Ioldanach Posted November 30, 2018 Share Posted November 30, 2018 Though I’m pretty sure that Games Workshop has abandoned Shadow War: Armageddon, I’m going to continue in my efforts to expand the kill team options for the Aeldari. The final Aeldari kill team I have is fitting: Ynnari. Just to get you to the good stuff first, here are images of the current version of the rules: (The images originally posted no longer work as the rules have been revised. You can see the current version here.) Like the Eldar Corsairs, the Ynnari are a mish-mash of Craftworld Eldar and Dark Eldar, so there are going to be a few bits of similarity in execution. I see two ways of playing Ynnari, though, and both require the development of a special faction-based rule. This rule is the Strength from Death rule (modified from Index: Xenos 1 as necessary for the Shadow War: Armageddon game). Both alternatives will use this same rule. The first alternative would be to use any of the other Aeldari kill teams, except the Harlequins, and simply replace their special rule with the Ynnari special rule. So a Dark Eldar Wych Cult kill team that has joined the Ynnari would replace its Combat Drugs special rule with the Ynnari special rule. Everything else about the kill team would remain the same (fighter options, armory, skills, and special operatives). The second alternative would be a true Ynnari kill team with its own fighter choices, skills, etc. That’s the one that would resemble the Eldar Corsairs slightly. That’s also the more difficult kill team because there are some hard choices that have to be made. For now, I’ve made some very questionable choices that I’d like feedback on. The first questionable choice is the leader. This is where it gets questionable. I’ve used the “Soulbound” as the leader choice, but this is representative. In the Gathering Storm books, the Soulbound is a detachment of the most elite warriors (other than the Harlequins) that serve Ynnead and Yvraine. This detachment is composed of Dire Avengers, wyches, and incubi. So I’ve made the leader option the lowest common denominator, but require the player to choose one of the three paths, with both the Dire Avenger and incubus having a cost to upgrade. The tradeoff (I think) is that leader option doesn’t have quite the freedom that they have in the other kill teams. It’s not much of a tradeoff, though. There were two alternatives I considered for the leader. My first inclination was to make the leader a spiritseer, but I felt that it made the Ynnari look too much like the Black Guardians (who are led by a warlock). Also, from a lore perspective, I don’t know that spiritseers would be the default leaders of such kill teams. The second alternative was a generic hero type of character, like a generic exarch level that might be equipped with Aeldari equipment from all three factions (Asuryani, Drukhari, Anhrathe). The two problems I saw with this is that there isn’t a good precedent in terms of standard WH40K units, and the list would then look too much like the Eldar Corsairs and Kabalite Trueborn kill teams that I’ve already developed. I’m not firmly opposed to this idea if it can be made to work, but I definitely want to ensure that this kill team is distinct from the others. The trooper, recruit, and specialist choices are much like the Eldar Corsairs, so they can be a combination of corsair reavers, guardians, or kabalites (though the trooper version isn’t as good as the Black Guardians or Kabalite Trueborn kill teams). There’s a lot of flexibility in being able to equip them across this range, but the slightly lower scores should balance them a bit. The skills were determined by finding the basic skills common to the various lists (focusing on Black Guardians, Kabalite Trueborn, and Eldar Corsairs), then filling in the rest in order to (hopefully) mesh with the lore while distinguishing this list from the other Aeldari kill teams. Hopefully the Strength from Death translation works. My chief concern is clarity. There are interesting potentials in this special rule in terms of game play, giving this faction a distinctive representation of speed and mobility compared to its counterparts. Since I opted to not use the spiritseer as the kill team’s leader, I felt it appropriate to make him one of the special operative choices (which echoes the void dreamers in the Eldar Corsairs list). I wanted to distinguish the spiritseer from both the void dreamer and warlock, doing this by focusing on the revenant psyker powers (in The Gathering Storm – Fracture of Biel-Tan). Also, since the Dire Avengers Kill Team* that I’ll be presenting will lose the wraithblade/wraithguard special operatives, I felt those were appropriate for the Ynnari, giving them a hand-to-hand special operative (wraithblade), a shooting special operative (wraithguard), and a generalist special operative (spiritseer). The spiritseer and wraithdoohickies just seem very appropriate for the Ynnari. Since the ranks of the Ynnari are composed of Aeldari from all factions, though, it occurred to me that players might want to represent the other types of kill teams that we might see from the Ynnari. To that end, you can take any of the other Aeldari kill teams (minus Harlequins, who still worship Cegorach), and have them represent Ynnari by removing their standard special rule and replacing it with Strength from Death. Everything else about the other kill team’s rules would remain the same (skills, special operatives, etc.) – all you would change would be the special rule. A Kabalite Trueborn kill team with Strength from Death is going to play slightly differently on the tabletop compared to the standard Kabalite Trueborn kill team with Power from Pain. I left a few things highlighted since these need to be validated (everything else came from other kill team rules, so, barring cut and paste errors and fat fingers, should be okay). Overall, this is just the first stab at the Ynnari for Shadow War: Armageddon. I’d love to get some feedback to help me improve this. Thanks in advance. * When I said that this Ynnari kill team list was my “final kill team” I suppose I sort of lied. Two other kill teams that I haven’t presented are Dire Avengers and Wych Cult kill teams. In truth, though, these are just minor modifications of the official Craftworld and Dark Eldar Wych Cult kill teams. The only real changes I’m making to them is in the area of their special operatives. I don’t think that the wraith~ constructs are appropriate for the Dire Avengers/craftworlds as special operatives because of the disconnect that they have with reality, needing spiritseers to keep them in line (those that align with the Ynnari are a bit different in this, I think). Similarly, I think that the Wych Cult kill teams should have wyches as the special operatives, so the scourges are being replaced with hellions (I’ve appropriated the scourges for the Kabalite Trueborn, who use the mercenary type units as their special operatives). And with Brother Tyler's evil suggestion below, it might actually be three as I explore whether or not the incubi can be developed into a balanced kill team. Edited to remove original images and replace with link to updated version of rules below. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 3, 2018 Share Posted December 3, 2018 Your commitment to the Aeldari and Shadow War: Armageddon is commendable. My chief concern is that the current leader option is too flexible. No other faction has this flexibility. The flexibility also creates a level of complexity. I think that retaining your dual options (via applying Strength from death to any other Aeldari kill team) allows you to create a "quintessential" Ynnari kill team (focused on the death aspect via a Spiritseer) while still allowing flexibility. My recommendation is to make the Spiritseer your default leader, keep the Wraithblade and Wraithguard as special operatives, and add a third special operative, perhaps an Incubus Klaivex (to include a Drukhari element). Since you're taking the Wraithblade and Wraithguard from the "Craftworld Kill Team" when you convert that into a "Dire Avenger Kill Team" there's no loss. Retaining the option to simply replace the normal special rules with the Ynnari Strength from Death, players have considerable flexibility with the Ynnari. But now I wonder what an Incubus Kill Team might look like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 4, 2018 Author Share Posted December 4, 2018 On 12/3/2018 at 10:19 PM, Brother Tyler said: Your commitment to the Aeldari and Shadow War: Armageddon is commendable. I'm stubborn that way. On 12/3/2018 at 10:19 PM, Brother Tyler said: My chief concern is that the current leader option is too flexible. No other faction has this flexibility. The flexibility also creates a level of complexity. I think that retaining your dual options (via applying Strength from death to any other Aeldari kill team) allows you to create a "quintessential" Ynnari kill team (focused on the death aspect via a Spiritseer) while still allowing flexibility. My recommendation is to make the Spiritseer your default leader, keep the Wraithblade and Wraithguard as special operatives, and add a third special operative, perhaps an Incubus Klaivex (to include a Drukhari element). Since you're taking the Wraithblade and Wraithguard from the "Craftworld Kill Team" when you convert that into a "Dire Avenger Kill Team" there's no loss. Retaining the option to simply replace the normal special rules with the Ynnari Strength from Death, players have considerable flexibility with the Ynnari. Yes, the spiritseer leader is probably more acceptable. Perhaps instead of an incubus, we might come up with some other option. Perhaps a flexible special operative - an autarch/archon/corsair baron (or prince). Or if not that high of a level, perhaps a watered down version (a sort of "hero") in terms of characteristics, but with a semi-flexible wargear option. I'll have to think on it a bit... On 12/3/2018 at 10:19 PM, Brother Tyler said: But now I wonder what an Incubus Kill Team might look like. You couldn't wait until I finished this one to tempt me with another one? The stumbling block I've had with an Incubi Kill Team (because I actually considered one a while ago) is that I can't think of decent special operatives. After all, the incubi are elites within the Dark City. The only thing I can think of in terms of special operatives is that they might provide different capabilities. I'll tackle that discussion elsewhere, though. Later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 I found a couple of minor things that are probably safe to address regardless of how your Leader/Special Operatives adjustment moves forward: The Reborn Elite text refers to them simply as "Reborn" in a couple of spots. You use both "combat knife" and "combat blade" interchangeably. I suggest going with "combat blade" for consistency. The Reborn (New Recruit) doesn't have the option to take Kabalite armor, unlike both the Reborn Elite and Reborn Gunner. I think that the costs for the Elite Reborn, Reborn, and Reborn Gunner are fine, considering they are identical to the Eldar Corsair counterparts. On 12/4/2018 at 12:54 AM, Ioldanach said: On 12/3/2018 at 10:19 PM, Brother Tyler said: But now I wonder what an Incubus Kill Team might look like. You couldn't wait until I finished this one to tempt me with another one? It's what I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 4, 2018 Author Share Posted December 4, 2018 Thanks! I was just about to upload the revised version when I saw your post. I'd caught the Reborn thing, but I missed the combat blades/knives and Kabalite armor. I've fixed those things, so here is the revised version (Version 2!): (The images originally posted no longer work as the rules have been revised. You can see the current version here.) Summary of changes: The spiritseer replaced the soulbound as the leader choice. As a result, some scores were reduced in order to put the character more in line with other kill teams' leaders. I've highlighted the Wounds characteristic. The WH40K spiritseer has 3 wounds, but I've dropped the SWA version to 1 wound, like the warlock. The best I can see is having 2 wounds, but that might require a cost increase. I've also highlighted the cost, which is higher than the warlock (see my Black Guardians Kill Team link). I may have gone too high. The spiritseer has to pay for his witch staff. I didn't give an option for either a witchblade or a singing spear since the WH40K spiritseer doesn't have access to either. The soulbound replaced the spiritseer as a special operative option. The stat line is reduced from that of the autarch (see the official Craftworld Edlar Kill Team rules). The basic soulbound is like a watered down autarch, with the reduced stat line and no special rules (including the bounty one, since he's not as potent). However, the wargear options allow you to convert the soulbound from an autarch (-)/hero into a succubus, incubus klaivex, Dire Avenger exarch, corsair baron, or archon (-). You don't have total freedom, but the options allow you to take a number of variations. There may be too much freedom here, but they're all less than an autarch, so I'm okay with presenting it for consideration/playtesting. As a result of changing the soulbound to a special operative, a lot of the wargear items were removed (mostly Wych Cult doohickies). However, I did add a couple of eldar corsairs things (shadow field and corsair jet pack). The balance (I hope) is that the soulbound is a watered down version of corresponding fighters in the other kill teams. The autarch (Craftworld Eldar, Dire Avengers), succubus (Dark Eldar Wych Cult, Wych Cult), incubus klaivex (Kabalite Trueborn), and corsair baron (Eldar Corsairs) are all slightly better than the soulbound. So while there's flexibility, the fighter isn't quite as competitive. Players desiring to use those better versions can still do so by replacing the special rule with Strength from Death. That's the rationale, anyways. Again, your feedback is appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
killersquid Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 Edit Nevermind, you're writting rules for shadow war, not Kill Team, I was confused by the thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 On the Soulbound special operative, while some flexibility might be okay, I think you have too much. You basically have six paths to choose from (Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron/Wych Succubus/Incubus Klaivex/Dire Avenger Exarch). I'd break it down into three. I see two different methodologies you can choose from: Dire Avenger Exarch/Wych Succubus/Incubus Klaivex Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron Of those, I think that the (watered down) Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron alternatives are better. Players that want to use either the Dire Avenger Exarch, Wych Succubus, or Incubus Klaivex have other kill teams to choose from, and those leader types are more appropriate leading squads (kill teams) of their type. The Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron, meanwhile, are a bit more generic and more appropriate leading squads of "regulars" in kill team missions. Just my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 4, 2018 Author Share Posted December 4, 2018 On 12/4/2018 at 7:27 PM, killersquid said: Nevermind, you're writting rules for shadow war, not Kill Team, I was confused by the thread. FWIW, I'll be tackling rules for Kill Team next. There are enough differences between the two games that I don't want to confuse things. It's easier to keep in a Shadow War: Armageddon mindset and slog through the rest of these kill teams and then shift gears into Kill Team mode. On 12/4/2018 at 7:54 PM, Brother Tyler said: On the Soulbound special operative, while some flexibility might be okay, I think you have too much. You basically have six paths to choose from (Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron/Wych Succubus/Incubus Klaivex/Dire Avenger Exarch). I'd break it down into three. I see two different methodologies you can choose from: Dire Avenger Exarch/Wych Succubus/Incubus Klaivex Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron Of those, I think that the (watered down) Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron alternatives are better. Players that want to use either the Dire Avenger Exarch, Wych Succubus, or Incubus Klaivex have other kill teams to choose from, and those leader types are more appropriate leading squads (kill teams) of their type. The Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron, meanwhile, are a bit more generic and more appropriate leading squads of "regulars" in kill team missions. Just my opinion. The counter to this is that players can also take the autarch/archon/corsair baron in other lists. Actually, if I create an Incubus Kill Team, I'll probably change that special operative (in the Kabalite Trueborn Kill Team) into an archon (to counter the autarch option in the Craftworld Eldar/Dire Avenger Kill Team). And now that I think about it, working on all of these Aeldari kill teams for SWA at one time helps a bit because I can configure the special operatives a bit better, spreading them out to the most appropriate kill teams. That said, I think I see where you're coming from and I generally agree. Moreover, going with the autarch/archon/corsair baron option keeps it a bit simpler (making it more palatable to opponents, I suppose). I'll keep the stat line "watered down" from the autarch, making it a pseudo-autarch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 5, 2018 Share Posted December 5, 2018 Since I think you're going with the Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron option, I see two ways of going about it. Both start with a stock option that is one of the above, say the Autarch just for the sake of argument. In the first option, the wargear entry simply allows you to exchange the wargear to create either of the two other options - so there are two basic choices for changing (one option changes the wargear into an Archon and the other changes the wargear into a Corsair Baron). In the second option, the wargear entry allows some piecemeal changes that, depending on the combinations, can result in the special operative looking like a "full" version of any of the three character types. Considering the piecemeal nature of the Corsair Baron, anything that looks like a mix of Autarch and Archon might be explained as a Corsair Baron. If I've interpreted your previous post incorrectly and you're going with the Exarch/Klaivex/Succubus option, the only way I see to go is full versions with little/no customization of those versions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 5, 2018 Author Share Posted December 5, 2018 Before I get to comments, here are the revised rules: (The images originally posted no longer work as the rules have been revised. You can see the current version here.) On 12/5/2018 at 11:40 AM, Brother Tyler said: Since I think you're going with the Autarch/Archon/Corsair Baron option, I see two ways of going about it. Both start with a stock option that is one of the above, say the Autarch just for the sake of argument. In the first option, the wargear entry simply allows you to exchange the wargear to create either of the two other options - so there are two basic choices for changing (one option changes the wargear into an Archon and the other changes the wargear into a Corsair Baron). In the second option, the wargear entry allows some piecemeal changes that, depending on the combinations, can result in the special operative looking like a "full" version of any of the three character types. Considering the piecemeal nature of the Corsair Baron, anything that looks like a mix of Autarch and Archon might be explained as a Corsair Baron. If I've interpreted your previous post incorrectly and you're going with the Exarch/Klaivex/Succubus option, the only way I see to go is full versions with little/no customization of those versions. I went with the piecemeal option. I tried to allow the minimum number of exchanges while still providing for the basic models to be represented. One big change was that I removed the Swooping Hawk wings. I figured that the corsair jet pack would be the flying version of the special operative. The only thing I'm questioning is Aspect armor versus heavy Aspect armor. As it stands, Aspect armor is the stock armor for the special operative. That's the same save as that afforded by the corsair jet pack, however. So my (second) thinking is that the stock option should be heavy Aspect armor. The fighter can then downgrade the armor a little and gain flight with the corsair jet pack, or they can downgrade the armor a lot and gain an invulnerable save (they can also get an invulnerable save with the shimmershield). The rules for the void sabre are cut and paste from the Eldar Corsairs Kill Team rules, so are (hopefully) safe. The huskblade rules were copied from Index: Xenos 1, which was written at the same time as Shadow War: Armageddon (so most of the rules appear to translate directly). All of the basic autarch/archon/corsair baron combinations are possible, as well as a few funky combinations (though those can mostly look like extravagant corsair barons). Oh, and the Attacks score is 3, while the Attacks score of the corsair baron (in the Eldar Corsairs kill team) is 2. So I guess I'm questioning that, too. The autarch (in the Craftworld Eldar Kill Team) has Wounds 3 and Attacks 3. So perhaps it would be safer to switch the Wounds of the soulbound to 3 and the Attacks to 2? Or should I put both W and A to 2 to keep consistency? I also added a note that, when using the Strength from Death rule with a [Dark Eldar] Wych Cult kill team, the haemonculus special operative isn't allowed (since the haemonculi appear to be avowed enemies of the Ynnari). Other than that, there were no substantive changes (just moving things around for format). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 5, 2018 Share Posted December 5, 2018 I think there might be room for a special rule for the Soulbound - something like the First of the Reborn rule that the Soulbound Vanguard formation had in The Fracture of Biel-Tan (i.e., getting to perform a soulburst action if they are within 14" of a fighter that goes out of action). You might have to touch the lore up a little since that formation is just Dire Exarchs, Wyches, and Incubi. This will be especially tenable if you reduce the A to 2. While interesting in an academic way and allowing an Ynnari player to give their kill team that much more distinction, the current version of the Soulbound doesn't have the oomph that is to be expected from special operatives. One version can fly, and some of the weapons are nifty, but most of the special operatives bring a little something extra to the table besides their wargear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 7, 2018 Author Share Posted December 7, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:01 PM, Brother Tyler said: I think there might be room for a special rule for the Soulbound - something like the First of the Reborn rule that the Soulbound Vanguard formation had in The Fracture of Biel-Tan (i.e., getting to perform a soulburst action if they are within 14" of a fighter that goes out of action). You might have to touch the lore up a little since that formation is just Dire Exarchs, Wyches, and Incubi. This will be especially tenable if you reduce the A to 2. While interesting in an academic way and allowing an Ynnari player to give their kill team that much more distinction, the current version of the Soulbound doesn't have the oomph that is to be expected from special operatives. One version can fly, and some of the weapons are nifty, but most of the special operatives bring a little something extra to the table besides their wargear. I like that. (The images originally posted no longer work as the rules have been revised. You can see the current version here.) I didn't worry much about the lore, merely changing the name of the rule to Disciple of Ynnead. I highlighted the new rule green for easy recognition. I put the W and A scores of the soulbound special operative at 2, aligning the profile with the corsair baron (Eldar Corsair Kill Team, link in my signature). Aside from that, I didn't make any changes other than to remove highlighting for things that don't appear to be of concern. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 7, 2018 Share Posted December 7, 2018 A few typos: The Spiritseer entry on page 1 has "Warlock" in place of "Spiritseer" in the Wargear rules (pesky cut and paste, I assume). Spacing between the Agonizer and Assault Blade entries in the wargear section is off. You know what would be neat? An Iyanden kill team - Wraithblades and Wraithguard led by a Spiritseer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 7, 2018 Author Share Posted December 7, 2018 On 12/7/2018 at 11:46 AM, Brother Tyler said: A few typos: The Spiritseer entry on page 1 has "Warlock" in place of "Spiritseer" in the Wargear rules (pesky cut and paste, I assume). Spacing between the Agonizer and Assault Blade entries in the wargear section is off. Thanks. I'll get those fixed in the next update. On 12/7/2018 at 11:46 AM, Brother Tyler said: You know what would be neat? An Iyanden kill team - Wraithblades and Wraithguard led by a Spiritseer. You're killing me. I'll tell you what. Just so that you don't administer death by a thousand cuts, here are the kill teams I'll look at for the Aeldari: Black Guardians (already in the works) Dire Avengers (official Craftworld Eldar kill team, revised) Howling Banshees (already in the works) Striking Scorpions (already in the works) Iyanden (probably a very small elite team, like Harlequins and Grey Knights) Alaitoc Rangers Ynnari (already in the works) Eldar Corsairs (already in the works/finished, but I found a few typos) Kabalite Trueborn (already in the works) Wych Cult (official Dark Eldar Wych Cult kill team, revised) Incubi Haemonculus Coven Seer Council (another very small elite team, like Harlequins and Grey Knights) I think the Harlequins are fine, and I don't see a need for Exodites. Does that fill the range of Aeldari kill teams that might be needed? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 7, 2018 Share Posted December 7, 2018 I could see most of those being made to work, with the possible/probable exception of the Seer Council. While both the Grey Knights and Thousand Sons have psykers as their Troopers, they are all squad-based psykers rather than the more potent psykers that Warlocks represent. That shouldn't discourage you from trying, though. ;) I look forward to seeing the next go around of the Ynnari. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 7, 2018 Author Share Posted December 7, 2018 Okay, here's the latest: (click on the images for full size versions that you can actually read) Summary of changes: The phrasing of the spiritseer powers was adjusted. When a specific timing was involved, it was written into the rules for the actual power rather than the inaccurate phrasing that was in the Psyker rule. The applicability of using the Ynnari Strength from Death rule with other Aeldari kill teams was adjusted (since the list keeps growing). Now it provides the basic mechanism and identifies the exclusions. The assault blade (sword) was changed to an Aeldari blade. All instances of "Eldar" were changed to "Aeldari." Note that this change was also applied to all of the other Aeldari kill teams I'm working on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted December 8, 2018 Share Posted December 8, 2018 I think that writing the timing into the rules is probably a good idea, but you've missed some. You've highlighted one instance in this kill team, but the other two should probably have a timing. This prevents hedging bets, forcing the player to make the tactical decision at a certain time. In my opinion, the Spiritseer should have to declare that they're using Conceal or Shield of Ynnead at a certain time, probably at the beginning of the Ynnari turn. I haven't looked closely at the other kill teams (Warlocks in the Black Guardians, I think), but the same applies there for those types of powers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted December 8, 2018 Author Share Posted December 8, 2018 I think that most cases will include the addition of a timing statement, though there might be one or two that don't need such a statement. As long as the rules are clear that the psyker can use only one psyker power per turn, it should be (mostly) balanced. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ioldanach Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019 Even though GW appears to have abandoned SWA, there is apparently still interest in playing. Since there hasn't been any further feedback, I've finalized the rules and made them available for download. You can find them here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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