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Kill Team - WiP & "NEW" Terrain pieces.


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here's my killteam ,its very WiP at the moment,the shoulders need red and the weapons need black and more orange'y gauss work, the Ldr's weapon will have yellow gauss effects to distinguish him from the others..

the flayed ones are just warriors with necron gubbinz bits on em, the deathmark is a praetorian body with arms cut up from other necrons (that was a pain :dry.:)


more to do ...

cheers, Mithril

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These are great! Don't forget to rim the bases in black or a color that matches the desert feel. 


it'll be black :wink: ,the bases only have Agrellan earth on them so far,going to add some Armageddon dust to parts and some dead grass too and paint it steel legion drab and agrax wash

and tyrant drybrush (the usual GW theme base)


wondering if i do the flayed one's blades as Necron green blades or simply stainless steel with some blood on em?..


cheers, Mithril

Well done. Are your Necrons' faces red to symbolize the blood taken from live sacrifices, and used to ritually cover these faces before battle, when the Necrons were flesh-and-blood creatures?


Why yes ,Yes they were...:happy.:


That is the "Novokh" Way after all :biggrin.:



  • 2 weeks later...

ok before Christmas i had some Killteam games and its awesome fun sooooo... as well as working on the team i started putting together some terrain for my mate's and i to play on

here is the basic layout below of what im building and as i paint it up i'll post pics of those too ...

here is the basic layout of what i have-


and seperate parts ...


and work on the first piece is underway :happy.: reactor sides (averland sunset and yriel yellow) and walkways/top colour chosen (thunderhawk blue)


More definitely soon :wink: (i'm actually enjoying painting this stuff up)

Cheers, Mithril

finished the other reactor sides,except for a small amount of rust or grime type weathering the panels are done.:happy.:

got to do the metal and pipes on the inside's now then onto the walkways... i may actually finish something this year ... :biggrin.: ...:laugh.:


Cheers, Mithril

 furnace -  

Base -  Averland sunset 

All over stippling - Yriel Yellow

Wash - Lamenters Glaze all over

Wash - Casandora yellow only in recesses and some edges and around rivets, sometimes i dab some here n there on plates

wash - Agrax earthshade recesses and rivets only



1. Chardon Granite with sponge  (thank you to my mate who still had a bottle of that glorious colour in his paint rack :wub:

* must test out new GW colour combo's to replicate the colour of chardon granite!

++EDIT++ it seems that a 1/1/1 mix of Skavenblight dinge, Stormvermin Fur and Dawnstone is the "NEW" Chardon Granite 

2. then i sponged on leadbelcher sparingly   


thats it, seems long but it's super fast :thumbsup:  except for glaze and wash drying times...but that's what red dead redemption 2 is for :tongue.:


cheers, Mithril


p.s. tyriks - the year has ended,you can get rid of your oathbreaker signature :sweat:


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