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Indomitus Crusaders - call to action, please read!


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Hi guys


So I have known this for a week or so, but thought I would hold off til the book is actually out in the wild.


You may be familiar with the “Indomitus Crusaders” detachment that is in the new Vigilus Defiant book. Basically, it’s a special detachment that allows you to represent Veteran Primaris forces of the indomitus crusade. It’s quite good, and very, very fluffy! Especially for those of us that have read Devestation of Baal!


Unfortunately, RAW, we can’t use it right now...


This is because it states that you can use it on a “Space Marines Detachment”. These is no keyword here, usually it would be something like, “pick an <Adeptus Astartes> detachment, but it’s not... This makes the most obvious interpretation then that you can only use it on a detachment chosen from the “Codex: Space Marines”. This in itself is problematic when you get into mixed Astartes soup detachments, but I digress...


The key thing here is that it is at the very least unclear, (and RAW most likely illegal) if we can use it on Blood Angels (or DA, SW for that matter), which I think is a terrible shame.


I built my Primaris Blood Angels for with precisely that theme in mind, and we know from books like Dark Imperium, and Devestation of Baal, that the Blood Angels geneseed was present among the forces of the Grey Shields and Unnumbers Sons that made up the forces of the crusade.


Call To Action


Therefore I propose that anyone else who cares about this, (or who just wants to help!) send a short email (right now!) to 40kfaq@gwplc.com, highlighting how unclear the wording is on the rules of this detachment, and more importantly, how unthematic and at odds with the narrative it is!


Cheers, and thanks for chipping in!

I had asked about this on facebook and they said it would be passed on, but happy to email too!

Email sent, I described my position as a player that bought into primaris heavily, i mentioned that at the vigilus weekender the designer in the seminar said the intent was for it to be available to all space marine chapters, not just codex space marines, i mentioned that from a lore perspective they were all included and also that my own force has always been themed around being the force that came to provide support at the end of devastation of baal.


I wouldn't bet on it getting any kind of official clarification, but we can hope.

I just fought orcs with 150 attacks on a blob of boys, and free rerolls to charge.


I'm thinking there are some other issues we should all mail as well. Just saying.


As far as the detachment stuff, I'll email that as well. Good catch.

Intersting, that does actually clarify it concretely. While not the answer I wanted, it does remove ambiguity!


That said, narratively, blood angels clearly should be able to use this detachment, so from that perspective we still have a credible position.

Due to the wording of the detachments rules, only codex space marines should use it.


One of the strategems allow you to change chapter tactics, which isn't applicable for blood Angels. (or wolves, deathwatch etc..).


Thematically I get where your coming from.

I mean, the grey shield hardly makes it incompatible with BA rules wise. It’s not like having a second book with you is anything out of the ordinary at thier point.


Granting a random chapter tactic for a turn is not breaking the game in combination with red thirst any more than it is with any other tactic.


Given the clarification of “Space Marine Detachment” kindly provided above, I think it’s pretty unlikely we get access to this. That said, it makes me sad as these specialist detachments were supposed to be narratively driven first and foremost, and not offering this to BA is really unfortunate given our newest background, and what I am sure a lot of us had in our minds eye with recent projects.

RIP Emperor's Spears chapter tactics that were given away with the Ltd Edition xD


Also, done - emailed.

To be fair we never got reinforcements from the crusade, we were given the technology through a custodes entourage. So it doesn't make sense from a fluff perspective. However, many of tr primaris are 100s of years old now.

The more you cry out to have the same as every other space marine army, the more you risk becoming "just another red coloured space marine chapter." Ask the Black Templars fans how that felt.


I can wait for something unique.

That's a very narrow view on it.


People aren't clammoring for the same as other marines (although I've been of the view that all marines should be in one book, wolves and all), people are suggesting that something that should be available to all marines (DA and Wolves alike) should be available. Especially as the intent and lore says all marines.


I don't see anyone brgrudging the other detachments, only the one that should have been available to everyone.

BH has it right. I'm okay with all marines being in the same book. With variation available based on each specific entry being in their own section.


The Codex:Space Marines needs a makeover and I'm sure it will be better for BTs in the near future.


But things that make sense for everyone are things we are petitioning for. Imperial space marine, power swords on BA's intercessors, storm talons, etc. Things that are marketed towards a player base, or that are in the lore should be available to those adeptus astartes factions.

I'm not. The vanilla Codex is already the biggest Codex of them all even without all the chapter specific units and other chapter specific stuff. Marines are simply too fleshed out to treat them the same way as other factions.

I'm not. The vanilla Codex is already the biggest Codex of them all even without all the chapter specific units and other chapter specific stuff. Marines are simply too fleshed out to treat them the same way as other factions.

You hardly even play astartes. :P


Besides rolling all of the space marines into one book would only be about 30 pages. It wouldn't change anything, and would make it easier to streamline the game.


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