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3rd Party Dreadnought bits

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Hello fraters,


I am currently building my venerable dreadnought and had to realize that it doesnt contain a rocket launcher.

Does someone have a good tip for third party dreadnought parts? I had a look at puppets war but didn't like the round design of the rocket pod.


Thank you in advance

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Kromlech has a pair of good designs, the cyclone launchers from the Terminator and Drop pod kits also work to varying degrees. If you're looking for an arm mounted launcher, the best bet would be to order the bits off eBay, or try and find and old resin MKIV launcher. Shapeways also has a VSL looking launcher set as well.

Leg plate from a defiler as that cover, possibly? 


I think a plastic bits seller would be the simplest option. I've found a couple of resin bits that fit contemptors that you could mount sideways, but I think they might be a bit small.









I'm thinking about 2 infantry missile Launchers in a dreadnought shoulder as an easy conversion I could do with bits I have on hand and some scalpel work.


The anvil Industrie cyclone launcher could work too, IT looks a bit bigger than the kormlech one.


Actually I have to say after spending an hour on painting lightning effects on the thunderfist and being uncharacteristicly happy with IT, I might want to use a dreadnought ccw anyways ^^


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