brother's actions being dedicated to cleansing the guilt of sins millennia past. Brother Castiglione is the last survivor of his squad and, as is tradition in the chapter, carries the sins of his squadmates and has opted to join the Deathwatch in the hopes of securing their place at The Emperor's side before he dies.

And now for something completely different, I needed I need at least one filthy Xenos killteam, so dug these guys up. Pretty happy with two of them, less so with the sword wielders. At least I'll only need 6 or 7 for a KT so if I paint all twelve or so I should end up with that many good ones :)



Decided to help by adding details of Brother Francis Castiglione's career:



Lord Inquisitor Furioso suppressed a shudder as he heard the impossible: A member of the Death Guard Traitor Legion screaming in pain as the Chaos Space Marine struggled to loosen the blessed silver chains binding him to the iron chair.


Francis Castiglione- battle-brother of the Righteous Punishers Chapter, seconded to the Deathwatch for the past 44 years- leaned fowards to look into the Death Guard member's eyes. "Are you ready to talk?" Castiglione didn't look physically intimidating- no more than the average Space Marine- but his eyes had the haunting quality of one who not only survived an ordeal that would crush a lesser man's soul, but would avenge the ordeal by inflicting horrors beyond imagining upon his enemies.


"Why are you doing this?! We are brothers, sons of Mortarion!" The Death Guard member glanced at Castiglione's right arm, the Righteous Punisher's armor concealing bandages where the Chaos Space Marine's manreaper failed to sever the limb. "Your durability is proof of our shared gene-seed! Pledge yourself to...!" Steel wool- soaked in a mixture of holy water, chemical disinfectants, antibiotics and antiviral drugs- scraped against the Chaos Space Marine's breastplate, drawing blood where the the armor had transformed into fleshmetal. "Ahhhh!"


"That is not what we want to know." Castiglione thought himself a son of Guillliman, like six in ten of his battle-brothers; he would have shuddered at the idea he and the sinner before him were descended from the same Primarch, if he could still feel disgust. "What we want to know is what your war band plans to do with the Tyranid tissue samples you stole from the Mechanicus research station on Alpha Sigma Mu 129."


"Grandfather Nurgle for- Ahhhh!"


Rust failed to appear on Brother Castiglione's gauntlet after it reached into the Chaos Space Marine's left eye socket, to free the organ from its bony prison; the Death Guard member's tainted blood failed to taint his torturer's in turn, a testament to the strength of the Righteous Punisher's faith. "Your false god has forsaken you; only the Emperor can save you now. Tell us what we want to know, and I will let you die before His symbol," he nodded to the cenobyte servitor at the Lord Inquisitor's side, and the holy icon in the slave-machine's servo-arms, "to face his judgment."


The Lord Inquisitor noted the prisoner seemed resigned to be forever denied his false god's presence, as if the Death Guard member accepted the God-Emperor's judgment- or more likely, found Brother Castiglione's disturbingly tranquil fury too terrible to endure. 'Such a pity the Astartes made him one of their own, before the Holy Ordos could,' Furioso thought. 'We could have used him to...'


Edited by Bjorn Firewalker

WIP shot of my kill team of Murderclowns™. Generally ok with how most of them are going, and am trying to shrink down my checker skills to add more Harlequin print on them.



Edited by Kinstryfe

Painted up an old metal shadowseer I found. Not sure how I feel about it. It feels wildly unfinished, but I'm not sure what to add aside from Harlequin print on any exposed surface. I may eventually just pick up the new model which I think looks more in line with the other plastics but, since it would only be for the odd Commander game of KT maybe I'll just stick with this guy.

Maybe I'll tinker more tomorrow and figure out why it seems lacking.



Got my first 13 harlies painted, and 6 more assembled. I'm hoping this just stops at a command roster and a couple commanders and doesn't morph into a little army project of Xenos heretics. Finally got to do a little freehand on what I'm guessing I'll use a a troupe leader or whatever the champion level leader is. Unsure how finished it is, as I both like and dislike the white hair. Also having trouble getting the blue to smooth out how I want.





Edit: Adding a group shot of The Murderclowns ™ now that the first batch are pretty much done.



Edited by Kinstryfe

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