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Experimented a little with faces on the few helmetless models in the force. Also got the basing mostly done on the infantry. I also gave waaagh flesh base rims ago and it seems to work and is a slight nod to the goblin green of old. I'm almost disappointed how close they come across to professional soldiers after being worried that the light green would look a bit like a daft little horde of green power rangers. Its only the aggressors and dreadnoughts I need to get started on.


Speaking of the aggressors I'm converting a gravis captain into the sergeant for the aggressor squad so had to sculpt him a new bum.


Progress is still moving along on the librarian. He gets a gold chest eagle because he's a proper officer and yellow would blend in with his robe, I don't like having gold emblems on my basic troops.


Edited by Closet Skeleton

After playtesting I decided to only take my chaos to one of the tournaments I had booked to travel to this month so had to quickly come up with a list to meet a deadline so thought I might as well bring these Invaders to Cardiff. (I'm really just waiting for the Genestealer cult book to come out and it won't be legal at any of the events this month).

Battalion (Imperial Fists) Indomitus Crusaders (-1cp)

Primaris Captain with power fist and plasma pistol, warlord trait Storm of Fire, Reliquary of Galathamor

Primaris Lieutenant with bolt pistol and power sword, warlord trait greyshield (field commander -1cp)

10 Intercessors, stalker bolt rifles, power sword sergeant, veterans (-1 cp)

10 Intercessors, bolt rifles, power fist sergeant, veterans (-1 cp)

10 Intercessors, bolt rifles, chain sword sergeant, veterans (-1 cp)

Primaris ancient standard of the emperor ascendant (-1cp)

6 Aggressors, boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launchers,

6 Inceptors, assault bolters

10 Helblasters, plasma incinerators

Battalion (Valhallans)

Company Commander with boltgun and chainsword

Company Commander with bolt pistol and power sword (-1 cp for blade of conquest)

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

Battalion (Valhallans)

Company Commander with bolt pistol and power fist

Lord Commissar with bolt gun and power axe

Infantry Squad with grenade launcher and autocannon

Infantry Squad with grenade launcher and autocannon

Infantry Squad with grenade launcher and autocannon

That's 7 out of 18 CP spent before the game begins, I was having a laugh (because I'm just waiting around to start practicing with a completely different army). At least I can anti-horde.

My full planned 2k list won't be ready in two weeks when I have to leave for Cardiff but I thought I could get these aggressors done so now I have a deadline to get them started.


Looking good. How do you plan on painting the force sword?

No idea as of this moment. I've been putting off painting my lieutenant's power sword as well.

  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to get the aggressors down okay before the tournament despite Steam tricking me into wasting a few days on a free trial on Sid Meier's Civilisation VI.


I also gave a go at paying the librarian's robe some more attention.


After getting back from the tournament I got the librarian's coat coated.


Edited by Closet Skeleton

Its meant to be leather and I was following a 'eavy metal guide from white dwarf, I only use metalic metalics. The highlights on the less sharp folds look wrong on the photo so I might do something about them but worn and creased dark brown leather does look like that.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
  • 2 weeks later...

I did the ancient's body a long time ago but hadn't got started on the banner until the morning of the tournament. Most of the details were done after getting back.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Did some more work on this guy a while ago but forgot to post it. This is still the sculpt that sold me on the Primaris range.


Leather and cloaks done. Pretty much just metal, faces and those binoculars left before basing.

One of my favorite chapters and you are doing them justice! Love the powerfist on the intercessor sergeant. Keep them coming.

Cheers Primarch83

I'm pretty much off the Primaris train at this point so once I have my Reivers and Dreadnoughts done unless I suddenly get a decent income I'll only pick up the odd model if it really grabs me.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
  • 2 weeks later...

Based the phobos guys, still have to get a force sword done before I leave for the tournament at the weekend.

Finally got the cloak on my captain done.


Edited by Closet Skeleton
  • 3 months later...

Managed to find my Eliminator sergeant's gun where it had slipped onto a bookshelf. Got these guys based a back in may but didn't get round to posting them.


Made a rushed attempt at a force sword at the same time.


Getting these backpacks out of the way for when I start on the rest of my Phobos troops after ETL. They're boring so I'm trying to edge highlight 1-2 per day.


Edited by Closet Skeleton


Kit bashing with some easy to build reivers due to having only 8 Reivers thanks to a conversion project so I needed to buy more to fill out to a 10 man unit and thought I might as well get round the pose duplication in the Shadowspear Infiltrators at the same time.


Got my three colours on them a few days ago, when to the 3 game tournament yesturday.

Defeated Blood Angels and Chaos Knights with Emperor's Children and Slaanesh Daemons allies, got flattened by Custodes tanks who just hid out of range with their 2 damage guns.

Captain Higgins did very well with the Champion of Humanity warlord trait and his power fist. I used to alternate between this trait and Storm of Fire and now that the later doesn't stack with Combat Doctrines and my army is almost entirely assault/rapid fire I don't feel like I'm nerfing myself with the trait I actually want. He managed to finish off both a Wardog and a Rampager very easily.

I'm bringing the same list to a full 5 game tournament next weekend.


Captain with power fist and plasma pistol, armour indomitus -1cp, Champion of Humanity warlord trait

Lieutenant with power sword

10 Intercessors with power fist sergeant and bolt rifles

10 Intercessors with power sword sergeant and stalker bolt rifles, grenade launcher

5 Intercessors with chain sword sergeant and bolt rifles

6 Aggressors with auto boltstorm gauntlets and frag launchers

Primaris Ancient

5 Inceptors with paired assault bolters

3 Eliminators with bolt sniper rifles

10 Helblasters with plasma incinerators


Phobos Librarian with Ghostweave cloak, Hero of Chapter -cp Fire and Fade, Mind raid and Tenebrous Curse

Librarian with might of heroes and psychic fortress

5 Intercessors with chain sword sergeant and bolt rifles, grenade launcher

5 Infiltrators

5 Infiltrators


Painted enough for the tournament tomorrow, will try and get more done today since squad markings will be helpful.


Hadn't put these guys up at all in this thread so here they are.

Edited by Closet Skeleton

Day one at the tournament I got 1 win against Imhotek, triple croissants and triple doomsday arcs, got flattened by Tau with 2 Riptides and 3 broadsides and lost by 1 point against Eldar flyers, managing to shoot down 5/7 with my boltguns thanks to bolter drill and the chapter master stratagem.


So with a win or two today I should be firmly in the middle and possibly the top or second pure marine player.

Edited by Closet Skeleton

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