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One rant to rule them all: author love/hate thread


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Hey gang,


Can we please use this thread as the end-all-be-all place to discuss what each of us loves/hates/hates-because-we-love etc... about each of the major BL authors?


This is a service needing to be done for all of us....I don't know about the rest of you, but I have had to leave this section of B&C for a bit and come back because every :cuss -ing thread devolves into a favorite author pissing match. It's become distracting and counter-productive.


I do it too. Emprah knows I have criticized different authors in these halls, but as a service to ourselves, can we please allow discussions on books and other media be about the actual books and other media?

Imagine if the News and Rumors section here on B&C featured a brand new model (like the Primarisified Marneus Calgar, for example), and rather than discuss the actual model or rules or paintjob or whatnot, all the threads turned into was saying "well, I would have preferred if Bob had sculpted it in the CAD program rather than Bill." It gets exhausting.


We all have some authors we love, and those we not-so-love, and those that we love to :cuss upon (shame on us). That's immutable and every reader's right. Let's use this space to get all those rants and raves out of the way once and for all so that we can use the other threads in this section to better focus on the actual materials and what we liked/disliked about them and NOT about who wrote them etc...


Heck, we can even hyperlink to this thread whenever we want to imply a gripe/shout out to a particular author, but let's just please stop derailing every thread with.


Thank you.



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It’s a lovely idea. And I for one take your point and will endeavour (probably fail) to focus more on the book.


That said I take the opportunity to state that I hope Annandale gets a job in a biscuit factory and has 8 kids, making sure he can never write again.


I also hail the trio of Bowden, French and Wraight and raise Abnett and Thorpe to Valhalla’s glory.

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No, we're not going to have a single topic for ranting about each and every author. That's just a train wreck waiting to happen.


If you'd like, though, we can a topic for each author in which members can discuss their views on said author. So a topic for John French, another for Graham McNeill, another for Nick Kyme, etc.


One note on the discussions, though: if the replies aren't constructive, they'll be removed; and if the topic turns into a cesspool of hate, it will be closed.


Remember, we're here to help each other to enjoy the hobby. Nobody gains better understanding and enjoyment of the hobby from pooping all over the hard work of others. If the critical posts aren't composed with the thought of helping the author to write better (in the opinion of the posting member), then they don't need to be said.

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